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In recent years, the healthcare industry has witnessed a revolutionary transformation with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, particularly AI chatbots and virtual assistants. Design characteristics play a crucial role in optimizing user experience, as highlighted by insights from experimental research. Hidoc Dr, a key player in AI-driven healthcare, exemplifies the transformative potential of AI solutions, notably through its innovative Dr's Chatbot. The article discusses AI chatbots pivotal role in patient engagement, administrative efficiency, personalized health information, remote monitoring, and addressing language barriers. Despite challenges, ongoing AI development promises a transformative future for patient-centered care, necessitating collaboration among technology developers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers for responsible integration.


Healthcare Industry, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies, AI Chatbots, Virtual Assistants, User Experience, Design Characteristics, Quadruple Aim, Hidoc Dr, Patient Engagement, Administrative Efficiency, Personalized Health Information, Remote Monitoring, Telehealth, Language Barriers, Ethical Considerations.


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Asma Shaikh
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Infedis Infotech LLP

Haritha CK

Infedis Infotech LLP

Arina Mullick

Infedis Infotech LLP

Varun Gadia

Infedis Infotech LLP

Haritha C. K. , Asma Shaikh, Varun Gadia, Arina Mullick, Enhancing Patient Care With AI Chatbots And Virtual Assistants, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 10-13.

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