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Highlights of Current Issue 2025 | Vol 03 | Issue 02

Yogesh Rabadiya, Jignasha Dabhi, Sanjay Chauhan, ...

An Overview of Regulatory Management Software for ...

The abstract presents an in-depth look at software solutions developed specifically for managing the Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) in the pharmaceutical and...

Vidyashri Kamble, Bhalchandra Habade, Rupali Bendgude ,...

Synthesis and Antioxidant Study Of 4-(1- Benzofura...

Salicylaldehyde upon treatment with bromoacetone in presence of anhydrous potassium carbonate give 2-acetylbenzofuran. (III) This 2-acetylbenzzofuran after bromination gi...

Ankit Sharma, Sahil Bhatia, Rahul Kumar, Tanish, Suraj ...

A Review on Rabies Virus and its Treatment Approac...

Rabies is a zoonotic, fatal and progressive neurological infection caused by rabies virus of the genus Lyssavirus and family Rhabdoviridae. It affects all warm-blooded an...

Samrin Sheikh , Nikita Bhandakkar , Pallavi Khairkar , ...

Pharmacological and Phytochemical Profile of Bryop...

Bryophyllum pinnatum, commonly known as the Air Plant or Life Plant, is a succulent species exhibiting remarkable resilience and adaptability. Native to tropical Africa, ...

Yadnyesha Dahake, Rajashree Thakre, Shantanu Rewatkar, ...

Advancements in Autoimmune Disease Treatment: From...

Autoimmune diseases encompass a range of disorders where the immune system erroneously attacks the body's own tissues, leading to persistent inflammation and organ damage...

Shubham Kamble, Monika Kherade, Bhagyashree Biswas, Pri...

Insights into Pharmaceutical Medical Coding in Cli...

The increasing complexity of medical terminology in clinical trials necessitates the use of standardized medical coding systems to ensure uniformity in data interpretatio...

Deshoju Srinu, B. Jainendra Kumar, ...

A Review on Gas Chromatography: Techniques, Method...

Gas chromatography (GC) is a powerful analytical technique used for the separation, identification, and quantification of volatile and semi-volatile compounds. This revie...

Komal Bidve, Ekhande Ashvini Keru, Mhaske. P. B., ...

A Review on Nutmeg and Baniyan Tree Buds...

This paper examines the economic, ecological, and botanical relevance of two species that are essential to their respective ecosystems: banyan trees (Ficus benghalensis) ...

S. Nivetha, S. M. Deena, J. Hari Haran, R. Bharathi, S....

Formulation And Evaluation of Novel Herbal Antiagi...

Skin aging is a multifaceted biological process influenced by internal and external factors, including UV exposure, pollution, and lifestyle choices. The demand for safe,...

shreeya sanjay shinde, Rushikesh Gajanan Deshmukh, J. S...

The Therapeutic Role of Aloe Barbadensis Miller Le...

Aloe barbadensis Miller is commonly named “Korphad” in Marathi. It is native to Africa and the eastern European continents and spread almost worldwide. The present st...

Muskare Mayuri , Pandhare Jayashri, Majge Shashank , Pa...

The Inhalable Dry Powder Nano- Formulation Advanci...

Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs), including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), pneumonia, bronchitis, and lung infections, pose major global health challeng...

Malay Besra, Mir Irfan Soyel, Biplab Kumar Chakra, Nila...

Preparation and Evaluation of a High-Efficacious H...

The recent study was to investigate the synergistic activity of Chitosan, Alum, and PVA cross-linked haemostatic film to stop bleeding during the war and other accidental...

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