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Millions of people worldwide suffer from asthma, a disease that causes inflammation and bronchial hyperreactivity, and in the upcoming years, it will be more fatal to control. Factors such as prenatal tobacco smoke, genetics, antibiotic use, lung function, environmental tobacco exposure, allergic sensitization, sex and gender, and smoking contribute to its prevalence, morbidity, mortality, and economic burden. Treatment includes bronchodilators, inhibitors of IgE, and other medications. However, current treatments can cause adverse effects, leading to the search for low-risk, non-drug strategies, such as herbal remedies. Traditional herbs have a greater impact on illness with minimal side effects and have been widely used in developing nations. Certain herbs, such as haridra/turmeric, lobelia, black seed, adhatoda, and camphor, have the potential to mitigate symptoms by decreasing inflammation. Herbs like cardamom, garlic, and tulsi also have potent antiasthmatic action and anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antihistaminic, smooth-muscle relaxant, and allergic properties.


Asthma, Mast cells, widespread illness, hyperreactivity, Inflammation, IGE


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Shyam Rangari
Corresponding author

Department of pharmaceutical Chemistry , Smt. Kishoritai Bhoyar College of Pharmacy, Kamptee, Nagpur Pin- 441002

Divyanshu Gahane

Department of pharmaceutical Chemistry , Smt. Kishoritai Bhoyar College of Pharmacy, Kamptee, Nagpur Pin- 441002

Aishwarya Deshmukh

Department of pharmaceutical Chemistry , Smt. Kishoritai Bhoyar College of Pharmacy, Kamptee, Nagpur Pin- 441002

Milind Umekar

Department of pharmaceutical Chemistry , Smt. Kishoritai Bhoyar College of Pharmacy, Kamptee, Nagpur Pin- 441002

Divyanshu Gahane, Aishwarya Deshmukh, Shyam Rangari, Milind Umekar, A Review Of The Impact Of Different Herbs As An Anti-Asthmatics, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 285-296.

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