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Tridax procumbens Linn belongs to the Asteraceae family. It has been used in ancient times to treat skin diseases, wounds and stops blood clotting. It is a folk medicine more than 138 chemical compounds have been isolated and identified from Tridax procumbens. This review shows the importance of more studies to understand the potential T.Procumbens secondry metabolites for medical or preventive treatment. The possess many chemical compounds like flavonoids, saponins, terpenoids and benzoic acid derivatives. Methanol and ethanol extract of the dried leaves of these plants were collected. They possess many pharmacological activities such as antimicrobial activity, antiseptic activity, antifungal activity, wound healing property, anti inflammatory property, antioxidant property etc. The traditional uses, phytochemical constituents and pharmacological activites will helpful in the researches on Tridax procumbens in the new search for leads drug discovery.


Tridax procumbens, Biological activity, extraction and Medicinal plants.


Tridax procumbens is a species of flowering plant belongs to family Asteraceae and it is the most potent species among 30 species. It is best called as widespread weed and pest plant. It is native to the tropical Americas but it has been incarporated to tropical, subtropical and mild temperate regions worldwide. It lists as a noxious weed in the United States and has a pest status. Some of the medically important species of the genus Tridax are: T. angustifolia, T. serboana, T. bicolor, T. accedens, T. dubia, T. erecta and T. rosea.  procumbens, commonly known called as coat buttons or tridax daisy, is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family. It is best known called as a widespread weed and pest plant. It is native to the tropical America but it has been incorporated to tropical, subtropical, and mild temperate regions worldwide. In 1753, Tridax procumbens species were introduced by Linnaeus as the publication of T. procumbens. T. procumbens is a weed that belonging to the family Asteraceae that goes overlooked. It is one of the more potent species among the 30 species of the genus Tridax. It is derived in Mexico, Central America, and South America, although it may also be found in Tropical America, Africa . In Ayurveda T. procumbens using as a herbal drug for wound healing. T. procumbens is found as a controlling  plant in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat, Odissa, or other Indian states. It grows in the open spaces, roadsides, meadows, croplands, lawns. T. procumbens is also known called as ‘Mexican daisy’ (in Mexico), ‘Coat button’ and ‘Tridax daisy’ (in English), ‘Jayanti Veda’ (in Sanskrit), ‘Gharma’ (in Hindi), ‘Dagadipala’ (in Marathi), ‘Vettukkaaya-thalai’ (Tamil/Siddha) and ‘Akala kohadi’ (in folk) . It is a well-known ayurvedic medicine for liver diseases or hepato-protective nature besides gastritis and heart burn. T. procumbens is an extreamely vital natural plant with sanitary characters that may be found all over the world. Since ancient times it has been used to cure a variety of disorders. Some Indian people use this plant as a source of food or medicines. The phytochemistry and pharmacology of Tridax. procumbens have been understand extensively. This species possesses various pharmacological properties antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant wound healing, antifungal, anti-inflammatory. It was concluded that the results were comparable to that of reference standard Glibenclamide and the Tridax procumbens flower extract showed antidiabetic activities.


Hindi                  Ghamra.

Sanskrit             Jayanti Veda.

Marathi             Dagadi Pala and Ghav Pala,

Telugu                Gaddi Chemanthi.

Tamil                 Thatapoodu.

Malayalam       Chiravanak.


T. procumbens is a green color plant having perennial, 15–40?cm high, roots originated at nodes stems procumbent arising from woody base, hairy, leaves ovate to lanceolate petiole 4–30?mm long. It has two types of flowers ray florets and disk florets with basal placentation 3–6, tubular at the base with lite yellow or cream-white ligules, 2.5–5?mm long, 2–5?mm wide, the disk of  yellow colour . Fruit is a hard achene composed with stiff hairs and has a plume, feathery like white pappus at the one end. The calyx has appeared for by scales or reduced to pappus. Seed has pendulous chitin, embryo is absent.                            


    Fig 1: Tridax procumbens leaves


    Fig 2: Tridax procumbens


There are several ways to extract tridax procumbens including;

  • Soxhlet extraction process
  • Maceration
  • Blending and maceration
  • Stem fiber extraction


  • Dried leaf powder is packed into a filter paper and placed in a soxhlet  apparatus.
  • Methanol is used as the solvent, and the powder is extracted for 8 hours .
  • The extract is then collected and concentrated using a hot water bath .


