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  • Panoramic Review on Novel Liquid Chromatographic Techniques
  • 1Research Scholar, Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    2Asso. Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Objectives - modern liquid Chromatographic techniques have undergone a paradigm shift, driven by Focused on improving separation efficiency, resolution and sensitivity. HPLC, UPLC, UHPLC, HILIC, LC-MS represent-key methodologies", in this evolution. Methods: Method have advanced with the adoption of UHPLC, UPLC Featuring smaller particle sizes that enables Faster analyses without compromising resolution. Integration with Lc-Ms, HPLC further enhances capabilities by providing simultaneous identification and quantification. Results: These techniques showcase significant improvements, UHPLC'S UPLC's higher pressure Capabilities contribute to enhanced resolution, While HPLC, HILIC, Lc-Ms extends analytical scope by offering structural information. The Combined Strengths of those techniques have transformative effects across Scientific disciplines. Conclusion - Modern liquid chromatographic techniques fulfil objectives through techniques fulfil refined methodologies, yielding results marked by improved performance the Continuous evolution of these techniques promised further strides in analytical capabilities


chromatographic techniques Novel


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Shweta G. Gunjal
Corresponding author

Research Scholar, Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pankaj C. Bhamare

Associate professor, department of pharmaceutical chemistry, sandip institute of pharmaceutical sciences

Shweta G. Gunjal, Pankaj C. Bhamare, Panoramic Review On Novel Liquid Chromatographic Techniques, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 888-901.

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