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  • A Review On Modern Approaches Towards Anticoagulant Therapy Of Venous Thromboembolism

  • Department of pharmacy , Late Bhagirathi Yashwantrao Pathrikar College of Pharmacy, Pathri , Phulambri , Chatrapati Sambhajinagar , Maharashtra , India.


A common and possibly fatal condition is venous thromboembolism (VTE), a disease entity that includes pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Currently, there are several medicines that may be used to effectively treat acute viral transmission disease and prevent its recurrence. The subcutaneous administration of fondaparinux or low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), followed by a vitamin K antagonist (VKA), was the accepted protocol of therapy for a number of years. For the treatment of VTE, the so-called direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) were just recently brought into clinical practice. In comparison to VKA, DOAC appears to have a better risk-benefit profile. Moreover, because DOAC are taken at set dosages and don't require periodic monitoring, they greatly simplify the management of VTE. Therapeutic anticoagulation should be administered to patients with objectively confirmed DVT or PE for a minimum of three months. Each patient should have their requirements assessed individually, with the decision to continue therapy mostly based on risk factors identified by the thrombotic event's features and patient-related variables. Treatment of VTE is more difficult in some patient groups than in the general population (e.g., elderly patients, cancer patients, and pregnant women), and special considerations must be made for these patients. An overview of the current approaches to treating acute VTE and secondary prophylaxis is the goal of this study. Specifically, issues pertaining to the start of VTE therapy, the length of anticoagulation, and certain patient populations will be covered.


venous thromboembolism, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, anticoagulation, secondary prevention.


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Anurag Sanghave
Corresponding author

Department of pharmacy , Late Bhagirathi Yashwantrao Pathrikar College of Pharmacy, Pathri , Phulambri , Chatrapati Sambhajinagar , Maharashtra , India.

Anjali Mali

Department of pharmacy , Late Bhagirathi Yashwantrao Pathrikar College of Pharmacy, Pathri , Phulambri , Chatrapati Sambhajinagar , Maharashtra , India.

Gajanan Sanap

Department of pharmacy , Late Bhagirathi Yashwantrao Pathrikar College of Pharmacy, Pathri , Phulambri , Chatrapati Sambhajinagar , Maharashtra , India.

Anurag Milind Sanghave , Anjali Mali, Gajanan Sanap, A Review On Modern Approaches Towards Anticoagulant Therapy Of Venous Thromboembolism, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 453-473.

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