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  • Estimation of Gingerol and Curcumin in Novel herbal tablet by HPTLC

  • 1Research Scholar, H.K college of pharmacy, HK Campus, Relief Road, Oshiwara, Jogeshwari West, Pratiksha nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400102.
    2Assistant Professor, H.K college of pharmacy, HK Campus, Relief Road, Oshiwara, Jogeshwari West, Pratiksha nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400102


A simple, rapid, selective and quantitative HPTLC method has been developed for determination of Gingerol and Curcumin in bulk and tablet dosage form. The Ginger and Curcuminoid extracts samples were applied on TLC aluminium plate precoated with Silica gel 60 F254 and developed using the mobile phase N-hexane: Ethyl acetate for ginger and Toluene: Acetic acid for curcumin extract respectively. The bands were scanned at ?=540 nm and ?=418 nm for ginger and curcumin respectively using Camag TLC scanner 4. The detection and quantification was carried out densitometrically using an UV detector. The Rf value was found to be 0.46 for curcumin and 0.25 for gingerol. The Correlation of determination (R2) was 0.999 for ginger and for curcumin 0.992. The analysis of the in-house tablet showed that Gingerol was found to be 3% and curcumin is 65 %. This developed method can be used to analyse marketed formulation in bulk and tablets.


HPTLC, Gingerol, Curcuminoids, Rf Value, Quantitation, Tablets


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Deepak Yadav
Corresponding author

Research Scholar, H.K college of pharmacy, HK Campus, Relief Road, Oshiwara, Jogeshwari West, Pratiksha nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400102.

Dr. Angha Raut

Assistant Professor, H.K college of pharmacy, HK Campus, Relief Road, Oshiwara, Jogeshwari West, Pratiksha nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400102

Deepak Yadav, Dr. Angha Raut, Estimation of Gingerol and Curcumin in Novel herbal tablet by HPTLC, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 7, 230-234.

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