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This review aims to highlight the morphology, taxonomy, and biological activities of Tinospora cordifolia along with its ethnobotanical uses and its micropropagation techniques. Relating to theglobal pandemic, this review introduces a comprehensive update of COVID-19 scientific reports on T. cordifolia as an indispensable herb. This study also explores the nutritional values and elemental composition from proximate analysis along with its phytochemical and medicinal properties. T. cordifolia is a medicinal plant widely used for the treatment of various diseases such as diabetes and jaundice. This plant is mainly found in the southern part of Asia and is locally known as Gurjo or Guduchi. T. cordifolia exists in the form of a glabrous, ascending shrub belonging to the Menispermaceae family. Owing to its commercial importance, it has been of considerable interest in research in recent decades, incorporating a wide range of pharmacological properties, such as antidiabetic, immunomodulation, antioxidant, anticancer, hepatoprotective, and hypoglycemic values. These properties are enhanced by the presence of diverse compounds such as alkaloids, sesquiterpenoids, diterpenoids, phenolics, glycosides, steroids, and polysaccharides, aliphatic, and other miscellaneous compounds. This review provides new details that can facilitate the careful assessment of the plant as a therapeutic agent against emerging diseases. It also offers insights to the researchers involved in validating traditional claims to develop safe and efficient herbal medicines to several diseases including COVID-19.


Medicinal Plants, Tinospora Cordfolia ,Antidiabetic ,COVID 19.


The World Health Organization states that 80% of people use plant extracts or their active components in traditional medicine. India has vast historical traditional medical systems (such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Amchi, and local health traditions) and a wealth of biodiversity. This is a strong rationale for the use of multiple plants in general medicine and the alleviation of common human diseases [1]. Due to the importance of medicinal plants in the medical field, a study was conducted to examine Tinospora cordifolia. The most common cause of anxiety is cancer, which is defined as the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in an affected organ, tissue, or part of the body. According to WHO (2012), 32,604,444 cancer patients worldwide survived 5 years after diagnosis, 8.2 million died from her cancer, and 14.1 million new cancer cases worldwide. doing. Breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, oral cancer, and gastric cancer are the five most common malignancies occurring in India. The five most common cancers in men are mouth cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, cancer, and throat cancer. Traditional treatments, including radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, are all expensive, have many side effects, and are only effective while the cancer is still in its early stages, making it difficult to diagnose this deadly condition. It becomes very difficult to heal. Tinospora Cordifolia, sometimes called Giloy or commonly "Guduchi" in Sanskrit, is a member of the Menispermaceae family. The family Menispermaceae includes 450 speciesm and 70 genera and occurs widely in tropical lowland regions. The genus Tinospora, which includes approximately 15 different species, is one of the most common genera in the family Menispermaceae [2]. It is a deciduous climbing shrub that grows in the highlands of regions such as India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka and has distinctive greenish-yellow flowers. Active components found in different parts of the plant include lactones, aliphatics, glycosides, steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, phenols, and diterpenoids. These components act against various diseases [3]. Normal items science is the examination and restorative utilizations of the auxiliary metabolites [4]. While there are around 250,000- 400,000 plant species, only 15% of which were phytochemically surveyed, and 6% have been inspected for their organic movement. Plant species have been used since antiquated developments to battle human sickness without recognizing the synthetic parts and bioactivities [4-5]. Oils of both the Cupressus sempervirens (Cypress) and Commiphora (myrrh) species were the absolute previously known normal items depicted on Mesopotamian cuneiform dirt tablets (2600 BC). It is as yet utilized to fix hack  fits, sinus diseases, and irritations [6]. Friedrich Bayer and Co. figured out a manufactured type of the acetylsalicylic corrosive (anti-inflamatory medicine) in 1897. The other traditional drugs, including morphine (from the opium poppy), quinine (from cinchona bark), digoxin (from foxglove), are gotten from plants. Plants include an assortment cluster of bioactive particles, making them a rich wellspring of different pharmacological sources. A few normally happening plant segregates have been recorded to forestall free extremist prompted hurt credited to the pervasiveness of phenolics, flavonoids, cell reinforcements, and auxiliary metabolites A Total of 34 logical plant types of the class Tinopora were recorded, of which thirteen were acknowledged as species names. Three explicit therapeutic plant types of Tinospora (Cordifolia, Crispa and Sinensis) exist, particularly in India. This large number of types of Tinospora have a place with the family Menispermaceae of the gathering Angiosperm. These plant species look similar to their visual identification and phytochemical properties of plant parts like stems, blossoms, roots, and leaves. They are generally utilized for remedial purposes in Asia, Africa, and Australia. A past report uncovered that Tinospora species were clinically explored for diabetes, urinary diseases, fever, cold, skin aggravation, contagious, and bacterial contaminations [5]. Tinospora species have an expansive scope of phytochemicals and restorative ways to deal with a few sicknesses. The helpful methodology of the Tinospora plant is credited to the presence of phytochemical constituents like alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, aliphatic compounds, diterpenoid, nutrients, tannins, lactones, steroids, coumarins, lignans, triterpenes, and nucleosides [6,7]. Out of the three Tinospora plant species, Cordifolia has significantly more significance because of its restorative properties and a few helpful exercises.  T. cordifolia is useful in alleviating pressure and nervousness  and has immunomodulatory properties. T. cordifolia plant can possiblyhinder free extreme age and hence safeguard layers from revolutionary prompted film harm. It is likewise valuable in Dengue since it assists with expanding the platelet count. Additionally, it has numerous obscure medical advantages and uses. T. cordifolia removes have been used to battle immune system sickness. It decreases favorable to provocative cytokines, i.e., interleukin-6 (IL-6), and cancer rot factor-? (TNF-?) creation in a rheumatoid joint pain rodent model [8]. Further, the different concentrate portions and elements of T. cordifolia display antitumor exercises [9].

