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  • Innovations In Fast Disintegrating Tablet Formulation Harnessing The Power Of Super Disintegrants For Rapid Oral Dissolution A Review
  • 1,2,3,5 Department of pharmaceutics, Sarada Villas College of Pharmacy, Mysuru, Karnataka, India 
    4 Department of Pharmacognosy, Sarada Villas College of Pharmacy, Mysuru, Karnataka, India


This work looks into how to improve the oral dissolving qualities of fast disintegrating tablets (FDTs) by formulating and testing them using cutting-edge super disintegrants. Modern super disintegrants have the ability to dissolve and disintegrate quickly in FDTs, which could be advantageous for patient convenience and compliance. To maximize tablet disintegration times, a variety of super disintegrants were used, such as sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone, and croscarmellose sodium. Excipients such binders, diluents, and sweeteners were carefully chosen to ensure compatibility and maintain the overall integrity of the tablet matrix. Hardness, friability, and disintegration time—three physicochemical characteristics of FDTs—were methodically assessed in order to determine how various super disintegrants affected the quality of the tablets. To evaluate the drug release characteristics of FDTs, in vitro dissolution assays were carried out utilizing recognized dissolution media. When the results were compared to those of conventional tablets, the dissolution kinetics showed the enhanced performance ascribed to the addition of super disintegrants. Evaluations of stability under both fast and extended storage settings were carried out to guarantee the long-term resilience of the developed FDTs. A thorough examination looked into how the environment might affect the tablets' chemical and physical stability.


Super disintegrants, Fast disintegrating Tablets, Microcrystalline cellulose, sodium croscarmellose, sodium starch glycolate.


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Anusha B.H.
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmaceutics, Sarada Vilas College of Pharmacy Mysuru, Karnataka, India

Nagendra R.

Department of Pharmaceutics, Sarada Vilas College of Pharmacy Mysuru, Karnataka, India

Venkatesh K.

Department of Pharmaceutics, Sarada Vilas College of Pharmacy Mysuru, Karnataka, India

Hanumanthachar Joshi

Department of Pharmacognosy, Sarada Villas College of Pharmacy, Mysuru,Karnataka,India

Tanuja A . J.

Department of Pharmaceutics, Sarada Vilas College of Pharmacy Mysuru, Karnataka, India

Nagendra R. , Anusha B. H. , Venkatesh K., Hanumanthachar Joshi, Tanuja A. J., Innovations In Fast Disintegrating Tablet Formulation: Harnessing The Power Of Super Disintegrants For Rapid Oral Dissolution- A Review, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 380-391.

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