Essentiol oils

Essential oils are reported as one of the major phytoconstituents of this plant. Essential oils are aromatic in nature, volatile oils extracted from this plant by hydro-distillation, Soxhlet extraction or supercritical CO2 extraction techniques. Essential compounds are mainly a mixture of volatile oils, terpenoids, and long-chain fatty acids. Essential oils are associated with a wide spectrum of biological properties including antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antiparasitic, antioxidants, etc.


Phytochemical studies showed that the T. procumbens is a rich source of flavonoids with a percentage of flavones and flavanones most used in the Asteraceae family. They are responsible for antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anticancer, antibacterial, wound healing activities. In addition, polyphenols play an important role to control the growth of toxin-producing bacteria in plants . Luteolin, gluco luteolin, quercetin and isoquercetin have been reported  from flowers T. procumbens .


Tannins are a group of polyphenolic compounds containing amino acids and alkaloids. They have antioxidant, antibacterial property. Isolation and identification of Tannin  from methanol extraction of the aerial part of T. procumbens reported by.


Terpenoids  are the higist class of natural products, followed by saponins, phytosteroids, and carotenoids. They have blood cholesterolreducing, immunity booster, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer antifungal, antiviral, antimutagenic, antioxidant, anti-HBV activities. The following steroids were isolated or identified from aerial parts, leaves, and flowers of T. procumbens.

Basic structure of Tridax procumbens



Pharmacological activities

Wound healing property

wound healing property of topical ointment formulation of the leaf juice of Tridax procumbens using excision wound model in mice. Excision wounds were inflicted on baldheaded back of mice. Ointment formulation of Tridax procumbens  was applied twice daily for four days on the dermal wound. Control group was reacted  with VEGF ointment . Various parameters like re-epithelization, vascularity, phagocyte number, collagen content was founded. The healing property of Tridax procumbens  was compared with the control group. The results of this investigation revealed that Tridax procumbens possesses dose-dependent pro-healing property, and its high dose exerts an inflammatory action

Immunomodulatory property

 Immunomodulatory property of an ethanol-insoluble fraction of aqueous extract of Tridax procumbens was identified in this study. In this Study, Swiss albino rats were reacted with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Rats were divided into 6 groups of four per group. The first group was reacted with the standard inoculum of Pseudomonas aeruginosa only and the second group was given 8 mL of the standard inoculum of the organism and treated with ethanolic extract of Tridax procumbens. The 3 category was treated with the ethanolic extraction of Tridax procumbens only, whereas normal saline was admitted to the last group. From the results, it was noticed that the fibroblastic index, white blood cells count, and splenic antibody secreting cells increases significantly. The immunomodulatory property of ethanolic extracts of leaves of Tridax procumbens was also evaluated against Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced albino rats and was found that the extracts could inhibit the proliferation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Analgasic and anti inflammatory property

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory property  of the aqueous and ethanolic extraction  of the plant Tridax procumbens by two analgesic and one inflammatory in?vivo pain models using male  and male Sprague?Dawley rats . In the formalin-induced pain test, moderate pain, which starts about 20 min post formalin injection and lasts about 40 min to 60 min, may be caused due to tissue and frequent  changes in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. cure  with extract produced significant inhibition of pain in the late phase.

Antileishmanial activity:

A leishmaniasis is a group of disorders  caused by fungal  protozoa. Antifungal  activity of Tridax procumbens extracts and a pure compound against promastigotes of fungal Mexicana was investigated in this study. Extraction  and  didehydrofalcarinol were obtained from Tridax procumbens by chromatographic methods and were isolated  by spectroscopic analysis. The extraction  was tested for its inhibitory effect on the growth of promastigotes of fungal  Mexicana. Extracts and one  were also treated for its safety by treating with mammalian cells and cell viability was assessed using trypan blue and MTT.

Hepatoprotective activity

The  leaves of Tridax procumbens to protect from  carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in Wistar albino rats. The carbon tetrachloride was prepared in olive oil and administered subcutaneously at 1 ml/kg over the  body weight. The extraction  was administered to normal and carbon tetrachloride treated rats at 100, 200, and 300 mg/kg. cure  dose-dependently significantly lowered (P<0>

Diagrammatic representation of pharmacological activites /properties

Acute and sub chronic toxicity

The acute toxicity was carried out using the process  of Lorke’s method. In the subchronic study, rats received intraperitoneal T. procumbens at doses of fifty , 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg for 14 consecutive days. Serum biochemical properties, hematological analysis and histopathology of liver and kidneys were assessed after the last administration. The LD50 of the extract was 2100 mg/kg body weight, and all the survived animals gained body weight and organ / body weight ratio as compared to the uncontrolled In sub chronic studies , all the animals gained body weight and organ / body weight ratio. The results of histopathological studies presented  that ethyl acetate extract had endothelial toxicity at high dose level destroying the blood vessels leading to blood  as indicated by haemosiderin deposition throughout the entire kidney and liver parenchyma.


