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Emulgels have emerged as a promising drug delivery system for the delivery of hydrophobic drugs. Skin problems require treatments that are both effective and easy to use. This research developed a new skin medication combining the benefits of a gel and cream (emulgel) using natural rice bran wax and an antibiotic called Gentamicin. The goal was to create a skin-friendly treatment that would be comfortable to apply and work better than traditional medications. The research team first extracted and purified wax from rice bran, a natural by-product of rice processing. They then carefully combined this wax with Gentamicin and other ingredients to create a smooth, spreadable medication. The team developed three different versions of the medication and tested them thoroughly to ensure they were safe and effective for skin application. Through careful testing, they found that using a specific amount (2%) of a thickening agent called Carbopol 940 gave the best results. The final product was easy to apply, stayed on the skin well, and effectively delivered the medicine. The researchers tested how well it could fight against harmful microorganisms and compared it with existing treatments. The study successfully showed that rice bran wax could be used to create an effective skin medication. The final product was stable, easy to apply, and met all the necessary requirements for skin treatment. This research offers a promising new approach to treating skin conditions using ingredients derived from natural sources while maintaining pharmaceutical standards


Emugels, Topical drug delivery, Gentamicin, Ailments.


Topical delivery refers to medications that are applied directly to the skin to treat various skin conditions. Unlike pills or injections that travel through your entire body, these treatments work specifically on the area where they're applied. For instance, if you're treating acne or psoriasis, the medicine works directly on those affected skin areas without spreading throughout your body. Healthcare providers and patients can choose from various types of topical treatments. These include everyday items like creams and lotions, medicated ointments, liquid solutions, powders, and spray medications.[1] Each type is designed for specific uses and skin conditions, giving doctors and patients multiple treatment options.  The main advantage of topical treatments is their ability to target specific skin areas while minimizing how much medicine enters the bloodstream.[2] This targeted approach helps reduce potential side effects that might occur if the medicine were to spread throughout the body.[2] It's similar to how sunscreen works - providing protection exactly where it's needed. However, traditional topical treatments do have their drawbacks. Creams and ointments can feel greasy or sticky on the skin. Some lotions might stain clothing or require frequent reapplication to remain effective. These limitations have encouraged researchers to continue developing new and improved forms of topical medications that are both more effective and more comfortable for patients to use.[3]  Traditional skin treatments often come with a few drawbacks that can make them less comfortable to use. Imagine trying to spread thick honey on your skin—it’s sticky, hard to spread, and requires a lot of rubbing to cover a large area. Many ointments and creams feel like this, which can be off-putting for patients.[4] On top of that, these products don’t always stay stable over time, which can reduce their effectiveness. This is where transparent gels came into play.[5] They offered a better alternative because they were lighter and easier to apply, making them popular in both skincare and medicinal products. However, gels had their own limitations. They couldn’t effectively carry certain types of medications, especially those that don’t mix well with water. Then, scientists came up with a clever solution: combining the best of both worlds—gels and emulsions. This new formulation, known as "emulgel," delivers the smooth, lightweight feel of a gel, but with the added benefit of being able to carry a wider range of medications, including those that aren’t water-soluble. Imagine mixing the soothing feel of aloe vera gel with the rich delivery power of a cream. The result is something that’s not only easy to apply but also more effective at getting the medicine where it’s needed. This innovation has led to skin treatments that are both patient-friendly and therapeutically potent.

            Cross Section of Skin.png

Figure No.1: Cross section of skin

    1. Gels As Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

The term "gel" was first introduced in the late 1800s to describe certain semisolid materials based on their physiological properties rather than their molecular composition.[6-8] According to the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), gels are defined as semisolid systems composed of dispersions containing either small inorganic particles or large organic molecules, which are surrounded and interpenetrated by a liquid.[9-13] Gels are highly diluted cross-linked systems that remain stationary and do not flow when in a steady state.[14-15]Gels are two-component semi-solid systems with a high liquid content. A defining characteristic is their continuous structure, which imparts solid-like properties. [16-17] The biocompatibility, network structure, and molecular stability they offer for incorporated bioactive agents have made gels a leading material in drug delivery formulations.[17]

