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Hair plays an important role in human behavior We use many cosmetics to improve our hair. Herbal preparations always work, they have little or no side effects compared to synthetic products. This study focuses on the importance of herbal hair oil in treating hair problems such as baldness, alopecia, hair loss, gray hair, dryness and dandruff in general. Herbal hair oil is designed to treat hair. Herbal hair oil not only moisturizes the scalp but also reverses the condition of dry scalp and hair. It provides many essential nutrients necessary to maintain the activity of the sebaceous glands and promote natural hair growth. The aim of the current study was to prepare and analyze various hair oils containing medicinal herbs. All these drugs have a wellknown drug potential in hair treatment. Herbal hair oil provides great benefits to hair. Herbal hair oil contains vitamins and micronutrients that act as nutrients for your hair. Herbal hair oil obtained from natural sources. Restores vitality to hair tissue. However, your shampoo and conditioner contain many good ingredients, but they do not care for your scalp as deeply as hair oil. Regular use of herbal hair remedies can treat premature graying of hair.


Essential, Herbal, Synthetic, Moisturizer, Micronutrients, Growth, Hair...etc


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Prajakta Vilas Patil
Corresponding author


Jagruti Sunil Patil

Kuldip Ravindra Patil

Dr. Gajanan Tulsiram Daphal

Dr. Swapnil Dilip Deo

Prajakta Vilas Patil*, Jagruti Sunil Patil, Kuldip Ravindra Patil, Dr. Gajanan Tulsiram Daphal, Dr. Swapnil Dilip Deo, Evaluation And Preparation of Herbal Hair Oil, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 153-160.

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