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Every person has experienced acne, pimples, sunburns, and pigmentation at some point in their lives. Customers are looking for products like anti-acne cream that can treat their skin conditions and give them beautiful, healthy skin. to create and assess a cream with peppermint oil that will have a brightening and anti-acne effect. Bees wax, liquid paraffin, borax, distilled water, and almond oil were used to make the cream base. Herbal cream is a preparation that people use to treat a variety of illnesses or infections. While more and more cosmetic preparations are available that contain antioxidants, sun protection, and moisturising agents, their presence slows down the ageing process of the skin. To produce a high-quality, multifunctional, safe, and stable product, a herbal formulation must be developed. However, the majority of creams on the market are loaded with chemicals that could cause adverse effects for the user. The goal of the current study was to create, assess, and contrast the sun protection, erythema-reducing, and hydrating properties of a herbal w/o cream that contains a natural product extract from peppermint leaves in the right amounts. The various concentrations of the natural medication were used to formulate the various types of cream of water in oil. Every formulation was evaluated based on various parameters, including pH, viscosity, spread ability, and stability. There is no indication of phase separation, and the formulation is easy to remove. It demonstrated good spreading ability. During the irritancy study, there is no redness, edoema, inflammation, or irritation. It is safe to apply these formulations in order to verify the other parameters. According to these studies, the extract's composition and the cream's base are safer, more appropriate, and stable.


Anti-acne, peppermint oil, evaluation test, plant profile


Creams are categorised as semisolid emulsions meant for external use. Either water in oil (w/o) or oil in water (o/w) can be present. There are two types of cream: oil in water and water in oil emulsion. The principal purpose of the substance is to remain longer at the location of application when it is applied to the outer or superficial skin layers. The Cream's functions include treating infections, calming the skin, and shielding it from outside influences. It also aids in acne and tan lines. Creams come in a variety of forms, such as vanishing, cleansing, hand, body, and foundation creams. Our main objective is to develop a herbal cream that will lighten wrinkles, improve skin tone, and reduce acne and skin irritation. Global statistics show that 85% of people will get acne between the ages of 12 and 25, 8% of adults between the ages of 23 and 24, and 3% of adults between the ages of 35 and 44 will get acne.[1,2,3] Acne is a serious condition, particularly in adolescents and teenagers. Propionibacterium acne and Staphylococcus aureus were the cause of the acne because they were discovered in the patient's sample at the same time. The bacteria that cause acne are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, which is a worrying development. Customers are growing more interested in natural bioactive compounds as useful ingredients in cosmetic products due to their many health benefits. They may benefit skin health in addition to their nutritional and sensory attributes by acting as a protective agent. Certain skin conditions can have negative psychosocial effects on an individual, including low self-estimable social withdrawal due to embarrassment or, in the worst case scenario, suicidal thoughts, even though they may be self-limiting. An amazing organ, the skin and its appendages serve as the first line of defence against a variety of bacterial invaders. Skin weakness and disease are naturally defended against when the skin's integrity is inadvertently or globally compromised. A persistent inflammatory condition affecting the pilosebaceous unit is acne vulgaris. It is most common during adolescence, when people are adjusting to a number of psycho-social changes. More than 80% of teenagers are affected, and 3% of men and 12% of women still experience it after the age of 25. It has been established that S. epidermidis and P. acnes are pus-forming bacteria that cause acne inflammation. Anaerobic, gram-positive diphtheroid Lipases, which are produced by P. acnes, hydrolyse triglycerides from sebaceous glands into free fatty acids. These fatty acids are the cause of acne lesions, along with other elements of sebaceous secretion and It's been proven. The pus-forming bacteria P. acnes and S. epidermidis are responsible for acne   inflammation. P. acnes produces anaerobic, gram-positive diphtheroid Lipases that hydrolyse sebaceous gland triglycerides into free fatty acids. Acne lesions are caused by these fatty acids as well as other components of sebaceous secretion and bacteria. The first line of treatment for mild to moderate acne vulgaris is topical antimicrobial agents; however, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of P. acnes has complicated antimicrobial therapy for acne. Concern over the progressive global rise in the prevalence of P. acne strains resistant to antibiotics has grown during the last 20 years. People are turning to herbal remedies because prolonged use of antibiotics has led to the emergence of resistant strains of P. acnes and numerous negative effects. Numerous herbal remedies, including those for acne, have been mentioned as being helpful in treating a variety of skin conditions in the Unani System of Medicine. Since ancient times, unani doctors have been treating acne with a variety of herbal medicines, either alone or in combination, topically or orally, and the medications are thought to be safe. Tea tree oil and peppermint extract are the two herbal ingredients.[4]  We have used to herbal ingredient in our preparation which are peppermint extract and tea tree oil. Peppermint is used as anti acne . also used for joints pain , stomach pain and aid digestion and mainly used in toothpaste formulations. Peppermint is a main active ingredient and Tea tree shows the many other properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, and reduce inflammation and enhance healing.  The almond oil is used as fragrance and other ingredients used as per their uses. We tried to make effective cream which is suitable to all skin type.[5]