1.2 Emulsion and Gel Combination in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Emulgels, as their name implies, combine gel and emulsion properties.  These oil-in-water or water-in-oil emulsions effectively deliver drugs to the skin, exhibiting high skin penetration.  The addition of a gelling agent to the water phase transforms a standard emulsion into an emulgel.[17-20]  For dermatological applications, emulgels offer several advantages: thixotropy, a greaseless and easily spreadable/removable texture, emollience, lack of staining, water solubility, extended shelf life, biocompatibility, transparency, and an aesthetically pleasing appearance.  Skin penetration occurs via three routes: the intact stratum corneum (accounting for over 99% of the skin surface and representing the rate-limiting step), sweat ducts, and sebaceous follicles.  Percutaneous absorption involves three key processes: establishing a concentration gradient (the driving force), drug release from the emulgel (partition coefficient), and drug diffusion through skin layers (diffusion coefficient).[21]


Gentamicin was provided by Arco Lifesciences, Nagpur (INDIA) Carbopol 934, Carbopol 940, HPMC (S.D fine chemicals Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai). Sodium Borohydrate procure from HiMedia Laboratories Private Limited, Thane (West) Mumbai (INDIA) All other chemicals and reagents used were of analytical grade. Deionized distilled water was used throughout the study.

3. Solubility study:

Gentamicin solubility was determined in phosphate buffer, distilled water, 5% triethanolamine solution, and a chloroform-water solution using the shake flask method[22].  Specifically, an excess of gentamicin was added to 10 mL of each solvent in separate vials.  The mixtures were agitated mechanically for 72 hours at 25°C using an isothermal shaker.  Following agitation, the samples were filtered using Whatman filter paper before UV analysis to determine the amount of gentamicin dissolved in each solvent.  This analysis will identify which solvent provides the best solubility for gentamicin.

 4. Preparation of Rice Bran Wax

4.1 Purification of rice bran wax:

40 grams of raw wax were added to 200 mL of water in a round-bottom flask (RBF) and heated to 80°C using a heating mantle.  Sodium borohydride was then added dropwise.  The resulting resinous matter settled in the RBF.  The wax was subsequently filtered and allowed to cool to room temperature. After 2–4 hours, the solidified wax was collected to remove residual moisture, yielding moisture-free wax for further experimentation.[21]

4.2 Saponification of Rice bran wax

Two grams of rice bran wax (RBW) were added to a 200 mL flask containing 40 mL of ethanolic potassium hydroxide.  The mixture was refluxed for two hours with frequent swirling. While still hot, the excess alkali was titrated with 0.5 M hydrochloric acid, using phenolphthalein as an indicator. A blank titration (without RBW) was performed. The saponification value was then calculated using the formula:

Saponification Value = 28.05x(B-A)w



4.3 Physicochemical Properties of Crude and Purified Rice Bran Wax


Table no 1 Physiochemical Properties.


Sr. No.

Physiochemical Properties

Crude Rice Bran Wax

Purified Rice Bran Wax


Melting Point




Acid Value




Saponification Value




Iodine Value



The physicochemical properties of both crude and purified rice bran wax.  The melting point of the crude wax was 62°C, increasing to 80°C after purification.  Similarly, the acid value decreased significantly from 8.3 to 1.6, and the saponification value dropped from 141 to 82.  Finally, the iodine value, an indicator of unsaturation, also decreased substantially, from 41 to 8.0 following purification.

4.4 Different Surfactant Blends

Table 2: Different surfactant blend of Emulsions.

Sr. No


Span 60 (g)

Tween 80 (g)

































Table 2 summarizes the stability study of eight emulsions, each prepared with a different hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) value ranging from 8 to 15. The observations indicate that all prepared emulsions were stable; however, the emulsion with an HLB value of 12 was highlighted as the preferred formulation because its HLB falls within the optimal, median range for stability [22].

4.5 Stability Study of Emulsions


Table 3: Stability Study


Sr. No

Prepared Emulsion



Emulsion 1 (HLB 8)

Ka All prepared emulsions are stable and selected HLB 12 emulsion because it is lies in median range.


Emulsion 2 (HLB 9)


Emulsion 3 (HLB 10)


Emulsion 4 (HLB 11)


Emulsion 5 (HLB 12)


Emulsion 6 (HLB 13)


Emulsion 7 (HLB 14)


Emulsion 8 (HLB 15)

A stability study was conducted on eight emulsions, each formulated with a different hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) value, ranging from 8 to 15.  The results showed that all emulsions were stable.  However, the emulsion with an HLB of 12 was deemed optimal because its HLB value lies within the median range, suggesting enhanced stability compared to emulsions with higher or lower HLB values.

