Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College (Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur- 413512.
In this study, creams were formulated based on the anti-oxidant potential of herbal extracts of apricot and giloy. The aim of this study is to prepare and formulate an herbal anti-aging cream and to evaluate its physicochemical properties with an emphasis on safety and efficacy. The creams were formulated (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, and F6) and evaluated for different parameters like organoleptic properties, ph, homogeneity, irritancy, and stability. The entire formulation gave satisfied results. F2 and F3 were evaluated for stability, and creams were stable during stability studies. The cream is also evaluated for microbial growth, which has not shown any. The formulation was further investigated for its anti-oxidant activity (DPPH radical scavenging activity) by using ascorbic acid as a standard. F1 and F3 show the highest anti-oxidant activity (45% and 55%, respectively). It is possible to suggest that this formulation has the potential to be anti-oxidant and anti-aging for topical use.
Aged skin is a usual progression, and it is a consequence of the continual decaying process because of the harm to cellular DNA and proteins. [1]. Air, harsh sun rays, other environmental pollutants, or other mechanical and chemical insults induce the generation of free radicals (FR) as well as reactive oxygen species (ROS) in our own metabolism when humans are exposed to them. Thus, skin aging is divided into these two categories: Natural, sequential, extraneous, or photo-aging into common terms [2, 3]. A FR is any chemical species (atom, ion, or molecule) that contains an unpaired electron, and in biological systems, the common source of FR is oxygen.[4] FR are created as a consequence of ATP production by the mitochondria when cells use oxygen to generate energy, and they are generally called ROS that result from the cellular redox process and play a dual role as both toxic and advantageous compounds. [5]. FR play a significant role in the development of several skin conditions, such as skin cancers, wrinkles, and aging of the skin. UV light primarily generates free radicals (FR/ROS) by interacting with endogenous photosensitizers. This process results in cumulative physiological and structural changes, as well as progressive modifications in each layer of the skin and changes in the appearance of the skin. [6, 7]. Anti-oxidative defense mechanisms are the most effective way to eliminate and diminish the action of FR, which causes oxidative stress. [8]. They are inherently FR scavengers, which are known to destroy cells and lead to age-related medical conditions (such as wrinkles in the skin). [9]. Topical application of anti-oxidants may be beneficial for protecting the skin against environmental factors. Anti-oxidant compounds play an important key ingredient in skin-care products such as creams and lotions, which have received importance in the present scenario. [10, 11]. Anti-oxidants such as vitamin E and C, carotenoids, flavonoids, and tannins are present in various plants in substantial amounts and can be utilized to scavenge the overindulgence of FR in the human body. Apricot and Giloy are two of them, which contain potent antioxidants. [12].
Because of the existence of secondary metabolites, plants constitute a natural source of medicine. In both contemporary and traditional medical systems, the bioactive chemicals found in plants have been isolated. [13, 14] Because antioxidants prevent oxidative degradation in food and medicinal items, interest in them has grown. [15] Bioactive substances found in abundance in apricots include vitamins, carotenoids, and polyphenols. [16]. Tinospora cordifolia is a shrub that is commonly utilized in Ayurvedic and folk medical systems. It is said to have antioxidant qualities. [17].
Materials and methods
The herbal drug to be used for this research study was collected from local herbal shop of Raebareli and chemicals required are taken from college lab. The collected herbal drug is dried and sieved and stored in an air tight container.
Phytochemical Screening of extract
Phytochemical screening of the extract was qualitatively tested for the presence of chemical constituents, and it was performed using following reagents and chemicals.
Test for flavonoid
A few drops of diluted sodium hydroxide were added to one milliliter of extract. A few drops of diluted acid were added to plant extract, which first had a pronounced yellow tinge that eventually turned colorless. This implies that flavonoids are present. [18].
Test for terpenoids
To build a layer, plant extract, chloroform, and concentrated H2SO4 were combined. The development of a reddish-brown hue in the vicinity of the contact signifies the existence of terpenoids. [19].
Test for tannins and phenols
The test extract was boiled, filtered, and then added to water. Five milliliters of the filtrate were mixed with one milliliter of a ferric chloride solution. Phenols and tannins are indicated by the hue dark green or deep blue. [20].
