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Ultrasound is composed of mechanical sound waves that originate from molecular movements that oscillate in a propagation medium. The waves have a very high frequency, equal to approximately 20 kHz, divided into two categories (i.e., low-intensity and high-intensity waves) and cannot be perceived by the human ear. Ultrasound waves are emitted from an ultrasound transducer. The choice of frequency of the transducer is important as higher frequencies give increased spatial resolution. Ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to make pictures of organs, tissues, and other structures inside your body. Ultrasound device, basically, consists of transducer, transmits, pulse generator, compensating, amplifiers, the control unit for focusing, digital processor and system for display. The various types of ultrasounds used for human's life, Food Industry, agriculture, veterinary science like, abdominal ultrasound, trans-vaginal ultrasound, obstetricsultrasound,3D ultrasound, transrectal, endoscopic, pelvic, breat, etc. Depending on its intensity, ultrasound is used for the activation or deactivation of enzymes, mixing and homogenization, emulsification, dispersion, preservation, stabilization, dissolution and crystallization, hydrogenation, tenderization of meat, ripening, ageing and oxidation, and as an adjuvant for solid-liquid extraction for maceration to accelerate and to improve the extraction of active ingredients from different matrices.


Ultrasound, Ultrasonics, Cavitation, ultrasonics in extraction, ultrasound in food process, ultrasound in medicine


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Dipti Muntode
Corresponding author

Pratibhatai Pawar College Of Pharmacy,Wadala Mahadev,Shrirampur

Rajeshree Khandre

Pratibhatai Pawar College Of Pharmacy,Wadala

Muntode Dipti, Khandre Rajeshree. A Review On: Ultrasound In Pharmaceutics, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 280-293.

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