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The development of innovative medicine delivery methods is currently generating renewed interest. These innovative drug delivery technologies also include vesicular drug delivery systems. The permeability of the skin, or TDDS, is extremely impermeable to macromolecules and hydrophilic medicines but permeable to small molecules and lipophilic medications. Recent methods have led to the creation of two vesicular carriers: ethosomes and transferosomes, which are incredibly elastic lipid-based vesicles. Recently developed transferosomes are able to deliver both high and low molecular weight medications transdermally. This has a number of potential benefits over conventional methods, including avoiding first pass metabolism, extending activity predictability, limiting negative side effects, and utilizing medicines with short half-lives.


Transferosomes, Novel Drug Delivery System, Targeted drug delivery, transdermal route


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Shreya Lokhande
Corresponding author

Gadge Nagar Amravti (Maharashtra)444601.

Monika Jadhao

Gadge Nagar Amravti (Maharashtra)444601.

Shreya Lokhande*, Monika Jadhao, Transferosomes: A Novel Approach To Drug Delivery, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 9, 279-287.

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