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Fast mouth dissolving films are solid dosage types that, when placed in the mouth, dissolve or disintegrate over the course of a few seconds. They are not manufactured or palatable. Fast-dissolving films are becoming more popular as an alternative to quick-dissolving tablets in order to reduce patients' concerns about choking and to overcome patients' obstacles. A complex alternative to the traditional pills, capsules, and liquids often associated with prescription and over-the-counter drugs is the quickly disintegrating thin film. Thin film strips are often intended for oral administration, with the individual placing the strip on or below the tongue or on the inside of the cheek. They are similar in size, shape, and thickness to an item. Drugs can be administered intragastrically, buccally, or sublingually thanks to thin films. Thin-film organ and buccal administration of a medicine has the potential to accelerate the beginning of action, reduce dosage, and improve the medication's efficacy and safety profile. The invention of quick-dissolving buccal films, which dissolve or disintegrate quickly on the patient's buccal membrane, is a wholly novel technology that addresses the steadily rising need for patient comfort and compliance-related analyses. This fast-acting drug delivery method is appropriate for medications with high first-pass metabolism. It increases bioavailability while decreasing dosage frequency to reach oral plasma peak levels, which gradually reduces side effects and also makes it cost-effective. The present review compiles recent developments and research on quick-dissolving buccal films and argues that several pharmaceutical businesses may use this delivery technique in the future on a large basis. Many products are now being developed that might use thin films as dosage forms to deliver medications.


Oral strips, rapid mouth dissolving film, formulation of film, assessment of film, novel medication delivery method, use of oral film


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Shivani Honmode
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmaceutics, Indira College Of Pharmacy, Vishnupuri, Nanded, Pincode: 431606

Prakash katakam

Department of Pharmaceutics, Indira College Of Pharmacy, Vishnupuri, Nanded, Pincode: 431606

Jadhav S. B.

Department of Pharmaceutics, Indira College Of Pharmacy, Vishnupuri, Nanded, Pincode: 431606

Shivani Honmode*, Prakash katakam, Jadhav S. B. , Comprehensive Review On Fast Mouth Dissolving Film As Novel Drug Delivery System, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 125-141.

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