4.5 HLB Photomicroscopic Images


Table no 4 Photomicroscopic images of Emulsions


Emulsion. No


Microscopic Image


(HLB 8)

Evenly spread globules of internal phase were seen throughout the slide.





(HLB 9)

Evenly spread globules of internal phase were seen throughout the slide.






(HLB 10)

Evenly spread globules of internal phase were seen throughout the slide.






(HLB 11)

Evenly spread globules of internal phase were seen throughout the slide.







(HLB 12)


Evenly spread globules of internal phase were seen throughout the slide





(HLB 13)

Evenly spread globules of internal phase were seen throughout the slide.




(HLB 14)

Evenly spread globules of internal phase were seen throughout the slide.







(HLB 15)

Evenly spread globules of internal phase were seen throughout the slide.




Photomicrographic analysis of emulsions with HLB values ranging from 8 to 15 (Emulsions 1-8) revealed a consistent pattern:  in all cases, the internal phase globules were evenly distributed throughout the slide, indicating the formation of homogeneous emulsions across the tested HLB range[23].

5. Preparation of Emulgel :-

An emulsion was prepared by combining 100 mg of drug, 1 g of saponified wax, and 1 g of surfactant blend in a sufficient quantity of ethanol. Ten milliliters of water were added, and the mixture was stirred for 10 minutes to form an emulsion. Separately, a gel base was prepared by slowly incorporating Carbopol into distilled water with continuous stirring, allowing it to hydrate overnight. Finally, the prepared emulsion was incorporated into the gel base with moderate stirring, and the pH was adjusted to 6.0-6.5 using triethanolamine (TEA).

Table no 5: Composition of Gentamicin Emulgel






Getamicin (Drug)




Rice Bran Wax




Carbopol 940




Tween 80




Span 60




Propyl Paraben




Methyl Paraben












Purified Water




6. Evaluation Of Emulgel

6.1 Physical Examination

The Prepared Emulgel Formulations Were Inspected Visually For Their Color, Appearance And Consistency. [23]

6.2 Rheological Study

Viscosity Measurements Were Obtained Using A Brookfield Cone And Plate Viscometer (Spindle 7) At 25°C.  The Viscometer Was Connected To A Circulating Water Bath For Temperature Control.  The Emulgel Sample Was Placed In A Temperature-Controlled Beaker, The Spindle Was Inserted, And The Viscosity Reading Was Recorded.

6.3 Ph Detection :

The Ph Of The Formulated Batches Was Measured Using A Calibrated Ph Meter At 25°C.  The Electrode Was Carefully Immersed Into The Emulgel Sample, And The Ph Reading Was Recorded After Stabilization.

6.4 Extrudability Measurement

Extrusion Force Was Measured Using A Extrusion Rheometer At 25°C. The Instrument Was Equipped With A  Probe And Connected To A Temperature-Controlled Environment.  The Emulgel Sample Was Loaded Into The Barrel, Placed In A Temperature-Controlled Chamber And The Extrusion Force Was Recorded.

6.5 Spreading Coefficient

To Measure The Spreadability Of The Emulgel, We Followed A Method Described By Mutimer.  This Involved A Simple Yet Effective Apparatus.  First, We Placed Approximately Two Grams Of The Emulgel Onto A Horizontal Ground Glass Slide Which Was Secured To A Wooden Block Connected To A Pulley System.  This Ensured A Consistent Starting Point For The Test.  A Second, Identical Ground Glass Slide Was Carefully Placed On Top Of The Emulgel, Creating A Sandwich. A 500-Milligram Weight Was Placed On The Top Slide For Five Minutes.  This Step Served A Dual Purpose: It Expelled Any Trapped Air Bubbles Between The Slides, Leading To A Uniform Emulgel Film, And It Also Applied A Slight Initial Pressure To Compress The Emulgel, Creating Consistent Starting Conditions For Our Spreadability Test. After The Five-Minute Compression Period, A Measured Additional Weight Was Added To The Top Slide, Which Was Attached Via A Small Hook To The Pulley System. The Time It Took For The Weighted Top Slide To Slide 5 Centimeters Across The Lower Slide Was Then Precisely Recorded.  This Measurement Provided A Quantitative Measure Of Spreadability. The Underlying Principle Is That A Shorter Time To Cover The 5-Centimeter Distance Indicates A Lower Resistance To Spreading, Meaning That The Emulgel Possesses A Superior Spreading Coefficient.  Essentially, The Lower The Drag And The Greater The Slip, The Faster The Top Slide Moves And The Better The Emulgel's Spreadability.[25]