Test for the steroid
A green-blue color was produced, signifying the presence of steroids, by gradually adding a strong sulphuric acid solution to the extract following treatment with 0.5 ml of acetic anhydride and 0.5 ml of chloroform. [21].
Test for alkaloid
Wagner's reagent (iodine in potassium iodide) and 1 milliliter of extract are combined, and the resultant reddish-brown precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloids. [22].
Method of preparation
An anti-aging cream contains an aqueous phase. Oil phase like (Stearic acid, an emulsifier and other oil miscible components olive oil) was mixed [Part A] and heated up to 75?
. [23, 24].
Table no.1: Formulation of anti-aging cream
Evaluation of Cream
The resulting cream's organoleptic qualities, such as color, odor, and appearance, were assessed. The roughness and color serve as judges for appearance.
The calibration of the pH meter was done with common buffer solutions. In a beaker, 50 milliliters of distilled water were used to dissolve around 0.5 grams of the cream, and the resulting ph was recorded. [25].
The measurement of viscosity of the prepared cream was done with Brookfield visometer. The viscosity was measured using spindle LV- 4 spindle.
We measured the cream's emolliency, slipperiness, and amount of residue left behind after application.
The uniformity of the formulation was assessed by touch and appearance.
After applying the lotion to the skin, the time was recorded. After applying the cream formulation to a designated region of skin, erythema and irritation were assessed and reported at regular intervals for up to 24 hours. [26].
After application, the amount of cream formulation left as well as its slipperiness and emolliency were measured.
For the purpose of determining the formulated cream's stability parameters during storage, stability studies were conducted in accordance with ICH requirements. For two months, the cream-filled bottle was stored in a stability chamber that was kept at 35 + 2 °C and 65 + 5% relative humidity. Samples were examined for their physical characteristics at the conclusion of the research. [27].
Microbiological tests are crucial for cream formulations to ensure their safety, quality and efficacy. The formulated creams are tested for their sterility. A small quantity of the cream was inoculated into agar media and kept at 37ºC for 24 h. After the incubation period, the plates are checked for any microbial growth by comparing with the control plate [28].
Table no. 3: Result of the formulation
Table no.4: Results of stability study
Anti-oxidant activity (DPPH radical scavenging activity)
The anti-oxidant activity of cream formulation was assessed using DPPH radical scavenging activity and by taking ascorbic acid as standard. Formulation F3 shows maximum percent inhibition of DPPH about 55%.fig 2. shows DPPH scavenging activities of formulation F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 and F6 in different concentrations.
Based on the result obtained from the study, moderate Antioxidant property (DPPH scavenging) was observed in sample-F1, F2, F3 F4, F5 and F6 (IC50 = Above Dose Limit i.e. higher than 1000 µg/ml), as compared to standard ascorbic acid (IC50 = 7.591 ± 0.019 µg/ml).
Fig 2: Anti-oxidant activity of cream formulation
RESULT AND DISCUSSION: The physicochemical parameters of the various cream formulations were assessed and are displayed in Table No. 3. It was discovered that every preparation had a creamy white tint. All of the formulations' ph values fell between 6 and 7, which is the neutral range. As they were created, they had a smooth, grittiness-free texture, which is ideal for cosmetic formulations. The prepared formulation was spreadable and homogeneous. All of the formulations had viscosities between 9,000 and 40,000 cp. The formulation was tested for stability and found to be free of microbial growth; the stability evaluation findings are displayed in Table No. 4. When the anti-oxidant capabilities of the formulation were assessed, F3 displayed the highest anti-oxidant properties, at 55%.
CONCLUSION: People today require side-effect-free care for a variety of skin conditions. Herbal ingredients have paved the way for the safe formulation of cosmetics. Herbal creams are regarded as an effective and aesthetically pleasing method of improving skin appearance. Therefore, the formulation and development of the herbal cream using ingredients that are readily available in nature is a very good attempt in the current work.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The administration of Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College (Degree), Latur is appreciated by the writers for their unwavering assistance and facilities during the accomplishment of this endeavor.
Avinash Mathpati*, Shivani Kanole, Rutuja Waghose, Dr. R. S. Sakhare, Development And Evaluation Of Polyherbal Anti-Aging Cream, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 7, 1952-1958.