1,2,3Department of Pharmacy Practice, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Post Farangipette, Mangalore-574143, Karnataka, India
Background: Melatonin as a sleep aid continues to be the subject of research studies worldwide. Electric light, shift work continues to impact sleep. The invention of artificial light allowed people to make use of the evening after the sun set. This have brought about changes in our sleep schedule pushing bed time even later, suffers from circadian rhythm disturbances. Methods: A small online survey was carried out to analyse life style of public, which is a major factor for decrease in melatonin’s secretion. A Structured questionnaire was prepared and sent via online, collection of basic lifestyle practiced by people was the main aim. Results: A total of 100 people participated in the study of which 56% were female. Analysing their education status, 72% population have degree level of education, 43% of people said they have difficulty in sleeping and have a habit of having 5 cups of coffee per day (33%). Observing sleep pattern during the night, about 40% of people use artificial light and 60% preferred darkness. 77% of people have a habit of skipping night sleep at least 1 day/week, <3>3 times/week (9%). While analysing frequency of nocturnal waking, 49% agreed once, 19% twice, 7% thrice and 25% selected none. Timing of going to bed was varied, 35% sleep at 12pm, 31% late night, only 5% have a habit of going bed early at 8pm and 29% at 10pm. Conclusion: Sleep has a major impact on overall health and wellbeing. Our Study reveals more number of individuals sleep at 12pm or skip sleep as well as use artificial light which reduces melatonin production leading to changes in the body clock. For better and improved health, it is recommendable to sleep around 10pm to 5am in dark room daily.
Blessy Fernandes*, Sathish S., Ramakrishna Shabaraya A., Melatonin’s Impact on Sleep: A Survey-Based analysis, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 10, 219-223. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10040547