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This paper discusses the drug forms that have been produced up to this point for topical ocular administration, including ophthalmic drug forms with bio adhesive characteristics, inserts, in situ gels, drops, and ointments. Previously, numerous studies have shown that novel and sophisticated ophthalmic drug forms are superior to conventional ones and can boost the bioavailability of the active ingredient through a variety of means, including lowering the susceptibility of drug forms to the human eye's defence mechanisms, prolonging the drug's contact time with the cornea, enhancing penetration through the intricate anatomical structure of the eye, and enabling controlled release of drugs into the eye tissues, which permits lowering the frequency of drug application. The remainder of the paper outlines suggested in vitro and in vivo investigations to be carried out for different forms of ophthalmic medications to determine whether the form is appropriate in terms of desired characteristics and patient compliance.


Eye, Solution, Ophthalmic, Drug Delivery System, Dosage Form


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Shriram Gore
Corresponding author

Pratibhatai pawar college of pharmacy Wadala Mahadev, Shrirampur

Sonali S. Sonawane

Pratibhatai pawar college of pharmacy Wadala Mahadev ,Shrirampur

Vaibhav A. Jadhav

Pratibhatai pawar college of pharmacy Wadala Mahadev,Shrirampur

Shriram Gore*, Sonali Sonawane, Vaibhav Jadhav, A review on: Ophthalmic Drug Dosage Form, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 202-219.

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