    Fig No.1


  1. Propionibacterium acnes (P. acne)
  2. Altered follicular keratinization
  3. Inflammation
  4. Androgen-induced enhanced sebum hyper-production
  5. Medications.
  6. Due to the Cosmetics Used
  7. Stress
  8. Hormonal Changes and Menstruation
  9. Squeezing the Pimples.
  10. Diet
  11. Genetic
  12. Over Washing the Face with Cleanser


  • Mild acne: Benzoyl peroxide
  • Moderate acne: Topical retinoids/ antibiotics
  • Severe acne: Hormonal therapy 

The pharmaceutical industry has developed a number of drugs, including anti-acne pills, lotions, moisturisers, and creams, to address this issue. Creams are a kind of semisolid emulsion that are designed to be applied externally. They come in two varieties: water in oil (w/o) and oil in water (o/w).  Cream is classified as an oil and water emulsion. Its main advantage is that it lasts longer at the application site. It is applied to the skin's outermost or most superficial layer. The purpose of the cream is to protect the skin from the elements, heal infections, fade tans and acne, and calm the skin. Applying the cream to skin with a topical drug delivery system is recommended.[6]



Biological  name :

Mentha piperita

Biological source :

Extracted from the stem, leaves, and flowers of Mentha piperita    L. plant,

Family                     : Lamiaceae

Chemical constituents :

menthol (40.7%) and menthone (23.4%). Further components were (+/-)-menthyl acetate, 1,8-cineole, limonene, beta pinene and beta-caryophyllene The anti-microbial activity and anti-septic property of peppermint essential oil help in reducing pimples and lesions like papules, pustules, nodules, cysts, and active comedones . Peppermint oil in face masks and cleansers helps to regulate sebum production and distribution on oily, combination and acne-prone skin.

  • Other uses of peppermint
  • Relives hair care
  • Eliminate nausea
  • IBS0
  • Hair care
  • Muscle aches
  • Joint pain
  • Supporting the respiratory system
  • Boosting athletic performance[7]

            Screenshot 2024-06-27 203937.png

    Fig no 2: Peppermint leaves


Table 1. Ingredients used :







  1. Weigh accurate quantity of all ingredients of oil phase and aqueous phase.
  2. All  oil soluble ingredients such as stearic acid, liquid paraffin, cetyl alcohol, tea tree oil, and almond oil taken in first beaker. 
  3. Then heat it on boiling water bath at 70 to 80°C (name as beaker A oil phase) .
  4. Then at same time all the water soluble ingredients such as borax, methyl paraben, glycerine, vitamin E, citric acid, sodium lauryl sulphate, API, and water taken in second beaker.
  5. Then heat it on boiling water bath at 70 to 80°C (name as beaker B aqueous phase) .
  6. After heating the aqueous phase slowly added in oil phase with continuous stirring until the cream was form.[11]

            Screenshot 2024-06-27 204029.png

       Fig no 5:  Anti acne cream

Evaluation Test Of Anti Acne Cream :

  1. Physical Properties:

The cream was observed for the colour, odour, and appearance.