  1. Tridax procumbens has been in use in India for wound healing and as an anticoagulant, antifungal, and insect repellent.
  2. The juice extracted from the leaves is directly applied on wounds.
  3. Its leaf extracts were used for infectious skin diseases in folk medicines.
  4. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine for liver disorders, hepato protection, gastritis, and heartburn.
  5. Tridax procumbens is also used as treatment for boils, blisters,  and cuts by local healers in parts of India.
  6. It is used to treat bronchial ,catarrh ,diarrhea and dysentery.
  7. It is used to treat Liver diseases.
  8. It shows Immunomodulatory action
  9. Depressant action on respiration.
  10. It shows  repellent activity.

Clinical study

A clinical study antibacterial activity of crude extract of leaves against E.coli, S. pyogenesis, S. aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These pathogenic bacteria were cultured from wound swab samples of 50 patients of different types of wounds. The significant activity of crude T. procumbens extract was observed against all selected bacteria and compared with positive control Streptomycin, Ampicillin, and Cephalosporin. Authors concluded this plant may lead to alternative antibiotics. T. procumbens should be avoided in anticoagulant therapy because it could enhance the anticoagulation potential in patients of anticoagulant agents. Tridax procumbens is commonly regarded as weed in most part of Africa continents and are known for its pharmacological activity. The application of the plant is immense such as pharmacological activities, hepatoprotective effect, immunomodulating property, wound healing activity, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, bronchial catarrh, diarrheal and dysentery. Analysis revealed the presence of the biomolecules such as anthraquinone, catechol, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, saponins, steroids, tannins and terpenoids. Tridax procumbens also desire development of novel therapeutic agents from the various types of compounds with diverse pharmacologic properties isolated from it. Therefore, more work (study) should be encouraged in direction of more pharmacological activities of Tridax procumbens and to elucidate REFERENCES

