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Carica papaya is a plant which is widely used in the herbal industry and commonly known as papaya or paw paw. The papaya is a small branch tree usually with the single stem growing from 5 to 10 m tall the leaves are large 52 70 cm in the diameter. This plant contain numerous health benefit included in the cosmetics or in the herbal industry. Write papaya fruit has many medicinal uses it is a digestive aid, stomachic and carminative, diuretic and expectorant. It applications to combat dysentery and chronic diarrhoea, wound of the urinary track ringworm and skin diseases have also cured. Papaya skin pulp and seeds contain variety of phytochemicals including keratinoids and polyphenols as well isothiocyanide with skin and pull please that increase during ripening. In the traditional medicine papaya leaves has been believed useful as a treatment for malaria and aborficient ,as purgative or smoke to relieve asthma. Leaves of papaya exhibited the strongest antioxidant activity the leaves had 5.58 times higher antioxidant activity than ripe pulp. The leaves of papaya plant are well known to have papain, cystatin, chymopapain, tocopherol, phenolic acids, cyanogenic glucosides, glucosinolates, and vitamin C as main phytochemicals. The present study was conducted to evaluate the anti-oxidants and immuno stimulant effect of the carica-papaya fruit aqueous extract. the safety of papaya leaf consumption is also emphasized in the context of their application in the healthcare sector. This project usually studied about the antioxidant properties of the papaya leaves. The manufacturing of the papaya tea tablet from the leaves are done


Carica papaya, papaya tree, Tea Tablet



A plant or plant part utilized for flavour, aroma, or medicinal purposes is called a herb. Herbal supplements are one category of nutritional aids. They can be purchased as fresh or dried plants, tablets, capsules, powders, teas, and extracts. Herbal remedies are used by people in an effort to preserve or enhance their health.


    Fig no. 1 Carica Papaya

MORPHOLOGY :                        

Carica-papaya is a herbaceous succulent plant popularly known as pawpaw, and belongs to the Caricaceae family. The average height is about 5 to 10 m. The leaves of the plant are spirally arranged up to the top stem. Normally, the leaves are big with oval shape with about 20–28 in. diameter. All parts of the plant contain white latex. All parts of papaya have medicinal values and have been used traditionally for the treatment number of diseases globally. The leaves are spirally arranged in a terminal cluster, simple, on petioles 30-70 cm long.

  • HEIGHT : 10-15 feet
  • SPREAD :  5-7  feet
  • PLANT GROWTH : upright
  • GROWTH RATE : fast
  • LEAF COLOR : green
  • LEAF ARRANGEMENT : alternate
  • LEAF SHAPE : star shape
  • LEAF BLADE LENGTH : 18-36 inches

TABLE 01:  Botanical Classification on plant

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C. papaya is tremendously efficient in different types of ailments cure due to availability of wide varieties of phytoconstituents in almost all parts of plant. Antioxidant activity Free radical causes many chronic health problems. Antioxidants can help us by preventing the formation of free radicals. Symptoms associated with dengue fever.




TABLE 02 : Phyto-chemical constituents in plant

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HERBAL TABLETS :                      

 Herbal teas are widely represented in the traditional medicine of various cultures, due to their health-promoting activities that include anticancer, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Oral solid dosage forms are administered for attaining a local therapeutic effect in the mouth, throat and digestive tract or for a systemic effect in the body after oral or gastrointestinal absorption. Herbal medicines are those with active ingredients made from plant parts, such as leaves, roots or flowers. But being "natural" doesn't necessarily mean they're safe for you to take.


Natural-origin excipients are of particular interest to us for reasons of reliability and avoid reliance on fossil-derived materials. Excipients are mainly classified according to their application and function in the drug products: -


Binders are added to the tablet formulation to impart plasticity as well as increases inter-particulate bonding strength in the tablet.


These are flavouring agents that are derived from natural sources such as plants, fruits, and vegetables.


The traditional sweetening agent used in the food industry is sucrose, usually produced from sugar beet and sugar cane.  Liquorice root, also known as sweet root, is known mostly for its use as a sweetener in candies and beverages.


