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One of life’s most amazing events is giving birth. But numerous expecting mothers experience FOC such that Fear of child birth and labor in a variety of ways according on their personalities, Past experiences, pregnancy, and delivery conditions. The experience of giving birth is one that has many facets, is complex, and is particular to each woman. It is further impacted by the social cultural system in which the woman lives. The occurrence of labor was strongly and unfavorably anticipated by anxiety regarding birthing. Seven of the main themes include dread of the unborn child, anxiety about parenting, fear connected to delivery or method, fear following a bad pregnancy or delivery, mental causes for fear of pregnancy, fear of suffering, and communal context. (The subjects who took part in this longitudinal analytical investigation includes 254 pregnant women who experienced more maternal anxiety had poorer maternity results and were more likely to deliver through caesarean section. The more the fear the higher the probability of having and undesirable delivery process. Fear acted as danger contributor to the delivery process. Promoting mindful listening and support techniques may help pregnant women feel more confident, which will lessen their dread of giving birth and enhance their experience throughout birthing


Prenatal, Child Birth


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Sneha Bhoir
Corresponding author

Final year B. Pharmacy student of Shree Pandit Baburao Chaughule College of Pharmacy Rahnal. Bhiwandi

Saurabh Borde

Final year B. Pharmacy student of Shree Pandit Baburao Chaughule College of Pharmacy Rahnal. Bhiwandi

Saloni Bhoir

Final year B. Pharmacy student of Shree Pandit Baburao Chaughule College of Pharmacy Rahnal. Bhiwandi

Sidra Choudhary

Department of pharmaceutics, Shree Pandit Baburao Chaughule College of Pharmacy Rahnal, Bhiwandi

Sidra Choudhary,Sneha Bhoir, Saurabh Borde, Saloni Bhoir, Prenatal Fear Of Child Birth, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 826-830.

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