History And Traditional Uses:

Ayurvedic drug Guduchi or Amrita is mentioned in various texts of Ayurvedic system of medicine viz: Charak, Sushrut and Ashtang Hridaya and other treaties like Bhava Prakash and Dhanvantri Nighantu under other various names viz: Amara, Amritvalli, Chinmarshuha, Chinnodebha and Vatsadanii etc. On the basis of investigations, they are clinically applied for the treatment of fever and parasitic diseases, mouth, skin, respiratory and urinary tract infections, oral ulcer and diabetes in addition to being an adjunctive therapy in cancer and to protecting the liver.[10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18] In India, T. cordifolia also known as Giloy (Plant which protects from diseases, Sanskriti) accept continue described in antique content edition of Ayurveda including Sushrut Samhita and Charak Samhita.[19] According to Ayurveda, T.cordifolia itself possesses a bitter, pungent, and stringent taste. The harsh taste is said to upgrade metabolic activity, even at a cellular level. It is documented to treat gastrointestinal diseases including dyspepsia, flatulence, gastritis, jaundice, diarrhoea, splenomegaly and haemorrhoids. It has a role in the treatment of metabolic disorders such as diabetes and kidney disorders and it is currently more inclined to be a research focus. It is prescribed for intermittent fevers, infective conditions, urinary disorders, skin diseases, and eye diseases. Tinospora combo with other herbs, used as an delight element of gout and rheumatoid arthritis. And the whole plant is applied to fractures. Moreover, T.cordifolia shows healthy effects due to its various nutritious compounds and is considered as a general tonic.[19,20] In other treaties like charak Samhita and Ashtang Hridaya, it has been indicated in disease like Kamala (Jaundice), Javara (Fever) and Vatrakta (gout).[21,22,23] In Bhavya Prakash, it is considered as bitter tonic, astringent, diuretic and potential aphrodisiac and Curative against skin infections, jaundice diabetes, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. In Dhanvantri Nighantu, Giloy’s medicinal properties are mentioned for cure of bleeding piles, promoting longevity, curing itching and erysipelas.[24]