  1. Adjagba, M., Awede, B., Nondichao, K., Lagnika, L., Osseni, R., Darboux, R., Laleye, A. (2015). Antihypertensive activity of different fractions of Tridax procumbens crude aqueous extract in wistar rats. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Advances, 5(9), 713-719.
  2. Agban, A., Gbogbo, K. A., Amana, E.K., Tegueni, K., Batawila, K., Koumaglo, K., & Akpagana, K. (2013). Evaluation des activités antimicrobiennes de Tridax procumbens (Asteraceae), Jatropha multifidi (Euphorbiaceae) et de Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae). European Scientific Journal, 9(36), 278-290.
  3. Andriana, Y., Xuan, T.D., Quy, T.N., Minh, T.N., Van, T.M., Viet, T.D., 2019. Antihyperuricemia, antioxidant, and antibacterial activities of Tridax procumbens L. Foods 8.
  4. Babayi, H., Alabi, R.O., Amali, D.E., Baba, E., 2018. Effects of oral administration of aqueous extract of Tridax Procumbens leaves on some haematological variables in rats. Mod Chem Appl 6, 2.
  5. Beck, S., Mathison, H., Todorov, T., Calderon-Juarez, E.-.A., Kopp, O.R., 2018. A review of medicinal uses and pharmacological activities of Tridax Procumbens (L.)
  6. Manjamalai, A., Kumar, M.J., Grace, V.M., 2012c. Essential oil of Tridax procumbens L induces apoptosis and suppresses angiogenesis and lung metastasis of the B16F-10 cell line in C57BL/6 mice. Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev. 13 (11), 5887–5895.
  7. Martín-Quintal, Z., Moo-Puc, R., Gonzalez-Salazar, ´ F., Chan-Bacab, M.J., Torres-Tapia, L. W., Peraza-S´ anchez, S.R., 2009. In vitro activity of Tridax procumbens against promastigotes of Leishmania mexicana. J. Ethnopharmacol.
  8. Ravindran, J., Arumugasamy, V., Baskaran, A., 2019. The wound-healing effect of silver nanoparticles from Tridax procumbens leaf extracts on Pangasius hypophthalmus. Wound Med.
  9. Salahdeen, H., Salami, S., Paul, C., Murtala, B., Alada, A., 2017. Biochemical parameters as indicators of the antihypertensive efficacy of leaf aqueous extract of Tridax procumbens (Linn) in L-NAME induced hypertensive rats. J. Mol. Pathophysiol.
  10. Bhagwat  D  A,  Killedar  S  G, Adnaik  R  S. Anti-diabetic activity of leaf extract of Tridax procumbens, International Journal of Green Pharmacy, 2008, 126-128.  
  11. Prabhu V V, Nalini G, Chidambaranathan N, Kisan S  S. Evaluation of Anti Inflammatory  and  Analgesic  Activity  of  Tridax Procumbens  Linn  Against  Formalin,  Acetic Acid  and  CFA  Induced  Pain  Models, International  Journal  of  Pharmacy  and Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  3(2),  2011,  126-130.
  12. Pai  C,  Kulkarni  U,  Borde  M,  Murali  S, Mrudula  P  and  Yashwant  Deshmukh.     Antibacterial Activity of Tridax procumbens with  Special  Reference to  Nosocomial Pathogens, British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 1(4), 2011, 164-173.
  13. Agrawal  S  S,  Talele  G  S,  Surana  S  J. Antioxidant  Activity  of  Fractions  from  Tridax procumbens,  Journal  of  Pharmacy Research, 2(1), 2009, 71-73.
  14. Morankar P G, Deshmukh A S, Kumbhare M R,  Kale  S  S.  Antioxidant  Activity  of    Couroupita  guianesis  AUBL, Pharmtechmedica, 3(2), 2014, 464-468.
  15. Deshmukh A S, Morankar P G, Kumbhare M R.  Review  on  Analgesic  Activity  and  Determination  Methods,  Pharmtechmedica, 3(1), 2014, 425-428.
  16. Chaudhari R. D, Girase P. R, Suryawanshi H. P, Pawar S. P. A Review on Tridax procumbens Linn. Asian J. Pharm. Tech. 2018; 8 (3):158-160.
  17. Debolina Dattaray. Traditional Uses and Pharmacology of Plant Tridax procumbens: A Review Sys Rev Pharm 2022; 13(7): 476-482
  18. Karimi A, Majlesi M, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Herbal versus synthetic drugs; beliefs and facts. J nephropharmacol. 2015; 4(1): 27.
  19. Ghosh P, Biswas S, Biswas M, Dutta A, Sil S, Chatterjee S. Morphological, ethno biological and phytopharmacological attributes of Tridax procumbens Linn.(Asteraceae): A review. Int J Sci Res Biol Sci. 2019; 6(2).
  20. Salahdeen HM, Idowu GO, Salami SA, Murtala BA, Alada AA. Mechanism of vasorelaxation induced by Tridax procumbens extract in rat thoracic aorta. J Intercult Ethnopharmacol. 2016; 5(2): 174.
  21. Adeshina I, Abdel-Tawwab M, Tijjani ZA, Tiamiyu LO, Jahanbakhshi A. Dietary Tridax procumbens leaves extract stimulated growth, antioxidants, immunity, and resistance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, to monogenean parasitic infection. Aquaculture. 2021; 532: 736047.