Diluents and fillers are a ubiquitous class of materials in formulated products, including pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, cosmetics and industrial goods. Fillers, also known as bulking agents or excipients, are inert substances added to pharmaceutical formulations to increase the bulk or volume of the final product.


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  • The preparation tea tablet from carrica papaya was the study’s primary goal.
  • We us the direct compression method by wet granulation of papaya leaf powder with some excipients.
  • The tea flavoured formulation tablets provide benefits of papaya with instant tea for various treatment purpose. Formulating the tablet form of papaya extract provide the proper proportion of dosage and easy and fascinate the formulation for use.
  • The leaves of papaya contains papain, cystatin, chymopapain, tocopherol, phenolic acids, cyanogenic glucosides, glucosinolates, and vitamin C as main phytochemicals.


Fig.03  Papaya tea


Wet  granulation: 

Wet granulation is a process of using a liquid binder to lightly agglomerate the powder mixture. The amount of liquid required to be properly adjusted, as over-wetting will cause the granules to be too hard and under-wetting will cause them to be too soft and friable.

Dry granulation :

Dry granulation requires drugs or excipients with cohesive properties. Dry granulation is simpler than wet granulation, therefore the cost is reduced.

Direct compression: 

The direct compression method is by far the most effective technique of tablet manufacturing. This technique is least tedious and hence is preferred over the other techniques.

Table 04 : Steps Of Tablet Manufacturing


            Screenshot 2024-07-27 213833.png



  • Appearance
  • Size and Shape
  • Organoleptic properties
  • Uniformity of thickness
  • Hardness
  • Friability
  •  Wetting time






    Fig.05  Leaf image


  1. Pawpaw
  2. Papita
  3. Carica papaya
  4. Tree melon


Carica papaya


Leaves obtained from herbaceous plant of carica papaya.



Uses : 

  1. antimalarial
  2. antibacterial
  3. Immunobooster anti-oxidant
  4. improve digestion
  5. aids in cancer treatment






Collection of plant specimen:

The plant of carica papaya specimen collected and authenticate. Plant authentication is the process of identifying a plant species. This is important in research, because it helps to ensure that experiments are conducted using the correct plant species.             


Fig.11 Authentication sample


The fresh green leaves of carica papaya were collected. Then washed with water and cut in pieces. Further dried in sun rays and make sure they are completely dried. The leaves must be fresh and dark green in colour not yellow and dried.



    Fig.12 leaves collection and cutting


The dried collected leaves were converted into fine smooth powder. With the help of mortar and pestle. papaya leaves powder in light olive-green colour with soft and fine clay like texture.



    Fig.13 Fine powder



Accurately weighing all the ingredients.


  1. Mixing all the ingredients in proper proportion in mortar and pestle. Add papaya powder + liquorice + lemon grass powder in mortar and pestle and mix it well.
  2. Add starch in water and make solution. Add the solution in all powder mixture and make moist powder form. With the help of wet starch solution, the binding of tablet will be proper. Set the power well mixed and dry.
  3. The dried granulated powder form is pass through sieve(no:60) giving fine texture for punching of tablet.


Cleaning tablet punching machine.

Filling the formulation powder into cavity(two punches and a die).Punches must be pressed together with great force to fuse the material together. Finally, tablet is formed by the combined pressing action of two punches and a die.



    Fig.14  Filling and punching


    Fig.15 Compressed Tablet


    Fig.16 Tea


All following ingredients are in mg quantity for 350mg of each tablet.


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Papaya Leaves Tea Tablets :

The  tea tablets prepared from the papaya leaves is a herbal formulation. Which is made up from the fresh green leaves of carica papaya. It is a solid dosage form containing the papaya as an API and other beneficial excipients like lemongrass and liquorice. Rice starch is used as a binding agent with helps to rice starch is used as a binding agent in formulation. Wet granulation technique is used to formulate the tablets with the help of direct compression. Papaya is a pharmacologically active compound with antioxidant properties. This formulation gives the new way to consume the papaya leaves with flavours and daily tea ways.

