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Nanoparticles are a class of materials with distinctly different properties from their bulk and molecular counterparts. A critical look at the very broad topic of environmental nanoparticles.Thanks to the broad the review mainly focuses on the nature of the subject gas- mediated nanoparticles. The "life history of a nanoparticle" is presented and traced from its formation-to-formation possible use and possible fate in the environment. Sources of nanoparticles, anthropogenic emissions from industrial and work environment and transformations and generation in the atmosphere is discussed. we can to characterize and capture these nanoparticles (e.g needed in a nanoparticle production system), as well their management (emissions from industrial sources). discussed Description of the use of nanoparticles environmental technologies and potential impacts the energy sector is proposed. Possible effects to human health and the environment, as harmful as useful are important aspects to consider. As is obvious, ?Environment "nanoparticles" is a new and rapidly growing field. A lot of work there is still work to be done before we can fully exploit the benefits of nanoparticles and ensure that there are no benefits of nanoparticles. possible negative consequences. Recommendations for further work are given in each area.


Nanotechnology, Nanoparticle, silver Coated nanoparticle


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Corresponding author


Nakul kathar


Dr. Gajanan sanap


Jadhav Abhijeet*, Nakul Kathar, Gajanan Sanap, A Systematic Review Preparation of Nanoparticle, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 504-523. 10.5281/zenodo.10405194

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