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Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, homoeopathy, and other natural herb-based health sciences (AYUSH) are being developed with an emphasis on India. The development of the saundarya prasadka category of herbal cosmetics has a lot of potential and potential in the Ayush Pharmaceutical sector. Cosmetics assist in displaying and enhancing human beauty and personality traits. Natural beauty is a blessing. The formulation known as Saundarya Prasadak is a cosmetic basis that corresponds with known Ayurvedic, Siddhanic, and Unani (ASU) medicine active ingredients (references to which are easily accessible in Schedule 1st Book of the medicine and Cosmetic Act 1940 and Rule 1945). For saundrya prasadan karma, individuals in the traditional past used a variety of lepas, including Alepas, Pralepas, Udavartans, and Prakshalans. The solution to maintain such parity has been provided by nature. Herbs indeed, one such method is using herbs. An herb is a plant or plant extract that contains parts such as leaves, bark, berries, roots, gums, seeds, stems, and flowers that are particularly high in nourishing and therapeutic components. For the skin and other body parts to be properly cared for, cosmetics alone are insufficient. In order to prevent skin aging and damage, active components must be combined. In recent years, the popularity of herbal cosmetics has grown significantly. Due to its frequent usage in daily life and lack of the negative side effects sometimes associated with synthetic cosmetics, herbal cosmetics were said to be effective and intrinsically acceptable.


Herbal, cosmetics, saundrya prasadan, skin, synthetic


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Sanket Thombare
Corresponding author

S.N.D. College of Pharmacy, Babhulgaon-Yeola, Maharashtra, India

Dr. Pankaj Shirsath

S.N.D. College of Pharmacy, Babhulgaon-Yeola, Maharashtra, India

Sanket Thombare*, Dr. Pankaj Shirsath, Herbal Cosmetics and Skin Care Formulations, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 10, 63-77.

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