  1. Adjagba, M., Awede, B., Nondichao, K., Lagnika, L., Osseni, R., Darboux, R., Laleye, A. (2015). Antihypertensive activity of different fractions of Tridax procumbens crude aqueous extract in wistar rats. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Advances, 5(9), 713-719.
  2. Agban, A., Gbogbo, K. A., Amana, E.K., Tegueni, K., Batawila, K., Koumaglo, K., & Akpagana, K. (2013). Evaluation des activités antimicrobiennes de Tridax procumbens (Asteraceae), Jatropha multifidi (Euphorbiaceae) et de Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae). European Scientific Journal, 9(36), 278-290.
  3. Andriana, Y., Xuan, T.D., Quy, T.N., Minh, T.N., Van, T.M., Viet, T.D., 2019. Antihyperuricemia, antioxidant, and antibacterial activities of Tridax procumbens L. Foods 8.
  4. Babayi, H., Alabi, R.O., Amali, D.E., Baba, E., 2018. Effects of oral administration of aqueous extract of Tridax Procumbens leaves on some haematological variables in rats. Mod Chem Appl 6, 2.
  5. Beck, S., Mathison, H., Todorov, T., Calderon-Juarez, E.-.A., Kopp, O.R., 2018. A review of medicinal uses and pharmacological activities of Tridax Procumbens (L.)
  6. Manjamalai, A., Kumar, M.J., Grace, V.M., 2012c. Essential oil of Tridax procumbens L induces apoptosis and suppresses angiogenesis and lung metastasis of the B16F-10 cell line in C57BL/6 mice. Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev. 13 (11), 5887–5895.
  7. Martín-Quintal, Z., Moo-Puc, R., Gonzalez-Salazar, ´ F., Chan-Bacab, M.J., Torres-Tapia, L. W., Peraza-S´ anchez, S.R., 2009. In vitro activity of Tridax procumbens against promastigotes of Leishmania mexicana. J. Ethnopharmacol.
  8. Ravindran, J., Arumugasamy, V., Baskaran, A., 2019. The wound-healing effect of silver nanoparticles from Tridax procumbens leaf extracts on Pangasius hypophthalmus. Wound Med.
  9. Salahdeen, H., Salami, S., Paul, C., Murtala, B., Alada, A., 2017. Biochemical parameters as indicators of the antihypertensive efficacy of leaf aqueous extract of Tridax procumbens (Linn) in L-NAME induced hypertensive rats. J. Mol. Pathophysiol.
  10. Bhagwat  D  A,  Killedar  S  G, Adnaik  R  S. Anti-diabetic activity of leaf extract of Tridax procumbens, International Journal of Green Pharmacy, 2008, 126-128.  
  11. Prabhu V V, Nalini G, Chidambaranathan N, Kisan S  S. Evaluation of Anti Inflammatory  and  Analgesic  Activity  of  Tridax Procumbens  Linn  Against  Formalin,  Acetic Acid  and  CFA  Induced  Pain  Models, International  Journal  of  Pharmacy  and Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  3(2),  2011,  126-130.
  12. Pai  C,  Kulkarni  U,  Borde  M,  Murali  S, Mrudula  P  and  Yashwant  Deshmukh.     Antibacterial Activity of Tridax procumbens with  Special  Reference to  Nosocomial Pathogens, British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 1(4), 2011, 164-173.
  13. Agrawal  S  S,  Talele  G  S,  Surana  S  J. Antioxidant  Activity  of  Fractions  from  Tridax procumbens,  Journal  of  Pharmacy Research, 2(1), 2009, 71-73.
  14. Morankar P G, Deshmukh A S, Kumbhare M R,  Kale  S  S.  Antioxidant  Activity  of    Couroupita  guianesis  AUBL, Pharmtechmedica, 3(2), 2014, 464-468.
  15. Deshmukh A S, Morankar P G, Kumbhare M R.  Review  on  Analgesic  Activity  and  Determination  Methods,  Pharmtechmedica, 3(1), 2014, 425-428.
  16. Chaudhari R. D, Girase P. R, Suryawanshi H. P, Pawar S. P. A Review on Tridax procumbens Linn. Asian J. Pharm. Tech. 2018; 8 (3):158-160.
  17. Debolina Dattaray. Traditional Uses and Pharmacology of Plant Tridax procumbens: A Review Sys Rev Pharm 2022; 13(7): 476-482
  18. Karimi A, Majlesi M, Rafieian-Kopaei M. Herbal versus synthetic drugs; beliefs and facts. J nephropharmacol. 2015; 4(1): 27.
  19. Ghosh P, Biswas S, Biswas M, Dutta A, Sil S, Chatterjee S. Morphological, ethno biological and phytopharmacological attributes of Tridax procumbens Linn.(Asteraceae): A review. Int J Sci Res Biol Sci. 2019; 6(2).
  20. Salahdeen HM, Idowu GO, Salami SA, Murtala BA, Alada AA. Mechanism of vasorelaxation induced by Tridax procumbens extract in rat thoracic aorta. J Intercult Ethnopharmacol. 2016; 5(2): 174.
  21. Adeshina I, Abdel-Tawwab M, Tijjani ZA, Tiamiyu LO, Jahanbakhshi A. Dietary Tridax procumbens leaves extract stimulated growth, antioxidants, immunity, and resistance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, to monogenean parasitic infection. Aquaculture. 2021; 532: 736047.

Dr. Praveen Kumar Dasari
Corresponding author

Mother Teresa Pharmacy College

Dr. Kumar Raja Jayavarapu

Mother Teresa Pharmacy College

E Krishna Kumari

Mother Teresa Pharmacy College, Sathupally, Telangana

D. Prameela Rani

Mother Teresa Pharmacy College, Sathupally, Telangana

P Pavan Kumar

Mother Teresa Pharmacy College, Sathupally, Telangana

P. Haritha

Mother Teresa Pharmacy College, Sathupally, Telangana

Praveen Kumar Dasari , Kumar Raja J, E Krishna Kumari, D. Prameela Rani, P Pavan Kumar, P. Haritha, A Review On Medicinally Used Plant Tridax Procumbens, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 10, 868-874.

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