    Fig no.1 Tinospora Cordfolia Fruits





Fig no.4 Tinospora Cordfolia Flowers

Indian Synonyms of Tinospora Cordfolia:

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Taxonomy Classification

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T. cordifolia is an angiosperm having a place with the Menispermaceae family and is a division of Magnoliophyta, class Magnoliopsida, and request of Ranunculaceae. It is a completely stretched deciduous, twiner. It is known as "heart leave moonseed" [25]. The plant has numerous vernacular names. It is named in Latin as Tinospora cordifolia (Miers) Snare. F. and Thomson, known in Sanskrit as Guduchi, Madhuparni, Amrita, Chinnaruha, Vatsadaani, Tantrika, Kundalini, referred to in Nepal as Gurjo, broadly perceived in Hindi as Giloya or Guduchi and respected in Bengali as Gulancha [26].

Botonical Descriptions:

MOR The Menispermaceae family, which incorporates the huge deciduous climbing bush Guduchi, is wealthy in terpenes and alkaloids. Guduchi's logical name is Tinospora cordifolia. Its 450 species are dispersed all through 70 genera [4]. Guduchi is initially from Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and India.; it has colossal leaves with papery bark and brilliant stalks. It is an rotating, enduring shrub I.e. This local plant fills only in the tropical pieces of India, where the most extreme temperature goes from 25 to 450C at 500 meters above ocean level[5]. This gigantic deciduous climbing plant has quite a large number interwoven, long branches. It spreads richly. Basic, rotating leaves with long, adjusted, pulvinate petioles that can arrive at a most extreme length of 15 cm are portrayed by esculent foliage. Contrasted with the apical leaf, the basal leaf is longer and to some degree twisted. Lamina has a significantly cordate base and seven nerves. It is 10-20 cm long and 8-15 cm wide. Little, greenish yellow, unisexual blossoms with axillary and terminal racemes structure on different leafless plants. Together, or frequently alone, are blossoms with male and female petals. There are two gatherings of three sepals in the 6th set, the internal gathering being bigger than the external. The gathering is free. Six free, membranecoated, obovate, more modest than-sepal-sized petals. Groups of organic products with one to three ovoid, smooth drupelets gathered on a durable stem with red or orange subterminyle scars can be found. In view of the heart-formed, particular, foul, straightforward, exchanging, membranous, and cordate leaves of Guduchi, this plant is otherwise called heart leaf moonseed [6]. Wood is white, flexible, and permeable. Greenish-shaded unisexual blossoms that sprout in summer. Both male and female blossoms have six sepals and six petals; male blossoms are more modest, grouped together, and have a yellow or green tone [7].

Morphology of Tinospora Cordfolia:

T. cordifolia is a wide, glabrous, deciduous bush that develops rapidly [31]. It has various curling branches that arrive at up to 4 feet in level and around 1 foot long. India is the regular home of the woody, delicious, glabrous climbing bush Tinospora cordifolia. It as often as possible takes off to colossal levels, prospers in tropical environments, and climbs enormous tree trunks. T. cordifolia has long, filiform, delicious aeronautical branch roots that give it a very tempting appearance [32]. The barrel shaped, unpleasant, to some degree woody, and 25- 25 mm in  measurement plant stem is portrayed as follows [33]. A few Tinospora regions show the following morphological sorts [34,35].


This plant has a long, filiform, plump, risinstem that has a sprinkle of delicious flavor. The branches produce establishes that are in the air. Profoundly left spirally, the bark is various tones from smooth white to dark.

Arial Roots:

Their fundamental construction is tetra to penta-curve, and they have elevated roots. Then again, the cortex of the root is isolated into an inner parenchymatous zone and an external thick-walled zone.