6.6 Bioadhesive Strength Measurement

Bioadhesive Strength Was Measured Using A Modified Two-Arm Balance Method.  Two Glass Slides, Each Holding A Piece Of Rat Skin, Were Balanced Against A Single Weighted Glass Slide.  One Gram Of Emulgel Was Placed Between The Skin-Bearing Slides, And Pressure Was Applied To Remove Air. Weight Was Then Gradually Added (200 Mg/Minute) To The Opposite Pan Until The Slides Separated.  The Weight Required To Detach The Slides Provided A Measure Of The Emulgel's Bioadhesive Strength[26].

The Bioadhesive Strength Is Calculated By Using Following:

Biodhesive Strength = Weight Required (In G)  / Area (Cm2)

6.7 In Vitro Release Studies:

The In Vitro Drug Release Studies Were Carried Out Using A Modified Franz Diffusion (FD) Cell. The Formulation Was Applied On Dialysis Membrane Which Was Placed Between Donor And Receptor Compartment Of The FD Cell. Phosphate Buffer Ph 7.4 Was Used As A Dissolution Media. The Temperature Of The Cell Was Maintained At 37 C By Circulating Water Jacket. This Whole Assembly Was Kept On A Magnetic Stirrer And The Solution Was Stirred Continuously Using A Magnetic Bead. A Similar Blank Set Was Run Simultaneously As A Control. Sample (5 Ml) Was Withdrawn At Suitable Time Intervals And Replaced With Equal Amounts Of Fresh Dissolution Media. Samples Were Analyzed Spectrophotometrically At 224 Nm And The Cumulative % Drug Release Was Calculated. The Difference Between The Readings Of Drug Release And Control Was Used As The Actual Reading In Each Case.[27]

6.8 In Vitro Anti-Bacterial And Antifungal Activity:-

In Vitro Antibacterial Activity Of Emulgel Was Assessed By The Disc Diffusion Method Against Three Strains Of Bacteria: Staphylococcus Aureus, Streptococcus Pyogen, Pseudomonas Aeroginosa And Against Candida Albican Was Expressed As Diameter Of The Inhibition Zones[28-30].


7.1 Physical Appearance

Emulgel Formulations Were Yellowish White Viscous Creamy Preparation With A Smooth Homogeneous Texture And Glossy Appearance. Results Have Been Discussed In Table No 6

Table No. 6 Physical Appearance









Drug content  (%)



















7.3 Bioadhesive strength measurement

The bioadhesive strength of various emulgel formulations have been shown below in Fig. 3.

            Bioadhesive strength measurement.png

Figure no 3 Bioadhesive strength measurement

7.4 In vitro release study

Formulations F1, F2, and F3 exhibited distinct drug release profiles over 120 minutes.  F1 consistently demonstrated the highest cumulative drug release at each time point, reaching 84.15% by 120 minutes. F2 showed a slower release, reaching 61.06% at 120 minutes, while F3 displayed a relatively lower and less variable release profile, reaching 54.55% at 120 minutes. Result have been shown in Table no 8 , Fig no 4[31-33]

Table no 8 In vitro drug Release Study


% cumulative drug release
























            In-Vitro Drug Release.png

Fig no 4 In-Vitro Drug Release

7.5 In vitro Anti-Bacterial and Antifungal Activity

The zones of inhibition for formulations F1, F2, and F3 were measured as 29.3 mm, 26.6 mm, and 24 mm, respectively.  The standard exhibited a zone of inhibition of 38.6 mm. Shown in Table no 9

Table No 9 -In vitro Anti-Bacterial and Antifungal Activity

Sr. No


Zone of inhibition(mm)














This research developed three emulgel formulations (F1, F2, and F3) for topical drug delivery to treat skin ailments.  In vitro testing revealed that Formulation F1 exhibited superior performance across key parameters.  Specifically, F1 demonstrated significantly better spreadability and bioadhesion than F2 and F3, as measured using a Mutimer apparatus.  Furthermore, F1 showed a faster and more complete drug release profile in a modified Franz diffusion cell over a 120-minute period.  Antimicrobial testing indicated that all formulations possessed activity, but F1 displayed the largest zone of inhibition, although less potent than a standard antimicrobial.  The study concludes that F1 shows promise as a topical treatment and recommends further research, including in vivo studies, to fully evaluate its efficacy and safety, and to optimize its antimicrobial potency.


