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Rauwolfia serpentina is an important medicinal plant in the pharmaceutical world due to the presence of its immense therapeutic properties. The plant is known for curing various disorders because of the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, glycosides, phlobatannins, phenols, resins, saponins sterols, tannins and terpenes. The plant parts, root and rhizome have been used since centuries in Ayurvedic medicines for curing a large number of diseases such as high blood pressure, mental agitation, epilepsy, traumas, anxiety, excitement, schizophrenia, sedative insomnia and insanity. The plant contains more than 50 different alkaloids which belong to the monoterpenoid indole alkaloid family. The major alkaloids are ajmaline, ajmalicine, ajmalimine, deserpidine, indobine, indobinine, reserpine, reserpiline, rescinnamine, rescinnamidine, serpentine, serpentinine and yohimbine. R. serpentina is also known for its antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antidiuretic and anticholinergic activities. The herbal medicine is still the basis of primary health care for 75– 80% of the world population because of its cultural acceptability, better compatibility with the human body and lesser side effects. Therefore, there is a need for us to search alternative, naturally available remedies for curing millions of people worldwide. Due to all these properties, the present review aims to evaluate the various pharmacological, phytochemical and therapeutic properties of R. serpentina.


Antihypertensive, Herbal remedy, Medicinal plant, Rauwolfia Serpentina


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Monali V. Chavan
Corresponding author

Shivajirao Pawar College of Pharmacy, Pachegaon, Ahmednagar-413725.

Prof. Poonam P. Khade

Shivajirao Pawar College of Pharmacy, Pachegaon, Ahmednagar-413725.

Dr. Megha T. Salve

Shivajirao Pawar College of Pharmacy, Pachegaon, Ahmednagar-413725.

Monali V. Chavan*, Prof. Poonam P. Khade, Dr. Megha T. Salve, Utilization Of Radix Rauwolfia As Therapeutic Agent: A Comprehensive Review, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 293-300.

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