Department of Pharmacology Government Medical Collage and Associated Hospital , Anantnag ,Jammu &Kashmir, India
A 76-year-old man who had sigmoid colon cancer underwent a colectomy. As adjuvant therapy, the patient was prescribed capecitabine (2g tablets)for two weeks followed by a week off. After completing four complete treatment cycles, the patient developed lacrimation and irritation of the eyes in addition to hand and foot discoloration. It is important to identify such adverse drug reactions and report them.
Asra Jabeen ,Masrat Nabi ,Sheikh H. Ismail, Nasreen Chashoo, Sami Magray, Zahid Akhtar, Hand And Foot Syndrome With Hyperpigmentation By Capecitabine, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 233-236.