This plant has basic, substituting, heart-formed, circular, pulvinate, long petioled, ex-specify, what's more, halfway or somewhat turned leaves. They are around 15 centimeters in length. The membranecovered oval lamina is 10-20 cm long, has seven nerves, and has a profound cordate base.


Without leaves, the plant produces backward, unisexual, greenish yellow sprouts. Female blossoms are distant from everyone else in an inflorescence, though male blossoms are in groups. Three sepals complete, separated into two sets. Sepals on the outside are more modest than those inside. Petals are free, film bound, and have six petals — six less than sepals. Blossoms show up from Spring to June.


This species' contorted seeds have been accounted for. For this explanation, this family is known as the Moonseed family.


They are drupelets that are smooth, ovoid, and orange-red in variety. They are grouped in 13 on a tough tail and with subterminal style scars. Winter is when organic products create. The organic product blend has a dark red tone and is substantial and red apparently. It has huge drupelets organized on a tall stem [36]. Records exist for the bowed seed of this plant. This  is the  explanation this family is frequently alluded to as the Moonseed family. Due of the bended nature of seeds, the incipient organism normally inclined toward a bended structure. On the other hand, the endocarp is decorated in an assortment of settings and given huge ordered characteristics [37].

Chemical Constituents:

Oxidative pressure, consequently forestalling the beginning ofdegenerative infections. Nourishing parts of Giloe are ofimmense esteem in further developing wellbeing and forestalling illnesses. There is a well known practice of involving Giloe spice as a foodsupplement to advance better wellbeing by the conventional healers. Several distributions on the restorative properties ofTinospora have been distributed . In any case, littlecompilation is accessible on the wholesome properties ofTinospora. The current survey is arrangement of an updatestatus of the healthful constituents of Tinospora includingminerals, nutrients, carbs, protein, fiber, along withits cell reinforcement properties. Supplement arrangement of TinosporaT. cordifolia is plentiful in supplements, similar to carbs, proteins,fiber, iron, calcium, L-ascorbic acid, and other fundamental nutritionalelements. Customarily, peopleconsume the plant in the rough structure as a prophylactic measureand for medicinal purposes in a few illnesses. All parts ofTinospora, similar to, leaves, stem, natural products, and roots are being usedas a nutraceutical. The act of utilizing stem and leavesdirectly as a dietary enhancement advances wellbeing andadditionally fills in as both remedial and preventive specialists. The entire plant of Tinospora is a rich wellspring of nutrientsand fundamental large scale and miniature supplements, and severalphytochemicals. Being a rich wellspring of supplements andphytochemicals, it is utilized as a solid dietary supplementfor the individuals as well with respect to creatures. The nutraceuticalagents present in the plant are answerable for its renownedimmunomodulation, hepato-security, hostile to inflammatory,antipyretic, antispasmodic and memory-supporting properties. Contrasted with the stem and roots, the leaves are rich sourcesof L-ascorbic acid, minerals and phytochemicals (Chauhan et al. ,2014). The starch got from the stem center is known as'Guduchi-Satva' in Ayurveda and is profoundly nutritive,digestive, and utilized in restoring different sicknesses Essentially, Geeta et al. ( 2013) hasreported that 'Guduchi-Satva' plan is rich in nutrients,i.e., fat (0.14 g/100 g), protein (0.64 g), dietary filaments (0.16g/100g), energy contents (288.8 cal/100 g), Ca (70 mg/100g) and Fe (9.7 mg/100 g). Because of its  convenience in the variousdiseases and fever,  Guduchi-Satva is known as 'IndianQuinine' . Guduchi-Satva, when usedwith ghee (Ghrita) or oil (Taila) is alluded to as 'Guduchi-ghritam' and 'Guduchi taila', individually .Tinospora leaves are wealthy in protein calcium, andphosphorus (Meshram et al. 2013). alsoreported that high starch and protein contents presentin Giloe helps in the arrival of fundamental energy componentsyielding 292.54 cal/100 g. Additionally reportedthat rich protein and dietary fiber contents found in Giloehave critical degrees of major and minor components viz. ,Zn, Mn, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Br, and Sr that acts asmicronutrients for wellbeing helpful purposes, and furthermore playan significant job in supporting the ideal enzymaticactivities. One more review done by Harbinger (1994) uncovered thatGiloe contains high fiber (15.9%), protein (4.5%-11.2%),carbohydrate (61.66%), and low fat (3.1%), high potassium(0.845%), high chromium (0.006%), iron (0.28%) andcalcium (0.131%), which are significant in different regulatoryfunctions of the body for a sound wellbeing. The above elementsalso help in the development of energy by aiding thebreakdown of sugars, protein and fat, which arenecessary for the development and support of tissues andrelease of energy. Tinospora has possible applications in food frameworks asan cell reinforcement and furthermore can search freeradicals created during aflatoxicosis (Reddy et al., 2015).In another review, Ilaiyaraja and Khanum (2011) demonstratedthe potential cell reinforcement exercises of Tinospora leaf andstem and presumed that consequently this plant can be utilized as asource of normal cancer prevention agent for medical advantages throughdietary supplements. The investigations directed by Priti and Rani(2017) and Premanath and Lakshmidevi (2010) supportedthe guarantee that Giloe leaf remove shows great antioxidantactivity which demonstrates the capability of the leaves as a sourceof normal cell reinforcement. The nutraceutical properties of Tinospora propose that itis a rich wellspring of supplements (large scale and micro),phytochemicals, cell reinforcements for general sustenance andcapable of supporting the safe reaction of the body. Tinospora can be an important dietary part that canhelp in sustenance, comprehensive wellbeing, and counteraction of numerousdiseases including those connected with geriatrics. The utilization ofTinospora stems and leaves in the diet is advisable and useful for keeping up with and further developing wellbeing. Tinosporacan be considered as an expected wellspring of regular antioxidantsand as an indispensable dietary enhancement. Tinospora could be a richsource of sustenance for lifting weights and supporting theimmune

