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  • Bacteriological evaluation of drinking water sample

  • 1*Pratibhatai pawar college of pharmacy, Wadala mahadev, shrirampur
    2Assistance of Professor Pratibha Tai pawar college of pharmacy, shrirampur


Water is essential to life, and its quality serves as a gauge of human society's environmental health. Over the past three to four centuries, urbanization and industrialization have impacted water bodies, which are typically used to discharge domestic and industrial wastes. River water pollution has a negative impact on people's hygiene and environmental health in the areas surrounding the river.The water samples were tested for presumed coliform count and confirmation of Escherichia coli using the multiple tube technique on OXOID MacConkey Broth (Oxoid Ltd, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England).The present investigation reveals bacteriological evaluation of drinking water sources in and around Pune City, Maharashtra, India. Wells, bore wells, hand pumps, treated water from corporation purification plant, and other sources are some of the sources from which residential areas of Pune obtain their drinking water supply. Bacterial contamination of potable water resources is the most frequent health hazard .Although groundwater is widely used as one of the main sources of drinking water in developing countries, it is generally thought to be the least polluting source of water. However, the stress on water reservoirs resulting from unplanned urbanization has increased recently, with improper and incomplete waste treatment by industries, agricultural practices, and domestic users, and with no adequate provision for disposing of generated wastes.According to the World Health Organization, water diseases caused by poor drinking water quality and inadequate hygiene and sanitation account for about 5% of all deaths in these countries, which is why this study was conducted.One aspect of water quality is represented by bacterial water analysis, a microbiological analytical procedure that uses water samples to determine the concentration of bacteria from which conclusions about the suitability of the water for use can be drawn. Bacteriological water analysis estimates the number of bacteria present and, if necessary, determines what kind of bacteria they are.


Adverse drug reaction, Pharmacovigilance, Post marketing activity , drug safety and surveillance


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Nutan Sinare
Corresponding author

Pratibhatai Pawar College Of Pharmacy,Wadala Mahadev,Shrirampur

Vikas Wamane

Pratibhatai Pawar College Of Pharmacy,Wadala

Nutan Sinare*, Vikas wamane, A review on Bacteriological evaluation of drinking water sample, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 260-279.

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