1B.A.M.S. Scholar, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anusandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase 1 Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
2Assistant Professor, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anusandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase 1 Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
3HOD Of Ras shastra Department, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anusandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase 1 Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
4HOD Of Dravyaguna Department, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anushandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase 1 Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
Karkatshringi is an excellent and effective medicine of ayurvedic medical science. It is used in treatment of many diseases but it proves to be one of the best cure for cancer .Karkatshringi is also called ‘Baal Bhaisajya’ . According to the ayurvedic scriptures, it works specifically on glands and their secretions . It plays a significant role in balancing the aggrevated doshas in the body and maintains the health. Karkatshringi is used in preventing the growth of tumours. Due to the dominance of tikta rasa, it exhibits anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. Karkatshringi is the only medicine of ayurveda science which we can use uninterruptedly in cancer treatment. According to ayurveda science, karkatshringi also exhibits the qualities similar to its nomenclature such as in sanskrit language, cancer or arbuda is called as Karka Roga and being karka the first name of karkatshringi , it is also known as “KARKA ROGA NASHINI”. It implies that the medicine which suppress the cancerous or tumourous cells in the body is known as KARKATSHRINGI or KARKA ROGA NASHINI . Karkatshringi has the anti- cancerous properties that prevents the growth and spread of tumours and cancer ; and took the body to its natural healthy state. Karkatshringi due to its fundamental properties works as a dextoxification agent and balances the vitiated doshas . Being kaphaghna and vatashamak , it act to be the anti- tumourous and anti-cancerous agent ; that is why karkatshringi has a specific place in ayurveda science .
Vaidyashiromani Dheeraj Sharma, Pranshu Gupta, Tanishka Gupta, Rajesh K. Mishra, M. K. Yadav, Ramakant Marde, Karkatshringi (Pistacia Integerrima) : Significant Role In Cancer Treatment, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 535-544. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10684897