arrangement of people and animals. The stem of T.cordifolia is a likely wellspring of novel normal antioxidantsfor drug use with imminent applications in foodindustry as an antioxidant.

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Ethnomedicinal Uses of Tinospora Cordfolia in Nepal:

Nepal has in excess of 700 restorative plant species in record. The species variety in Nepales e plants gives phenomenal potential to find therapeutic items. T. cordifolia is native to South Asia,

is much of the time utilized as a medication in numerous places in Nepal [38]. In excess of 61 ethnic gatherings in Nepal are dispersed all through the nations. Tamang's significant ethnic gatherings of Nepal have represented 5.5% of the nation's absolute populace. They utilize T. cordifolia stem separate in wellbeing hardships related with period [39]. Raji ethnic clan of Surkhet area picks T. cordifolia for gastrointestinal confusion treatment. In fever and stomach problems, they use climber tuber in gastric, the runs, and squeeze removed from the tuber and root is inebriated [40]. Inhabitants have utilized T. cordifolia all through the Chitwan locale of Nepal in the treatment of fever, jaundice, hack, asthma, skin illnesses, sickness, splenopathy, uropathy, gonorrhea, gout, immunomodulator [41]. Tharu clan of Parsa region has been utilizing T. cordifolia to treat different human diabetes, and rheumatoid joint pain in an elite review directed in the Parsa region. They squash T. cordifolia stem, keep short-term in water, and the following morning tap water to drink to fix stomach issues. Also, stems and roots powder are utilized in urinary contaminations and constant looseness of the bowels. Leaves have been utilized for diabetes treatment [42]. Occupants from the region of Rupandehi, use the juice of new leaves and originates from treating rheumatic hyperacidity, as stem decoction in gonorrhea and Jaundice, as well as root separate, is utilized in fever, cold hack [43]. Nearby individuals of Siraha region Nepal are involving stem and leaves in the treatment of diabetes [44]. In Tanahun locale of Western Nepal, T. cordifolia stem Juice applied on sprain and drink for body cooling [45]. Despite the fact that the T. cordifolia plant has promising activity against numerous illnesses, it exchanges monetarily in Dhading and Dharan region with low costs [46,47]. T. cordifolia enrolled as an interesting animal types since it is diminishing from the normal living space. This demonstrates that environment change could have impacts influence and essentially changed the piece of the vegetation [48]. Customary vegetative proliferation has restricted pertinence for huge scale development of this plant. Micropropagation method can be generally valuable for its mass spread as well concerning its protection [49,50].