The expense used in a formulation also give the beneficial therapeutic results like from the lemongrass and liquorice. Evolution of tablets such as hardness test, dissolution, friability and physical characteristics. Purpose of this formulation study is to give the benefits of papaya in the form of tablets which are consumed as a daily tea with some flavour. Papaya leaf teas and extracts are often used as an alternative therapy to elevated uncomfortable digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating and heatburn with it in a cancer treatment and hair growth. The study was done to formulated tablets containing the papaya leaf used as tea.


This work concludes that the preparation of tea tablets from the papaya provides the beneficial . The evolution test and the formulation study provide the significance of therapeutic value. Through our preparation process which successfully encapsulated the beneficial compounds of papaya into the convenient tablet form. Additionally, the initial observation suggests the potential digestive health benefits due to the presence of papain enzyme. Over all our formulation make the easy way to consume the papaya leaves, rather than  traditional ways of taking a bitter juice of papaya leaves, enhancing the test of formulation with the help of excipients and giving the touch of tea flavour with the help of lemongrass. The consumption of our formulation is like drinking daily tea with benefits. Papaya leaf tea is rapidly gaining prominence in a world of nutrition to pack incredible health benefits. Papaya leaf herbal tea contains large amounts of vitamins A, C, E, K and B and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium magnesium and iron. Papaya leaf tea is also rich in protein and amylase. They help break down proteins, carbohydrates and minerals helping digestion. Its high anti-inflammatory properties also reduce inflammation of the stomach. Our studied conclude the preparation, evaluation and formulation of a slightly novel oral dosage form with some modern ways to intake the drug.


