Department of Pharmacy, LBYP College Of D.Pharmacy, Pathri, India.
The aim of this review project is to represent the concise review on the Functional and Pharmacognostic role of Aloe including their general introduction, history. Morphology of plant etc. Moreover, in this project we aim to give the brief information about Macroscopic and Microscopic characteristics of Aloe, in addition to this, their chemical constituents, specific chemical test, traditional uses of Aloe, and marketed formulations. However, our intention is to update the pharmacological current activity of Aloe and their cosmetic application. The main objective of the present study of morphological, functional, constitutional, Nature of Aloe. Identify the properties of Aloe. Different marketed Preparation of Aloe, Medicinal uses of Aloe mainly used in the Cosmetics. Herbal use of Aloe
Sandip Gorade*, Sonali Kalam, Dr. Gajanan Sanap, Review Article On Medicinal Plant Aloe, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624.