Biological Advancement and micropropagation in Tinospora Cordfolia:

Plant species have various medicinal values [51]. Regardless of its wide medicinal uses in conventional and contemporary medicines systems the plant T. cordifolia rapidly declines from its natural habitat. Although the conventional approach is not enough to mitigate depletion, biotechnological approaches for accelerated dissemination, scaling up secondary metabolites,

and conserving valuable, scarce, and vulnerable medicinal plants should also be used [52]. The culture of plant tissue in the current sample was exceptionally successful as a consequence of the regeneration, induction, and micropropagation of calluses. In vitro, micropropagations are one of the best alternative methods for the rapid clonal mass propagation for a good and healthy high yielding plant with the minimum disease [53]. Cell culture is a requirement for certain other biotechnology methods for developing organisms, such as genetically engineered organisms and effective metabolite in vitro development [54]. The plant is cultivated as an aesthetic alternative and propagated successfully by tissue culture. It is best suited for growing in virtually any kind of soil and under various atmospheric conditions. Growing on the neem tree is adequately trained; this will then display a greater medicinal aristocracy. This can also be improved by sowing the seeds in monsoon, but the growth of seedlings is very slow compared to cuttings [55]. Seed viability, however, is very small, and seedlings are key issues of big clonal propagation. The plant is very resilient and can also be harvested in areas of tropics and subtropics but chiefly in dry and rainy habitats. It does not withstand heavy precipitation and waterlogging situations [56]. Biotechnological tools may play a significant part in the discovery, replication and survival of this species' sensitive genotypes. Also, biotechnological methods and techniques have opportunities for the replication and genetic improvement of suitable genotypes, and the better micropropagation has potential for industrial processing of secondary plant metabolites.

Natural Binder:

Mucilage was derived from the fresh stem of Tinospora cordifolia which was further defined for physicochemical parameters. Diclofenac sodium tablets were prepared from the mucilage of Tinospora cordifolia which acts as a natural binder when it is a concentrated method of dry granulation. Experimental results have revealed T. cordifolia mucilage use in the formulation of continuous release dosage formulations as a drug retardant [44].

Tinospora Cordfilia and its probable role in the treatment of COIVID-19:

COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 19) has emerged as the world's most dangerous pandemic threat since its December 2019. Resolving the issue for this deadly virus has become a big challenge for the researchers and medical professionals. The finest ways to prevent COVID19 infection are breaking the chain of infection, boosting the body’s immune system, detecting