  1. Zhao L, Chen J, Bai B, Song G, Zhang J, Yu H, Huang S, Wang Z, Lu G. Topical drug delivery strategies for enhancing drug effectiveness by skin barriers, drug delivery systems and individualized dosing. Front Pharmacol. 2024 Jan 16;14:1333986.
  2. Pastore M. N., Kalia Y. N., Horstmann M., Roberts M. S. (2015). Transdermal patches: history, development and pharmacology. Br. J. Pharmacol. 172 (9), 2179–2209. 10.1111/bph.13059
  3. Barnes TM, Mijaljica D, Townley JP, Spada F, Harrison IP. Vehicles for Drug Delivery and Cosmetic Moisturizers: Review and Comparison. Pharmaceutics. 2021 Nov 26;13(12):2012. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13122012. PMID: 34959294; PMCID: PMC8703425.
  4.  Curcio A, Kontzias C, Gorodokin B, et al. Patient preferences in topical psoriasis treatment. J Drugs Dermatol. 2023;22(4):326-329.
  5. Yasir EN, Khashab AL, Yasir MK, Hamadi SA, Al-Waiz MM, Formulation and evaluation of ciprofloxacin as a topical gel, Asian Journal of Phr sci, 8(2), 2010, 80-95.
  6. Bhasha SA, Khalid SA, Duraivel S, Bhowmik D, Kumar KS, Recent trends in usage of polymers in the formulation of dermatological gels, Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology, 1(2),  2013, 161-168.
  7. Panigrahi L, Ghosal SK, Pattnaik S, Maharana L, Barik BB, Effect of permeation enhancers on the release and permeation kinetics of lincomycin hydrochloride gel formulations through mouse skin, Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 68(2), 2006, 205-211.
  8. Thakur V, Prashar B, Arora S, Formulation and in vitro Evaluation of Gel for Topical Delivery of Antifungal Agent Fluconazole Using Different Penetration Enhancers, Drug Invention Today, 4(8), 2012, 414-419.
  9. Swarbrick J, Boylan JC, Encyclopaedia of pharmaceutical technology, 15, Marcel Decker Inc., New Work, 1997, 415440.
  10. Sheikh AA, Ali SS, Siddiqui AR, Zahir Z, Ahmad A, Formulation development and characterization of aceclofenac gel containing linseed oil and ginger oleoresin, Int. J. Pharm. Tech. Res, 3(3), 2011, 1448-1453.
  11. Preet L, Topical Gel: A Recent Approach for Novel Drug delivery, Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(17), 2013, 1-5.
  12. Choukse R, Formulation and Evaluation of Pluronic lecithin organogel of Flurbiprofen, Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 1(1), 2012, 1-7.
  13. Garje KL, Salunkhe KS, Review On: Anti-Inflammatory Herbal Gel Of Boswellia Serrata & Vitex Negundo, Int Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 3(2), 2012, 41-49
  14. Sheikh AA, Ali SS, Siddiqui AR, Zahir Z, Ahmad A, Formulation development and characterization of aceclofenac gel containing linseed oil and ginger oleoresin, Int. J. Pharm. Tech. Res, 3(3), 2011, 1448-1453.
  15. Preet L, Topical Gel: A Recent Approach for Novel Drug delivery, Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(17), 2013, 1-5.
