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  • Formulation of Antimicrobial Gel using extract of Euphorbia Hirta Linn

  • 1Department of Pharmacology Asst. Professor of Charak Institute of Pharmacy, Mandleshwar, Madhya Pradesh 
    2M. Pharm Student. Charak Institute of Pharmacy, Mandleshwar, Madhya Pradesh.


Euphorbia hirta linn. (Family – Euphorbiaceae) used of the different parts of several medicinal plants to cure specific diseases has been in practice from ancient times. The fresh plant of Euphorbia hirta was collected in campus of CIP college of mandleshwar, district Khargone, state M.P. (India). Euphorbia hirta belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. The Preparation of the extracts using soxhelet extractor. The solvents used were ethanol. Phytochemical scranning of plant extracts such as alkaloids, tannins, steroids, flavonoids, saponins are present. Prepation of gel using 200 mg/100g Extract. Prepared gel are evaluated deferent parameters such as pH measurement, Viscosity study, Spreadability, Homogeneity


Euphorbia hirta, soxhelet, gel, euphorbin.


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Anjula Patidar
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmacology Asst. Professor of Charak Institute of Pharmacy, Mandleshwar, Madhya Pradesh

Suhana Khan

M. Pharm Student. Charak Institute of Pharmacy, Mandleshwar, Madhya Pradesh.

Anjula Patidar, Suhana Khan, Formulation of Antimicrobial Gel using extract of Euphorbia Hirta Linn, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 342-353.

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