S.N.D. College of Pharmacy, Babhulgaon- Yeola, Maharashtra, India.
Despite significant advancements in technology and medicine, cancer still claims te ns of millions of lives annually [1,2]. Years of research have consistently shown how dynamic the disease is, and despite better treatment options, there are still serious side effects from strong chemotherapies [3, 4]. Patients suffer when more severe therapy are required, particularly when aggressive tumors lie dormant and subsequently reappear [5-7]. The omnipresent establishment of resistance mechanisms is one of the biggest obstacles to developing an effective cancer treatment. After the primary oncogenic pathways are shut down, resistance mechanisms are triggered in parallel signaling pathways and reroute, enabling the growth of the tumor [8, 9]. The heterogeneity of tumor cells, patient tumors, genetic abnormalities, and epigenetic patterns can all restrict the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and contribute to the development of drug resistance [10–13]. Clonal heterogeneity influences the biology of the entire tumor and is known to promote cancer growth and metastasis [14]. Although new medications and targets can improve cancer treatments, cancer's adaptive nature finds a way to survive.
Damini G. Sonawane*, Pankaj Shirsath, Applications Of Nanotechnology In Cancer Therapy, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 9, 162-183. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8331070