1B.A.M.S Scholar, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anusandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase-1 Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India.
2Assistant Professor of Dravyaguna Department, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anushandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase-1 Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India
3Dean of PG Studies, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anusandhan Samsthan, Patanjali Yagpeeth Phase-1 Haridwar, Uttrakhand India.
4General physician at Harmilap Mission Government Hospital, Haridwar, Uttrakhand India.
5HOD of Ras Shastra Department, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anushandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase-1, Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India.
6HOD of Dravyaguna Department, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anushandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase-1, Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India.
7HOD of Samhita Department, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anushandhan Sansthan, Patamall Yogpeeth Phase-1 Haridwar, Utrakhand, India.
8HOD of Shalakya Department. Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anushandhan Sansthan, Patanjal Yogpeeth, Phase-1, Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India.
9Emergency Medical Officer at Harmilap Mission Government Hospital, Haridwar, Uttrakhand India.
10Gynecologist at Charak Pallika Hospital, New Delhi, India.
11Scientist of Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anushandhan Sansthan, Yog Research Department, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase-1, Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India.
12HOD of Agada Tantra Department, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anushandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Phase-1, Haridwar, Uttrakhand India.
13Associate Professor of Agada Tantra Department, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anushandhan Sansthan Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase-1, Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India.
14Associate Professor of Shalakya Department, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evum Anushandham Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase-1, Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India.
15Medical Officer at Rajkiya Ayurvedic Chikitsalya, Devichunna, Pithoragarh, Uttrakhand, India
Calotropis procera is an important plant in the medicinal world. It plays an important role in curing many diseases. It has abundant medicinal properties which work as per it's active principales. Calotropis procera is an invaluable medicinal plant found all over india which work's quickly even in serious diseases.some such medicinal properties of calotropis procera have mentioned in ayurved medical science which plays a Major role in dog bite. According to Ayurveda medical science , calotropis procera quickly destroys the rabies infection and makes the patient's healthy and latex of calotropis procera plays an active role in destroying all types of bacterial viral fungal infections.
Dog bite's has become a very common problem in our daily life and every year around the world sixty thousands people's die due to dog bite and more than twenty thousand people's get injured. To solve this problem which is increasing every day, a special treatment has been mentioned in Ayurveda medical science, that is, we can say that a special treatment of dog bite's has been described in Ayurveda, which is very effective and quick acting, in Ayurveda medical science, a medical plant called calotropis procera has been described which play's an important role in dog bite's. Or we can say that calotropis procera is only medicinal plant that provides complete relief in dog bite's, calotropis procera destroys all types of bacterial fungal and viral infections and provides quick health to the patient, it work according to it's active principle. The latex of calotropis procera has some ad medicinal properties which are completely capable of destroying the infection of rabies virus.this is a wounderful incomparable medicinal composition of nature . By using it, the patient gets immediate benefit, hence we can say that the latex of calotropis procera proves to be a complete antidote for rabies virus. it even plays a major role in neutralizing the poison of all the animal and birds. Calotropis procera is a natural antidote of rabies virus. It quickly relieves the patient from rabies virus infection. calotropis procera is medicinal plant that has been used for many years in dog bites , which has been said to be very beneficial in dog bites. It has abdundant medicinal properties, it is said in Ayurveda medical science that the direction of spread of rabies virus is from the feet towards the head , whereas the direction of spread of calotropis procera is from head towards the feet. Due to the opposite direction of both of them they destroy each other, do it. Therefore we can say that due to both moving in opposite directions in the body, they destroy or neutralize each other due to which the rabies infection is completely destroyed and the patient becomes completely healthy. The traditional way of using herbal drugs has contributed a lot to human health especially in 21th century. Natural medicine improves the inner immune system of