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Many medicinal plants are claimed to be useful in skin diseases in all traditional systems of medicine and folklore. At the same time, these herbal remedies are used orally and by topical application. Looking at the scope of the herbal drug and the increasing demand, especially for liver disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, inflammation, infectious disease, skin disease, etc. Plumeria obtusa is a deciduous tree with a thick, widely spread, common rather wet garden; in lawns and open plantations, the tree is unusual in appearance. The plant loses leaves for a short time during the winter. This study aims to determine phytochemical components using different solvents and to study the antibacterial effect of methanol extract to varying concentrations against these bacteria. Phytochemical analysis of Plumeria obtusa leaves extracts indicate the presence of various medicinally valuable components, including alkaloids, glycosides, carbohydrates, phytosterols, phenolic compounds, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, proteins, and amino acids. Current findings indicate that methanol is a good solvent for extracting antibacterial agents. Further studies are needed to investigate the individual phytochemical compounds of Plumeria obtusa Leaves can be considered as effective as the most effective artificial antibiotics.


Antibiotics, Antibacterial activity, Methanol extract, Plumeria obtusa Linn, Phytochemical analysis, etc


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Ganesh D. Barkade
Corresponding author

Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s College of Pharmacy, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar – 414111

Akshata B. Sinare

Research Scholar, Dr Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation's College of Pharmacy, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar – 414111

Mayur G. Tandale

Research Scholar, Dr Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation's College of Pharmacy, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar – 414111

Rutuja B. Sonawane

Research Scholar, Dr Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation's College of Pharmacy, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar – 414111

Rutuja R. Sumbe

Research Scholar, Dr Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation's College of Pharmacy, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar – 414111

Akshata B. Sinare, Mayur G. Tandale, Rutuja B. Sonawane, Rutuja R. Sumbe, Vaibhav D. Talekar, Ganesh D. Barkade*, Extraction, Phytochemical Investigation and Antimicrobial Activity of Plumeria Obtusa, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 6, 39-46.

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