  1. Kunle, Folashade O., Omoregie H. and Ahmadu, Egharevba, Ochogu P., Standardization of herbal medicines - A review, International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, March 2012, Vol. 4(3), 101-112
  2. Ayurvedic Formulary of India, Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Government of India. The Controller of Publications: New Delhi; 2001.
  3. The Wealth of India. A dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products- raw materials publications and information, Directorate Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India; 1962; pp: 207-215.
  4. Manwar JV, Mahadik KR, Paradkar AR, Takle SP, Sathiyanarayanan L, Patil SV. Determination of withanolides from the roots and herbal formulation of Withania somnifera by HPLC using DAD and ELSD detector. Der Pharmacia Sinica. 2012; 3:41–46
  5. Manwar J, Mahadik K, Paradkar A, Patil S, Sathiyanarayanan L, Manmode R. Gas chromatography method for the determination of non-ethanol volatile compounds in herbal formulation. International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2013; 3(1):12-17.
  6. Nugroho A, Heryani H, SueChoi J, Park H. Identification and quantification of flavonoids in Carica papaya leaf and peroxynitrite scavenging activity. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2017; 7(3):208–213.
  7. Aikpokpodion, P.O. Assessment of genetic diversity in horticultural and morphological traits among papaya (Carica papaya) accessions in Nigeria, 2012, Fruits 67:173–187.
  8. Yogiraj VA, Goyal PK, Carica papaya Linn: An Overview. International journal of Herbal Medicine 2014; 2(5):01- 08.
  9. Oloyede O. Chemical Profile of Unripe Pulp of Carica papaya. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition.2005; 4(6):379-381.
  10. Mohammad AH, Sabtu Hitam. Pharmacological and toxicological activities of the extracts of papaya leaves used traditionally for the treatment of diarrhoea. Journal of King Saud University- Science.2020; 32:962–969.
  11. Jaime A, et al. Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Biology and Biotechnology. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology. 2007; 1(1):47-73.
  12. Gunde M, Amnerkar N, Nutritional, medicinal and pharmacological properties of papaya (Carica papaya linn.): A review. Journal of Innovation in pharmaceuticals and biological science. 2016; 3(1):162-169.
  13. T. Vij and Y. Prashar, “A review on medicinal properties of Carica papaya Linn,” Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–6, 2015.
  14. S. P. Singh, S. Kumar, S. V. Mathan et al., “Therapeutic application of Carica papaya leaf extract in the management of human diseases,” DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 735–744, 2020..
  15. S. L. C. A. Dharmarathna, S. Wickramasinghe, R. N. Waduge, R. P. V. J. Rajapakse, and S. A. M. Kularatne, “Does Carica papaya leaf-extract increase the platelet count? An experimental study in a murine model,” Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 720–724, 2013.
  16. C. Mantok, Multiple usages of green papaya in healing at taogarden, Tao Garden Health spa & Resort, Thailand, 2015.
  17. J. L. McLaughlin, “Paw paw and cancer: annonaceous acetogenins from discovery to commercial products,” Journal of Natural Products, vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 1311–1321, 2008.
  18. Sani MA, Bakar J, Rahman RA, Abas F. Effects of coated capillary column, derivatization, and temperature programming on the identification of Carica papaya seed extract composition using GC/MS analysis. Journal of Analysis and Testing 2020; 4(1):23–34.
  19. Sharma SC, ZnO nano-flowers from Carica papaya milk: degradation of alizarin red-S dye and antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Optik. 2016; 127(16):6498–6512.
  20. Singh, S.P, Kumar, S, Mathan, S.V, Tomar, M.S, Singh, R.K, Verma, P.K, Kumar, A,Kumar, S, Singh, R.P, Acharya, A, 2020. Therapeutic application of Carica papaya leaf extract in the management of human diseases. DARU J. Pharm. Sci.
  21. Badukale NA, et al. Phytochemistry, pharmacology and botanical aspects of Madhuca indica: A review. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2021; 10(2): 1280-1286.
  22. Santana LF, et al. Nutraceutical Potential of Carica papaya in Metabolic Syndrome. Nutrients. 2019 Jul 16;11(7):1608. doi: 10.3390/nu11071608.
  23. David Jones, “Pharmaceutics- Dosages form and Design” London: RPS Publishing 2008
  24. Royce A, Ruegger C, Mecadon M, Karnachi A, and Valazza S, “Scale-up of the compaction and tableting Process”, P’ceutical Process Scale up, IInd Edition. 371-408 (2006).
  25. Kottke MK and Edward M. Rudnic, “Tablet Dosage forms” Morden Pharmaceutics, Fourth Edition, Revised & Expended, New York: 2002.
  26. Leal BJ. inventor. Leslie Salt Company; assignee. Method of making a compressed tablet. US Patent: US 3,042,531. 1962 Jul 3.
  27. Richa Sood et al. “Immediate Release Antihypertensive Valsartan oral tablet: A review, Jour. of Sci. Res. in Phar. 2012, 1(2), 20-26.
  28. Sharma SD, Vellanki JMR, Hakim KI, Singh RK Primitive and current cultivars of rice in Assam- a rich source of valuable genes. Current Science 1971; 40:126–128
  29. Juliano BO, Villareal CP Grain quality evaluation of world rice. IRRI 1993, Philippines.
  30. Bhattacharya A, Rajak P, Singh A, Sharma N, Kataki MS Assam Bora Rice Starch as Directly Compressible Filler- Binder. International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology 2010; 2(2): 245-254.