  16. Chung KT, Stevens SE, Cerniglia CE, The reduction of azo dyes by the intestinal microflora, Critical reviews in microbiolology, 18(3), 1992, 175-190.
  17. Kullar R, Saini S, Steth N, Rana AC. Emulgel a surrogate approach for topical used hydrophobic drugs. Int J Pharm Biol Sci 2011;1:117-28.
  18. Single V, Saini S, Joshi B, Rana AC. Emulgel: a new platform for topical drug delivery. Int J Pharm Biol Sci 2012;3:485-98.
  19. Stan-Posthuma JJ, Vink J, Le Cessie S, Bruijn JA, Bergman W, Pavel S. Topical tretinoin under occlusion on a typical navei. Asian J Pharm Clin Res 1998;8:539-48.
  20. Mohamed MI. Optimization of chlorphenesin emugel formulation. AAPS J 2004;6:81-7.
  21. Benson HA. Transdermal drug delivery: penetration enhancement techniques. Curr Drug Deliv. 2005 Jan;2(1):23-33. doi: 10.2174/1567201052772915. PMID: 16305405.
  22. Loftsson, T., & Brewster, M. E. (2010). Pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins: Basic science and product development. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 99(8), 3391-3400.
  23. Abubakar A.Umara Ismail B.M. Saaid and Aliyu A. Sulaimon"Rheological and Stability Study of Water-In-Crude Oil Emulsions"AIP Conf. Proc. 1774, 040004 (2016)
  24. Orafidiya, Lara (Omolara) & Oladimeji, Francis. (2002). Determination of the required HLB values of some essential oils. International journal of pharmaceutics. 237. 241-9. 10.1016/S0378-5173(02)00051-0.
  25. Vali, Shaik & Ju, Yi-Hsu & Kaimal, Thengumpillil & Chen, Peng. (2005). A process for the preparation of food-grade rice bran wax and the determination of its composition. JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 82. 57-64. 10.1007/s11746-005-1043
  26. Singh S, Parhi R, Garg A. Formulation of topical bioadhesive gel of aceclofenac using 3-level factorial design. Iran J Pharm Res. 2011 Summer;10(3):435-45. PMID: 24250375; PMCID: PMC3813046.
  27. Kasliwal, N.,Derle, D.,Negi, J.,Gohil,J.,2008. Effect of permeation enhancers on the release and permeation kinetics of meloxicamgel formulations through rat skin. Asian J.Pharm. Sci.3(5),193–199.
  28. Singh S, Parhi R, Garg A. Formulation of topical bioadhesive gel of aceclofenac using 3-level factorial design. Iran J Pharm Res. 2011 Summer;10(3):435-45. PMID: 24250375; PMCID: PMC3813046.
  29. Upadhyaya Supriya*, Chauhan Bisht Seema, Kothiyal Preeti “Emulgel: A Boon for Dermatological Diseases”Volume 3, Issue 4 (2014),1-9  
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  33. Sourav Dhandhi, Yeshna, Vishal, Monika, Samrat Chauhan, Monika Singh, Rahul Pratap Singh and Vikas Jhawat “Development and characterization of a gallic acid-infused topical emulgel for enhanced wound management: formulation and in vitro optimization" Royal Society of chemisty, December 2024