the human body, hence due to no side effect the herbal drug acts more effectively than the modern medicine. Calotropis procera (Ait.) is plant which is a soft-wooded, evergreen, perennial shrub. It has one or a few stems, few branches, and relatively few leaves, mostly concentrated near the growing tip. The bark is corky, furrowed, and light gray. A copious white sap flows whenever stems or leaves are cut. Giant milkweed has a very deep, stout taproot with few or no near-surface lateral roots. Giant milkweed roots were found to have few branches and reach depths of 1.7 to 3.0 m in Indian sandy desert soils1. The opposite leaves are oblong obovate to nearly orbicular, short- pointed to blunt at the apex and have very short petioles below a nearly clasping, heart-shaped base. The leaf blades are light to dark green with nearly white veins. They are 7 to 18 cm long and 5 to 13 cm broad, slightly leathery, and have a fine coat of soft hairs that rub off. The lower clusters are umbelliform cymes that grow at or near the ends of twigs. The flowers are shallowly campanulate with five sepals that are 4 to 5 mm long, fleshy and variable in color from white to pink, often spotted or tinged with purple. The fruits are inflated, obliquely ovoid follicles that split and invert when mature to release flat, brown seeds with a tuft of white hairs at one end2,3,4. It roots very deeply and rarely grows in soils that are shallow over unfractured rock. Soils of all textures and derived from most parent materials are tolerated, as well as soils with high sodium saturation. Beachfront salt spray is not detrimental. Competition with tall weeds, brush, and especially grass weakens existing plants, and being overtopped and shaded by trees soon eliminates them. The plant is occasionally grown as an ornamental in dry or coastal areas because it is handsome, of a convenient size, and is easy to propagate and manage. It is recommended as a host plant for butterflies5. In the past, the silky hairs were used to stuff pillows. Calotropis procera was tested as a host for sandalwood, Santalum album L., a partial root parasite. It resulted in greater growth of sandalwood than all other species tested6. Extracts, chopped leaves, and latex have shown great promise as nematicides, in vitro and invivo7,8. If the leaves are chopped and mixed with other feed, consumption greatly increases with no ill effects9,10.
Image of Calotropis procera (Ait.)
Kingdom : Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision : Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division : Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class : Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass : Asteridae
Order : Gentianales
Family : Asclepiadaceae – Milkweed family
Genus : Calotropis R. Br. – calotropis
Species : Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T. Aiton –
Scientific and Vernacular name 13,14,15:
Giant milkweed is also known as sodom apple, calotrope, French cotton, small crown flower (English), algodón de seda, bomba (Spanish), cotton-france, arbre de soie, and bois canon (French) Calotropis procera L. (Asclepiadaceae). Vernacular name: Vellerukku. (Sanskrit) Arka, Alaka, Ravi (Hindi) Aaka, Aanka, Ak (German) Wahre Mudarpflanzer, Gomeiner (Italian) Calotropo (Spanish) Algodon extranjero, Cazuela (Turkish) Ipekag.
Distribution and Occurrence16-18:
Calotorpis procera in India holds a pride of place largely because of its other uses and economic values. The genus Calotropis R. Br. (Asclepiadaceous) is distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and Africa. It is represented in India by two species viz. C. procera and C. gigantean. C. procera is native to West Africa as far south as Angola, North and East Africa, Madagascar, the Arabian Peninsula, southern Asia, and Indochina to Malaysia. The species is now naturalized in Australia, many Pacific islands, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean islands. Giant milkweed favors open habitat with little competition. This condition is most completely met in overgrazed pastures and rangeland. Other common habitats are beachfront dunes, roadsides, and disturbed urban lots. The species grows in dry habitat (150 to 1000 mm precipitation) and sometimes in excessively drained soils in areas with as much as 2000 mm of annual precipitation. Calotropis procera may be found in areas up to 1,000 m in elevation in India.
Traditional Uses19-31:
In Indian or in Sub- continent the use of herbal plants and medicinal plants has been the golden remark of the 21th century. Calotropis procera is one of the important numbers of traditional herbal medicine in every home of India. The medicinal value of Calotropis procera has been described in older pharmacopeia. It strongly recommended in leprosy, hepatic and splenic enlargements, dropsy and worms. The latex is applied to painful joints and swelling, fresh leaves are also use for the same purpose. Oil which the leaves have been boiled is applied to paralyzed part. The milky juice is used in India as purgative, while flowers are considered as digestive, stomachic, tonic and useful in cough, asthma catarrh and loss of appetite. The root bark is said to promote secretion and to be useful in treating skin disease, enlargement of abdominal viscera, intestinal worms, ascites and anasarca. Traditionally the leaves of aak are warmed and tied around any body organ in pain. It is practically useful in backache and in joint pains. Warm leaves also relieve