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Numerous advantages of gels Delivery of hydrophobic medications is severely limited. In order to overcome this limitation and take advantage of the unique properties of gels, even a hydrophobic medicinal moiety is being treated with an emulsion-based approach. The dosage form produced by mixing gels and emulsions is called an emulgel. Dermatological pharmacology is unique in that it uses the skin as a target organ that is directly accessible for diagnosis and treatment. The interaction of hydrophilic cornified cells with hydrophobic intercellular material blocks both hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules. Research has shown that the presence of a gelling component in the aqueous phase transforms a conventional emulsion into an emulgel. These emulgels are superior than both novel vesicular systems and traditional systems in a number of respects. Compared to current topical drug delivery technologies, emulgels are preferable because different permeability enhancers can increase the impact. Emulgels are a useful supplement to the methods currently utilized to apply topical medications.


Emulgels, Novel Vesicular Systems, Traditional Systems


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Navneet Kumar Verma
Corresponding author

Buddha Institute of Pharmacy, Gida, Gorakhpur, UP, India-273209

Pragya Mishra

Buddha Institute of Pharmacy, Gida, Gorakhpur, UP, India-273209

Shweta Yadav

Buddha Institute of Pharmacy, Gida, Gorakhpur, UP, India-273209

Ravindra Singh

Buddha Institute of Pharmacy, Gida, Gorakhpur, UP, India-273209

Sushil Kumar Tiwari

Buddha Institute of Pharmacy, Gida, Gorakhpur, UP, India-273209

Navneet Kumar Verma*, Pragya Mishra, Shweta Yadav, Ravindra Singh, Sushil Kumar Tiwari A Brief Review On Emulgel: Recent Advances, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 559-570.

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