            Screenshot 2024-06-27 204029.png

    Table 2

  1. Washability

The cream cream applied on the skin was easily removed by washing with tap water.[13]

  1. PH of the cream :

The PH of the cream was found to be in range of 6.5 to 7.5 which is good for skin

pH.The herbal formulation was shown PH nearer to skin required i.e. pH 7.1.[14,15]

  1. Spread ability :

The spread ability test showed that the formulated cream has good spreadable propertie.[16]                           

  1. Irritancy test :

The formulated cream shows no redness, oedema, irritation, and inflammation during studies. The formulated cream is safe to use.[17]

  1. Homogeneity :

The homogeneity of the formulated cream was judged by the visual appearance and touch. The appearance and touch of the cream was good.[18]

  1. Test  for microbial growth :

After preparing the agar medium, the designed cream was infected using the steak plate method on the agar media, and a controlled was created by leaving out the cream. After being put in the incubator, the plates are incubated for 24 hours at 37 C. The plates were removed from the incubator after the incubation period, and the microbial growth was examined and contrasted with the control.[19]


  1. T. Reynolds, Ac Dweck. Aloe Vera leaf gel : a review update. J Ethano pharmacol 1999; 68: 3-37.
  2. Priyanka sharma , Amit C Kharkwal , Harsha Kharkval , M2 Abdin , Ajit Varma . A review on the pharmacological propertis of Aloe Vera Int J pharma sci. Res 2014; 29: 31-7.
  3. Aditi V, Pranav s. Formulation and evaluation of topical anti-acne formulation of coriander extract. International Journal of pharmaceutical science Review and Reserch. 2012; 16(2): 97-103.
  5. Sai Lakshmi Jotiramal Kala and supriya palaparthi, Formulation and Invittroevluation of poty herbal anti anti agnin face cream volume 6 , Issue 13, 717-733.
  6. Tuchayi SM, Makrantonaki E, Ganceviciene R, Dessinioti C, Feldman SR and Zouboulis CC: Acne vulgaris. Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2015; 1:1-20.
  8. B.S., Kalpesh k. Mehta , Anshu Gupta [2016] . Dispensing pharmacy A Practical manual [p.p. 389-399]. Pharma med press.
  9. 14. S.Khadabadi, S.L.Deore, B.A.Baviskar.[2014] . Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry, A comprehensive Approch, published by pharmamed press, 1st edition, p.p.8.4.
  11. Kalpesh Chhotalal Ashara. Importance of trituration technique on prepration and evaluation of cold cream. Inventi Rapid Pharma Tech 2013 ; 1-2:2012.
  12. SK Uddanu Saheb , Aduri Prakash Reddy , K Rajitha , B Sarvani , B Vanitha. Formulation and evaluation of cream from naturally containing plant extracts. World J Pharm Pharm Sci 2018 ;7:851-62.
  13. Panda, H, [2015]. Herbal Cosmetic hand Book. National institute Re.
  14. Afsar, Z, Khanam, S. , and Aamir, S [2018] Formulation and comparative evaluation of polyherbal prepration for their disinfect and effect, 1[1], 54-65.
  15. 20. Dhanasekarama, M,[2016] International reaserch Journal of Pharmacy, 7[2],31-35.
  16. Nikhil Nitin Navindgikar, K.A.Kamalapurkar, Prashant S. Chavan. Formulation and evaluation of multipurpose herbal cream. International journal of current pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 12, Issue 3, 25-30.
  17. R. Patel, H.U.Momin, R.L.Dhumal, K, L. Mohite, [2017], prepare prepration and evaluation af multipurpose herbal cream, Adv pharma life sci. Res;5[1];27-32.
  18. Vijaya Sadashiv Rabade. Formulation and evaluation of polyherbal cold cream IJPRS/Vg/14/00005.
  19. Mali, A. S., Karekar, P., & Yadav, A. V. (2015). Formulation and evaluation of multipurpose herbal cream. International Journal of Science and Research, International Journal of Science and Research, 4(11), 1495-1498.