from stomach ache if tied around. Inhalation of burnt leaf cures headache. The traditional folk healers use the milky latex of aak for several ailments. Leaf latex if applied on fresh cut, stops bleeding immediately. Recent investigations have found that the alkaloids calotropin, calotaxein and uskerin are stimulant to the heart. Flowers and roots are used in Ayurvedic medicine. The plant is anthelmintic, the ashes act as an expectorant. The leaves are applied hot to the abdomen to cure the pain inside. The flower is tonic, antisialagogue, used as appetizer and against stomach ache, and cures piles and asthma. Flowers are believed to have detergent properties so they are given in cholera. The fresh roots are used as a toothbrush and are considered by pathans to cure toothache. Alarka is an alternative tonic and diaphoretic, in large dose emetic. Root bark is useful for treating chronic cases of dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation, loss of appetite, indigestion and mucus in stools. Leaves are used against guinea worms. Flowers are useful in asthma. Seed oil is geriatric and tonic. Green copra is given in asthma. Plant is used in spleen complaints, rheumatism, epilepsy, hemiplegia, sores, and smallpox and protracted labor. The root skin, latex, flowers, leaves and the ksara of arka are used for medicinal purpose. Arka is useful both, internally as well as externally. The poultice of its leaves effectively reduces the pain and swelling in rheumatic joints and filariasis. The medicated oil is beneficial in otitis and deafness. The topical sprinkle of dried leaves powder hastens the wound healing. In glandular swellings the topical application of latex reduces the inflammation. In skin diseases, associated with depigmentation, the latex combined with mustard oil, works well. The fomentation with its leaves, slightly warmed with thin coat of castor oil, is beneficial to relieve the abdominal pain. The local application of latex is recommended in hair fall and baldness. It also, is useful in piles. The latex also mitigates the dental aches. Internally, arka is very useful many diseases, especially in ascites. The latex as a strong purgative and accumulations breaking imparts excellent results in ascites of kapha type and hepatosplenomegaly with ascites. To alleviate the oedema in such conditions, of kapha origin, the decoction of its roots combined with triphala and honey, is salutary. In asthma and cough, the flowers and the root skin of arka are commonly used. As a blood purifier, it is benevolent is filariasis and syphilis, the red flowers alleviate raktapitta. In chronic dermatoses, the root skin is recommended with honey. The large doses of its latex and leaf juice produces toxic symptoms like burning in throat, irriation of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors, vertigo and convulsions. In these conditions, withdraw the use of arka or its preparations and advise the milk and ghee in diet. The schematic percentage use of parts of C. procera is explained in figure no. 2 and table.
Chemical Constituents32-38: The Calotropis procera plant has many medicinal properties due to the presence of numerous secondary metabolites. This compound includes various chemicals which are useful for various activities.
After chemical screening of latex of Calotropis procera the latex revealed that the plants contain cardenoids such as calotropin, calotoxin, uscharin, usechardin, glycoside calotropaginin, choline, o- pyrocatechuric acid, Benzoyllineolone, benzoylisoloneolane, uzariganin and syriogenin. In the root of the Calotropis procera pentacyclic triterpenes, alkaloid, cardinolides phytosterols and triterpenoid saponins have been isolated from roots. The leaves, flower and roots contained high amount of ash and protein (10.9- 11.7%) with varying quantities of alkaloids, leaves contained calotropin and calotropegenin. The root bark was found to contain long chain of fatty acid, sterol, and resin. A polysaccharide was isolated from aq. Extract of leaves of this plant. It also indicates the presence of D-glucose, D- abrabinose, D-glucosamine and L- rhamnose.
Pharmacological Activity
Method of Use Of Calotropis Procera in Dog Bite
According to Ayurvedic medical science, generally the latex of Calotropis procera is used. Its latex is applied on the bite site.In severe cases, the latex of Calotropis Procera is consumed mixed with black sesame powder and jaggery, which gives quick relief to the patient and also proves to be a natural antidote of Calotropis Procera Rabies Virus.
After clinical trials of Calotropis Procera, it is proved that Calotropis Procera proves to be beneficial in dog bites and it also proves to be a natural antidote of Calotropis Procera Rabies Virus.And this is an excellent herbal medicine without any side effects of dog bite. We should use Calotropis Procera extensively in the treatment of rabies at the global level.And the health improving drugs and principles of Ayurveda medical science should be supported and implemented at the global level. Jai Hind, Jai Ayurveda.
Vaidhshiromani Dheeraj Sharma, Rajesh Kumar Mishra, C.B. Dhanraj, Swati Verma, M. K. Yadav, Ramakant Marde, S. C. Joshi, Anil Verma, Deepak Pandey, Anam Maqbool, Trapti Mishra, G.V. Karunakar, Ashish Goswami, Arun Pandey, Preeti Pandey, Calotropis Procera Significant Role in Dogs Bite, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 10, 1243-1252. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13972941