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Bitter melon is a tropical vine found in India, China, and Southeast Asia. It contains 60 phyto-medicines that treat many diseases. Bitter melon has many bioactive components that are beneficial for medicinal use. Bitter melon is also used in obesity. Bitter melon has very few side effects and has more beneficial properties. Whole parts of bitter melon have medicinal properties. Bitter melon is used to treat diabetes, cancer, and viral diseases. In this, we study the many functions of bitter melon as well as their function according to their activity.


Bitter melon, Momocardica Charantia, Bioactive compounds, Nutrients


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Arti Prakash Aher
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Nandkumar Shinde college of pharmacy


Nandkumar Shinde college of pharmacy

A.K Hatkar

Nandkumar Shinde college of pharmacy


Nandkumar Shinde college of pharmacy

A. P. Aher*, A. D. Khajekar, A. K. Hatkar, R. M. Kawade, Comprehensive review on Bitter melon, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 121-124.

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