  31. Kunle, Folashade O., Omoregie H. and Ahmadu, Egharevba, Ochogu P., Standardization of herbal medicines - A review, International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, March 2012, Vol. 4(3), 101-112
  32. Ayurvedic Formulary of India, Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Government of India. The Controller of Publications: New Delhi; 2001.
  33. The Wealth of India. A dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products- raw materials publications and information, Directorate Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India; 1962; pp: 207-215.
  34. Manwar JV, Mahadik KR, Paradkar AR, Takle SP, Sathiyanarayanan L, Patil SV. Determination of withanolides from the roots and herbal formulation of Withania somnifera by HPLC using DAD and ELSD detector. Der Pharmacia Sinica. 2012; 3:41–46
  35. Manwar J, Mahadik K, Paradkar A, Patil S, Sathiyanarayanan L, Manmode R. Gas chromatography method for the determination of non-ethanol volatile compounds in herbal formulation. International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2013; 3(1):12-17.
  36. Nugroho A, Heryani H, SueChoi J, Park H. Identification and quantification of flavonoids in Carica papaya leaf and peroxynitrite scavenging activity. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2017; 7(3):208–213.
  37. Aikpokpodion, P.O. Assessment of genetic diversity in horticultural and morphological traits among papaya (Carica papaya) accessions in Nigeria, 2012, Fruits 67:173–187.
  38. Yogiraj VA, Goyal PK, Carica papaya Linn: An Overview. International journal of Herbal Medicine 2014; 2(5):01- 08.
  39. Oloyede O. Chemical Profile of Unripe Pulp of Carica papaya. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition.2005; 4(6):379-381.
  40. Mohammad AH, Sabtu Hitam. Pharmacological and toxicological activities of the extracts of papaya leaves used traditionally for the treatment of diarrhoea. Journal of King Saud University- Science.2020; 32:962–969.
  41. Jaime A, et al. Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Biology and Biotechnology. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology. 2007; 1(1):47-73.
  42. Gunde M, Amnerkar N, Nutritional, medicinal and pharmacological properties of papaya (Carica papaya linn.): A review. Journal of Innovation in pharmaceuticals and biological science. 2016; 3(1):162-169.
  43. T. Vij and Y. Prashar, “A review on medicinal properties of Carica papaya Linn,” Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–6, 2015.
  44. S. P. Singh, S. Kumar, S. V. Mathan et al., “Therapeutic application of Carica papaya leaf extract in the management of human diseases,” DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 735–744, 2020..
  45. S. L. C. A. Dharmarathna, S. Wickramasinghe, R. N. Waduge, R. P. V. J. Rajapakse, and S. A. M. Kularatne, “Does Carica papaya leaf-extract increase the platelet count? An experimental study in a murine model,” Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 720–724, 2013.
  46. C. Mantok, Multiple usages of green papaya in healing at taogarden, Tao Garden Health spa & Resort, Thailand, 2015.
  47. J. L. McLaughlin, “Paw paw and cancer: annonaceous acetogenins from discovery to commercial products,” Journal of Natural Products, vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 1311–1321, 2008.
  48. Sani MA, Bakar J, Rahman RA, Abas F. Effects of coated capillary column, derivatization, and temperature programming on the identification of Carica papaya seed extract composition using GC/MS analysis. Journal of Analysis and Testing 2020; 4(1):23–34.
  49. Sharma SC, ZnO nano-flowers from Carica papaya milk: degradation of alizarin red-S dye and antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Optik. 2016; 127(16):6498–6512.
  50. Singh, S.P, Kumar, S, Mathan, S.V, Tomar, M.S, Singh, R.K, Verma, P.K, Kumar, A,Kumar, S, Singh, R.P, Acharya, A, 2020. Therapeutic application of Carica papaya leaf extract in the management of human diseases. DARU J. Pharm. Sci.
  51. Badukale NA, et al. Phytochemistry, pharmacology and botanical aspects of Madhuca indica: A review. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2021; 10(2): 1280-1286.
  52. Santana LF, et al. Nutraceutical Potential of Carica papaya in Metabolic Syndrome. Nutrients. 2019 Jul 16;11(7):1608. doi: 10.3390/nu11071608.
  53. David Jones, “Pharmaceutics- Dosages form and Design” London: RPS Publishing 2008
  54. Royce A, Ruegger C, Mecadon M, Karnachi A, and Valazza S, “Scale-up of the compaction and tableting Process”, P’ceutical Process Scale up, IInd Edition. 371-408 (2006).
  55. Kottke MK and Edward M. Rudnic, “Tablet Dosage forms” Morden Pharmaceutics, Fourth Edition, Revised & Expended, New York: 2002.
  56. Leal BJ. inventor. Leslie Salt Company; assignee. Method of making a compressed tablet. US Patent: US 3,042,531. 1962 Jul 3.
  57. Richa Sood et al. “Immediate Release Antihypertensive Valsartan oral tablet: A review, Jour. of Sci. Res. in Phar. 2012, 1(2), 20-26.
  58. Sharma SD, Vellanki JMR, Hakim KI, Singh RK Primitive and current cultivars of rice in Assam- a rich source of valuable genes. Current Science 1971; 40:126–128
  59. Juliano BO, Villareal CP Grain quality evaluation of world rice. IRRI 1993, Philippines.
  60. Bhattacharya A, Rajak P, Singh A, Sharma N, Kataki MS Assam Bora Rice Starch as Directly Compressible Filler- Binder. International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology 2010; 2(2): 245-254.
