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  • Composite review on formulation in antibacterial mouthwash

  • Department of Pharmaceutics Vidya Niketan College of pharmacy, Lakhewadi  413103


Patients and dentists are faced with a variety of mouthwash products that have different properties and do not work. Determining whether a particular product is suitable for a particular patient can be a difficult task. Although there are many popular herbs that help control plaque and gingivitis, they are only used for short periods of time and only as part of other oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing. Natural mouthwashes may be more effective than chemical mouthwashes. Today's modern systems require a controlled and continuous release of ingredients essential for health. Good oral care and health has never been easier with everyday products like toothpaste and mouthwash, but cases of tooth decay continue to increase. The complex nature of modern toothpastes and mouthwashes makes them some of the most complex chemicals on the market today. The needs of the client combined with the complexity of the oral cavity make it one of the most difficult development procedures. A composition for treating diseases and methods used herein comprising 10-30% ester local anesthetic, 0.5-2% corticosteroid and a carrier for the ester local anesthetic and corticosteroid. The device is designed as a topical solution for oral administration to simultaneously deliver local anesthetic and corticosteroids to oral lesions.


Antibacterial , Mouthwah


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Chaitali Dhale
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmaceutics Vidya Niketan College of pharmacy, Lakhewadi 413103

Chaitali Dhale* , Ajay Sanap, Yash Rasal, Composite review on formulation in antibacterial mouthwash, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 45-53. zenodo.10254111

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