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Over the past few decades, there has been a significant rise in the usage of herbal medicine. Herbal medicines have been the mainstay of traditional medicinal systems like Unani, Ayurveda, and Siddha for diagnosing, treating, and curing a wide range of ailments and physiological abnormalities. A significant majority of the world's population still largely relies on the conventional medical system, particularly in impoverished and undeveloped countries. The practical and economical phytochemicals present in medicinal plants are regularly used in the development of medications to treat a variety of diseases. Herbal medicines are being utilized more and more frequently in medicine since they are less expensive, easily accessible, and of natural origin with greater safety margins and fewer or no side effects. According to the Unani school of medicine, babool (Acacia Arabica) provides therapeutic advantages for a number of human body systems. The bark, root, gum, leaves, pod, and seeds of the plant are only a few of the parts that have medicinal applications. Acacia arabica, popularly known as babool, has a wide range of ethnobotanical and Unani traditional uses. The current study intends to emphasize these uses as well as babool's phytochemical and pharmacological qualities.The medicinal plant A. nilotica is rich in the phenolic compounds protocatechuic acid, gallic acid, pyrocatechol, (+)-catechin, (-)epi-gallocatechin-7-gallate, and (-)epigallocatechin-5, 7-digallate. The gum, immature pods, seeds, fruits, flowers, and bark of this plant, among other parts, exhibit cytotoxic, anti-cancer, anti-mutagenic, spasmogenic, vasoconstrictor, anti-pyretic, and anti-asthmatic qualities. Additionally, they exhibit inhibitory actions against Hepatitis oo and anti-platelet aggregation, anti-plasmodial, molluscicidal, and anti-fungal properties.


Babool [acacia arabica], multipurpose plant, different parts of plant, medicinal uses


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Bhakti B. Bansod
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Late Bhagirathi yashwantrao pathrikar college of pharmacy pathri

Rekha Goukonde

Late Bhagirathi yashwantrao pathrikar college of pharmacy pathri

Gajanan sanap

Late Bhagirathi yashwantrao pathrikar college of pharmacy pathri

Bhakti B. Bansod*, Rekha Goukonde, Gajanan Sanap, A Review On Acacia Arabica And It's Medicinal Uses, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 1-6.

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