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The goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to imitate human cognitive processes. The healthcare industry is undergoing a paradigm shift due to the rapid advancement of analytics techniques and the increased availability of healthcare data. The industry has seen a positive change as a result of the development of artificial intelligence, which offers precise data-driven decisions. AI is crucial to many pharmacy domains, including polypharmacology, hospital pharmacy, drug delivery formulation development, and drug discovery. Different Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), such as Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) or Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), are being used in drug discovery and drug delivery formulation development. In the current Review article, the various applications of AI in healthcare including the role of AI in pharmacy, drug discovery and drug design, disease diagnosis etc are discussed.


Artificial intelligence (AI), drug design, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)


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Greeshma Ramachandran
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Mangalore-574143

Krishnananda Kamath

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Mangalore-574143

A R Shabaraya

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Mangalore-574143

Greeshma Ramachandran*, Krishnananda Kamath, A R Shabaraya Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare: A Review, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 588-595.

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