  1. Zhao L, Chen J, Bai B, Song G, Zhang J, Yu H, Huang S, Wang Z, Lu G. Topical drug delivery strategies for enhancing drug effectiveness by skin barriers, drug delivery systems and individualized dosing. Front Pharmacol. 2024 Jan 16;14:1333986.
  2. Pastore M. N., Kalia Y. N., Horstmann M., Roberts M. S. (2015). Transdermal patches: history, development and pharmacology. Br. J. Pharmacol. 172 (9), 2179–2209. 10.1111/bph.13059
  3. Barnes TM, Mijaljica D, Townley JP, Spada F, Harrison IP. Vehicles for Drug Delivery and Cosmetic Moisturizers: Review and Comparison. Pharmaceutics. 2021 Nov 26;13(12):2012. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13122012. PMID: 34959294; PMCID: PMC8703425.
  4.  Curcio A, Kontzias C, Gorodokin B, et al. Patient preferences in topical psoriasis treatment. J Drugs Dermatol. 2023;22(4):326-329.
  5. Yasir EN, Khashab AL, Yasir MK, Hamadi SA, Al-Waiz MM, Formulation and evaluation of ciprofloxacin as a topical gel, Asian Journal of Phr sci, 8(2), 2010, 80-95.
  6. Bhasha SA, Khalid SA, Duraivel S, Bhowmik D, Kumar KS, Recent trends in usage of polymers in the formulation of dermatological gels, Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology, 1(2),  2013, 161-168.
  7. Panigrahi L, Ghosal SK, Pattnaik S, Maharana L, Barik BB, Effect of permeation enhancers on the release and permeation kinetics of lincomycin hydrochloride gel formulations through mouse skin, Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 68(2), 2006, 205-211.
  8. Thakur V, Prashar B, Arora S, Formulation and in vitro Evaluation of Gel for Topical Delivery of Antifungal Agent Fluconazole Using Different Penetration Enhancers, Drug Invention Today, 4(8), 2012, 414-419.
  9. Swarbrick J, Boylan JC, Encyclopaedia of pharmaceutical technology, 15, Marcel Decker Inc., New Work, 1997, 415440.
  10. Sheikh AA, Ali SS, Siddiqui AR, Zahir Z, Ahmad A, Formulation development and characterization of aceclofenac gel containing linseed oil and ginger oleoresin, Int. J. Pharm. Tech. Res, 3(3), 2011, 1448-1453.
  11. Preet L, Topical Gel: A Recent Approach for Novel Drug delivery, Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(17), 2013, 1-5.
  12. Choukse R, Formulation and Evaluation of Pluronic lecithin organogel of Flurbiprofen, Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 1(1), 2012, 1-7.
  13. Garje KL, Salunkhe KS, Review On: Anti-Inflammatory Herbal Gel Of Boswellia Serrata & Vitex Negundo, Int Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 3(2), 2012, 41-49
  14. Sheikh AA, Ali SS, Siddiqui AR, Zahir Z, Ahmad A, Formulation development and characterization of aceclofenac gel containing linseed oil and ginger oleoresin, Int. J. Pharm. Tech. Res, 3(3), 2011, 1448-1453.
  15. Preet L, Topical Gel: A Recent Approach for Novel Drug delivery, Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(17), 2013, 1-5.
  16. Chung KT, Stevens SE, Cerniglia CE, The reduction of azo dyes by the intestinal microflora, Critical reviews in microbiolology, 18(3), 1992, 175-190.
  17. Kullar R, Saini S, Steth N, Rana AC. Emulgel a surrogate approach for topical used hydrophobic drugs. Int J Pharm Biol Sci 2011;1:117-28.
  18. Single V, Saini S, Joshi B, Rana AC. Emulgel: a new platform for topical drug delivery. Int J Pharm Biol Sci 2012;3:485-98.
  19. Stan-Posthuma JJ, Vink J, Le Cessie S, Bruijn JA, Bergman W, Pavel S. Topical tretinoin under occlusion on a typical navei. Asian J Pharm Clin Res 1998;8:539-48.
  20. Mohamed MI. Optimization of chlorphenesin emugel formulation. AAPS J 2004;6:81-7.
  21. Benson HA. Transdermal drug delivery: penetration enhancement techniques. Curr Drug Deliv. 2005 Jan;2(1):23-33. doi: 10.2174/1567201052772915. PMID: 16305405.
  22. Loftsson, T., & Brewster, M. E. (2010). Pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins: Basic science and product development. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 99(8), 3391-3400.
  23. Abubakar A.Umara Ismail B.M. Saaid and Aliyu A. Sulaimon"Rheological and Stability Study of Water-In-Crude Oil Emulsions"AIP Conf. Proc. 1774, 040004 (2016)
  24. Orafidiya, Lara (Omolara) & Oladimeji, Francis. (2002). Determination of the required HLB values of some essential oils. International journal of pharmaceutics. 237. 241-9. 10.1016/S0378-5173(02)00051-0.
  25. Vali, Shaik & Ju, Yi-Hsu & Kaimal, Thengumpillil & Chen, Peng. (2005). A process for the preparation of food-grade rice bran wax and the determination of its composition. JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 82. 57-64. 10.1007/s11746-005-1043
  26. Singh S, Parhi R, Garg A. Formulation of topical bioadhesive gel of aceclofenac using 3-level factorial design. Iran J Pharm Res. 2011 Summer;10(3):435-45. PMID: 24250375; PMCID: PMC3813046.
  27. Kasliwal, N.,Derle, D.,Negi, J.,Gohil,J.,2008. Effect of permeation enhancers on the release and permeation kinetics of meloxicamgel formulations through rat skin. Asian J.Pharm. Sci.3(5),193–199.
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Veerendra Dhoke
Corresponding author

The Royal Gondwana College of Pharmacy,Nagpur

Shubham Kamble

The Royal Gondwana College of Pharmacy,Nagpur

Shradha Mahalle

The Royal Gondwana College of Pharmacy,Nagpur

Veerendra Dhoke*, Shubham Kamble, Shradha Mahalle, Monika Kherade, Dr. Tirupati Rasala, Dr. Amar Deshpande, Formulation and Development of Emulgel for The Treatment of Skin Ailments, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2025, Vol 3, Issue 1, 2063-2073.

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