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  • Nephroprotective and Anti Inflammatory Activity of Combination of Punica Granatum Fruit Peel And Tectona Grandis Bark

  • 1Department of pharmacology, Mansarovar Global University, Bilkisganj, Dist. Sehore, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India 466001.
    2Department of pharmacology, Mansarovar Global University, Bilkisganj, Dist. Sehore, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India 466001
    3Department of pharmaceutical chemistry, Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel, Siddipet, Telangana, India-502312 
    4Department of pharmaceutical chemistry Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel, Siddipet, Telangana, India-502312
    5Department of pharmacology, Jyothismathi intitute of pharmaceutical sciences, Ramakrishna colony, thimmapur, karimnagar, Telanagana, india-505481
    6Department of pharmaceutical chemistry, CMR college of pharmacy. Kandla koya, Hyderabad, Telangana, india-501401.


Herbal medication in addition referred to as herbal treatment or phytoconstuients refers to employ a plant’s seed, berries, roots, leaves, bark or flowers for healthful functions. The procedure of herbs to treat a variety of different ailments is universal and exists in every human culture on Earth. The plants Punica granatum and Tectona grandis is important medicinally and claimed to be helpful in the treatment of different ailments like diabetes, inflammations, eruptions and bites of poisonous animals etc., and contains different classes of compounds of pharmacological importance such as, alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, flavonoids and triterpines and have been screen biologically for Nephroprotective and anti-inflammatory actions.


Phytomedicine, Punica granatum, Tectona grandis, Diabetes, Nephroprotective and anti-inflammatory actions


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Dr. Santhosh Suddagoni
Corresponding author

Department of pharmacology, Mansarovar Global University, Bilkisganj, Dist. Sehore, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India 466001

Dr. kapil malviya

Department of pharmacology, Mansarovar Global University, Bilkisganj, Dist. Sehore, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India 466001

Dr. Santikari Sesha Phanindra

Department of pharmaceutical chemistry, Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel, Siddipet, Telangana, India-502312

Dr. M. Venkata Ramana

Department of pharmaceutical chemistry Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel, Siddipet, Telangana, India-502312

Bodige Divya

Department of pharmacology, Jyothismathi intitute of pharmaceutical sciences, Ramakrishna colony, thimmapur, karimnagar, Telanagana, india-505481

Dr. Santhosh Suddagoni*, Dr. kapil malviya, Dr. Santikari Sesha Phanindra, Dr. M. Venkata Ramana, Bodige Divya, Dr. Ganesh Akula, Nephroprotective and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Combination of Punica Granatum (Fruit Peel) And Tectona Grandis (Bark), Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 6, 86-98.

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