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Heart failure is a serious, progressive condition that occurs when the heart muscle Don,t pump enough blood .Annual number of death, s raised in India from 2.26 million to 4.77 million in between 1990 to2020 due to Cardiovascular diseases. Diuretics are an integral part of heart failure treatment, along with other medications to treat the underlying cause of heart failure. Diuretics help the kidneys flush out the excess fluid and maintain normal blood volume. The elimination of excess fluid reduces pressure in the veins and the overload of venous blood into the heart. The study is aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of diuretics in heart failure patients by improving the symptoms like SOB, palpitation e.t.c and observing any occurs side-effects occurs after the administered of Diuretics. A group of 100 patients who meet the inclusion criteria were taken. All the necessary and relevant data were collected from the patient casenotes, treatment charts,and laboratory reports .In these study we have categorized into before drug therapy and after drug therapy of same patient and observed the ejection fraction , symptomatic relief by using the NYHA scale and also observed the electrolytes imbalance in the blood .In these study , majority of patient were males with decreased cardiac function was observed The patient’s who are admitted with cardiac complication have shown positive response towards diuretic therapy as it shown major efficacy with minimum side effects.


Heart failure, Cardiovascular diseases, Diuretics, Diuretic therapy, Symptomatic relief, Ejection fraction, NYHA scale


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G. Anjani Tejaswi
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmacy practice, Hindu College of Pharmacy, Guntur-522002, Andhra Pradesh, India

P. Shaheera

Department of Pharmacy practice, Hindu College of Pharmacy, Guntur-522002, Andhra Pradesh, India

A. Navya Sree

Department of Pharmacy practice, Hindu College of Pharmacy, Guntur-522002, Andhra Pradesh, India

M. Bala Tripura Sundari

Department of Pharmacy practice, Hindu College of Pharmacy, Guntur-522002, Andhra Pradesh, India

P. Seetaramayya

Department of Cardiology, Srikrishna Institute Of Medical Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Velaga Mahesh

Department of Cardiology, Srikrishna Institute Of Medical Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

G. Anjani Tejaswi, P. Shaheera, A. Navya Sree, M. Bala Tripura Sundari, P. Seetaramayya, Velaga Mahesh, Safety And Efficacy Of Diuretics With Reduced Ejection Fraction In Heart Failure Patients- An Observational Cohort Study, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 8, 215-222.

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