  61. Kunle, Folashade O., Omoregie H. and Ahmadu, Egharevba, Ochogu P., Standardization of herbal medicines - A review, International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, March 2012, Vol. 4(3), 101-112
  62. Ayurvedic Formulary of India, Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Government of India. The Controller of Publications: New Delhi; 2001.
  63. The Wealth of India. A dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products- raw materials publications and information, Directorate Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India; 1962; pp: 207-215.
  64. Manwar JV, Mahadik KR, Paradkar AR, Takle SP, Sathiyanarayanan L, Patil SV. Determination of withanolides from the roots and herbal formulation of Withania somnifera by HPLC using DAD and ELSD detector. Der Pharmacia Sinica. 2012; 3:41–46
  65. Manwar J, Mahadik K, Paradkar A, Patil S, Sathiyanarayanan L, Manmode R. Gas chromatography method for the determination of non-ethanol volatile compounds in herbal formulation. International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2013; 3(1):12-17.
  66. Nugroho A, Heryani H, SueChoi J, Park H. Identification and quantification of flavonoids in Carica papaya leaf and peroxynitrite scavenging activity. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2017; 7(3):208–213.
  67. Aikpokpodion, P.O. Assessment of genetic diversity in horticultural and morphological traits among papaya (Carica papaya) accessions in Nigeria, 2012, Fruits 67:173–187.
  68. Yogiraj VA, Goyal PK, Carica papaya Linn: An Overview. International journal of Herbal Medicine 2014; 2(5):01- 08.
  69. Oloyede O. Chemical Profile of Unripe Pulp of Carica papaya. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition.2005; 4(6):379-381.
  70. Mohammad AH, Sabtu Hitam. Pharmacological and toxicological activities of the extracts of papaya leaves used traditionally for the treatment of diarrhoea. Journal of King Saud University- Science.2020; 32:962–969.
  71. Jaime A, et al. Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Biology and Biotechnology. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology. 2007; 1(1):47-73.
  72. Gunde M, Amnerkar N, Nutritional, medicinal and pharmacological properties of papaya (Carica papaya linn.): A review. Journal of Innovation in pharmaceuticals and biological science. 2016; 3(1):162-169.
  73. T. Vij and Y. Prashar, “A review on medicinal properties of Carica papaya Linn,” Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–6, 2015.
  74. S. P. Singh, S. Kumar, S. V. Mathan et al., “Therapeutic application of Carica papaya leaf extract in the management of human diseases,” DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 735–744, 2020..
  75. S. L. C. A. Dharmarathna, S. Wickramasinghe, R. N. Waduge, R. P. V. J. Rajapakse, and S. A. M. Kularatne, “Does Carica papaya leaf-extract increase the platelet count? An experimental study in a murine model,” Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 720–724, 2013.
  76. C. Mantok, Multiple usages of green papaya in healing at taogarden, Tao Garden Health spa & Resort, Thailand, 2015.
  77. J. L. McLaughlin, “Paw paw and cancer: annonaceous acetogenins from discovery to commercial products,” Journal of Natural Products, vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 1311–1321, 2008.
  78. Sani MA, Bakar J, Rahman RA, Abas F. Effects of coated capillary column, derivatization, and temperature programming on the identification of Carica papaya seed extract composition using GC/MS analysis. Journal of Analysis and Testing 2020; 4(1):23–34.
  79. Sharma SC, ZnO nano-flowers from Carica papaya milk: degradation of alizarin red-S dye and antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Optik. 2016; 127(16):6498–6512.
  80. Singh, S.P, Kumar, S, Mathan, S.V, Tomar, M.S, Singh, R.K, Verma, P.K, Kumar, A,Kumar, S, Singh, R.P, Acharya, A, 2020. Therapeutic application of Carica papaya leaf extract in the management of human diseases. DARU J. Pharm. Sci.
  81. Badukale NA, et al. Phytochemistry, pharmacology and botanical aspects of Madhuca indica: A review. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2021; 10(2): 1280-1286.
  82. Santana LF, et al. Nutraceutical Potential of Carica papaya in Metabolic Syndrome. Nutrients. 2019 Jul 16;11(7):1608. doi: 10.3390/nu11071608.
  83. David Jones, “Pharmaceutics- Dosages form and Design” London: RPS Publishing 2008
  84. Royce A, Ruegger C, Mecadon M, Karnachi A, and Valazza S, “Scale-up of the compaction and tableting Process”, P’ceutical Process Scale up, IInd Edition. 371-408 (2006).
  85. Kottke MK and Edward M. Rudnic, “Tablet Dosage forms” Morden Pharmaceutics, Fourth Edition, Revised & Expended, New York: 2002.
  86. Leal BJ. inventor. Leslie Salt Company; assignee. Method of making a compressed tablet. US Patent: US 3,042,531. 1962 Jul 3.
  87. Richa Sood et al. “Immediate Release Antihypertensive Valsartan oral tablet: A review, Jour. of Sci. Res. in Phar. 2012, 1(2), 20-26.
  88. Sharma SD, Vellanki JMR, Hakim KI, Singh RK Primitive and current cultivars of rice in Assam- a rich source of valuable genes. Current Science 1971; 40:126–128
  89. Juliano BO, Villareal CP Grain quality evaluation of world rice. IRRI 1993, Philippines.
  90. Bhattacharya A, Rajak P, Singh A, Sharma N, Kataki MS Assam Bora Rice Starch as Directly Compressible Filler- Binder. International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology 2010; 2(2): 245-254.