  1. T. Reynolds, Ac Dweck. Aloe Vera leaf gel : a review update. J Ethano pharmacol 1999; 68: 3-37.
  2. Priyanka sharma , Amit C Kharkwal , Harsha Kharkval , M2 Abdin , Ajit Varma . A review on the pharmacological propertis of Aloe Vera Int J pharma sci. Res 2014; 29: 31-7.
  3. Aditi V, Pranav s. Formulation and evaluation of topical anti-acne formulation of coriander extract. International Journal of pharmaceutical science Review and Reserch. 2012; 16(2): 97-103.
  5. Sai Lakshmi Jotiramal Kala and supriya palaparthi, Formulation and Invittroevluation of poty herbal anti anti agnin face cream volume 6 , Issue 13, 717-733.
  6. Tuchayi SM, Makrantonaki E, Ganceviciene R, Dessinioti C, Feldman SR and Zouboulis CC: Acne vulgaris. Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2015; 1:1-20.
  8. B.S., Kalpesh k. Mehta , Anshu Gupta [2016] . Dispensing pharmacy A Practical manual [p.p. 389-399]. Pharma med press.
  9. 14. S.Khadabadi, S.L.Deore, B.A.Baviskar.[2014] . Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry, A comprehensive Approch, published by pharmamed press, 1st edition, p.p.8.4.
  11. Kalpesh Chhotalal Ashara. Importance of trituration technique on prepration and evaluation of cold cream. Inventi Rapid Pharma Tech 2013 ; 1-2:2012.
  12. SK Uddanu Saheb , Aduri Prakash Reddy , K Rajitha , B Sarvani , B Vanitha. Formulation and evaluation of cream from naturally containing plant extracts. World J Pharm Pharm Sci 2018 ;7:851-62.
  13. Panda, H, [2015]. Herbal Cosmetic hand Book. National institute Re.
  14. Afsar, Z, Khanam, S. , and Aamir, S [2018] Formulation and comparative evaluation of polyherbal prepration for their disinfect and effect, 1[1], 54-65.
  15. 20. Dhanasekarama, M,[2016] International reaserch Journal of Pharmacy, 7[2],31-35.
  16. Nikhil Nitin Navindgikar, K.A.Kamalapurkar, Prashant S. Chavan. Formulation and evaluation of multipurpose herbal cream. International journal of current pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 12, Issue 3, 25-30.
  17. R. Patel, H.U.Momin, R.L.Dhumal, K, L. Mohite, [2017], prepare prepration and evaluation af multipurpose herbal cream, Adv pharma life sci. Res;5[1];27-32.
  18. Vijaya Sadashiv Rabade. Formulation and evaluation of polyherbal cold cream IJPRS/Vg/14/00005.
  19. Mali, A. S., Karekar, P., & Yadav, A. V. (2015). Formulation and evaluation of multipurpose herbal cream. International Journal of Science and Research, International Journal of Science and Research, 4(11), 1495-1498.

Akanksha mukesh bhavsar
Corresponding author

Swami Vivekanand Sanstha’s Instutute Of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Mungase, Tal.Malegaon, Dist.Nashik-423201

Krushna vijay ahire

Swami Vivekanand Sanstha’s Instutute Of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Mungase, Tal.Malegaon, Dist.Nashik-423201

Vinit samadhan bhavar

Swami Vivekanand Sanstha’s Instutute Of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Mungase, Tal.Malegaon, Dist.Nashik-423201

Pranav kailas deore

Swami Vivekanand Sanstha’s Instutute Of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Mungase, Tal.Malegaon, Dist.Nashik-423201

Tufail Dana Shakil Ahamad, Bhavsar Akanksha , Deore Pranav , Ahire Krushna , Bhavar Vinit , Formulation And Evaluation Of Herbal Anti Acne Cream Of Peppermint Extract, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 6, 1260-1266.

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