  1. Kunle, Folashade O., Omoregie H. and Ahmadu, Egharevba, Ochogu P., Standardization of herbal medicines - A review, International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, March 2012, Vol. 4(3), 101-112
  2. Ayurvedic Formulary of India, Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Government of India. The Controller of Publications: New Delhi; 2001.
  3. The Wealth of India. A dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products- raw materials publications and information, Directorate Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India; 1962; pp: 207-215.
  4. Manwar JV, Mahadik KR, Paradkar AR, Takle SP, Sathiyanarayanan L, Patil SV. Determination of withanolides from the roots and herbal formulation of Withania somnifera by HPLC using DAD and ELSD detector. Der Pharmacia Sinica. 2012; 3:41–46
  5. Manwar J, Mahadik K, Paradkar A, Patil S, Sathiyanarayanan L, Manmode R. Gas chromatography method for the determination of non-ethanol volatile compounds in herbal formulation. International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2013; 3(1):12-17.
  6. Nugroho A, Heryani H, SueChoi J, Park H. Identification and quantification of flavonoids in Carica papaya leaf and peroxynitrite scavenging activity. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2017; 7(3):208–213.
  7. Aikpokpodion, P.O. Assessment of genetic diversity in horticultural and morphological traits among papaya (Carica papaya) accessions in Nigeria, 2012, Fruits 67:173–187.
  8. Yogiraj VA, Goyal PK, Carica papaya Linn: An Overview. International journal of Herbal Medicine 2014; 2(5):01- 08.
  9. Oloyede O. Chemical Profile of Unripe Pulp of Carica papaya. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition.2005; 4(6):379-381.
  10. Mohammad AH, Sabtu Hitam. Pharmacological and toxicological activities of the extracts of papaya leaves used traditionally for the treatment of diarrhoea. Journal of King Saud University- Science.2020; 32:962–969.
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Nikita Nandu More
Corresponding author

Swami Vivekananda Sanstha’s Institute of Pharmacy, (B. Pharm),Mungase,Tal. Malegon, Dist . Nashik- 423201

Aditi Popat Pawar

Swami Vivekananda Sanstha’s Institute of Pharmacy, (B. Pharm),Mungase,Tal. Malegon, Dist . Nashik- 423201

Chetan Sunil Pawar

Swami Vivekananda Sanstha’s Institute of Pharmacy, (B. Pharm),Mungase,Tal. Malegon, Dist . Nashik- 423201

Yashoda R. Suryavanshi

Swami Vivekananda Sanstha’s Institute of Pharmacy, (B. Pharm),Mungase,Tal. Malegon, Dist . Nashik- 423201

Yashoda R. Suryawanshi, Nikita Nandu More, Aditi Popat Pawar ,Chetan Sunil Pawar, Formulating Papaya Tea Tablets, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 7, 1977-1988.

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