early and appropriate preventive medical care for the infection [45]. In viral respiratory infections, several phytomedicinal plants help to build the immune system. T. cordifolia is one of the traditional medicinal plants used as tonic and vitaliser to enhance the body's natural resistance diuretic [46]. T. cordifolia stem and whole herbs have demonstrated immunomodulatory activity and hence suggested for the broad-spectrum antivirals and protease inhibitors [47]. It has been shown that the T. cordifolia aqueous extract activates macrophages which form the first line of defense against pathogens that invade the living system [48]. COVID-19 enters into a host cell by binding to ACE2 (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2) via its spike protein receptor-binding domain (RBD). If this interaction could be disrupted, virus accession could be avoided, thereby significantly reducing the infection rate. The phytochemical compound, “tinocodiside” has the activity of which is known to bind to the complex ACE2-RBD and therefore, can discourage the entry of the virus [49-50]. They may revive lung health by reducing oxidative stress and enhancing endothelial dysfunction [51]. The stronger docking between ligands and viral targets was revealed in the study of molecular docking with the least binding energy. Therefore, it was reported that phytoconstituent, cordifolin extracted from Tinospora cordifolia evoked the least binding energy to exhibit antiviral activity [52]. Similarly, the results of the simulation also demonstrated that berberine can form 3-chemotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro) docked complex with better stability and could act as a better CoV-2 protein inhibitor compared to other inhibitors. Since berberine is in good binding interaction mode with less binding energy and greater non-bonded interaction capacity, therefore it established a strong candidacy to represent potential inhibitors in monitoring the role of the 3CLpro protein as well as further better control against viral replication [53]. Molecular docking findings showed that tinocordiside exhibited binding affinity as predicted to act as probable SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome) Coronavirus-2) main Proteases            (Mpro) inhibitor. Such phytoconstituents not just to inhibit the transmission and propagation of viral protein into the host cell within the human body. Additionally, they are also safer to repurpose against COVID- 19 without any toxicity [54].


  1. Immunomodulatory activity- Studies have shown that in rat groups, there is an enhancement in the bone marrow cellularity as well as ??esterase activity when treated with alcoholic extracts of T. cordifolia. Thus it becomes evident that these drugs have immunomodulatory [55].
  2. Antispasmodic- Dry barks of Tinospora cordifolia have antispasmodic activity [56].
  3. Antipyretic- Studies have shown insignificant antipyretic effects in the hexane and chloroform soluble fractions of the stem of Tinospora cordifolia [57].
  4. Anti-inflammatory- The water extract of the stem of Tinospora cordifolia has been checked for anti-inflammatory activity in albino rats. It has significantly inhibited acute inflammatory response evoked by carrageenin when administered orally and intraperitoneally [58].
  5. Studies have shown that Giloy helps in cognitive enhancement by immunostimulation and synthesis of acetylcholine. Thus contributing in increased choline level which shows that it has memory enhancing property for learning and memory in normal and memory- deficits animals [59].
  6. T.cordifolia has pronounced effect on inter abdominal sepsis to elucidate host defense mechanism to counter infective stresses. The above results indicate that T. cordifolia has immunomodulating properties [60]
  7. Hepatosuppression- Tinospora cordifolia plant material exerts its protective action against CCl4 induced hepatocellular alterations through synthesis of proteins, or due to bioactivation of CCl4 and accelerated detoxification. The potential to minimise the effects of free radicals including the peroxy radicals and its antioxidant activity in association
  8. with the inhibition of lipid peroxidation, thereby Tinospora cordifolia plant material can be considered as hepatosensitive agent by the combined synergistic effect of its constituents and micronutritents rather than any single factor though free radicals activity [61].

Therapeutic Application

  1. Antidiabetic Activity and Hyperglycaemic activity

The stem's alcoholic concentrates demonstrated resistance to E. coli. Rabbits and rodents with pale skin are exterminated by the plant's persistent and intense effect on oral care. Impact on fasting glucose, resilience to glucose, and insurance against hypoglycemia brought about by equieprine have all been analyzed. The alcoholic and watery concentrate reduced fasting glucose, which was interpreted as evidence of the medication's indirect effect on carbohydrate digestion. Furthermore, glucose tolerance had extended at first anyway the rot in versatility occurred following one month. It has been hypothesized that the medication's activity is due to its beneficial effects on endogenous insulin emission and glucose uptake inhibition of peripheral glucose release [62]. When regulated to ordinary and alloxan-actuated diabetic hares at portions of 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg body weight, the watery, heavy drinker, and chloroform concentrates of the leaves of T. cordifolia delivered huge hypoglycemia [63]. An Ayurvedic compound arrangement Transina (TR) containing T. cordifolia likewise, various prescriptions was perused up for hyperglycaemia and superoxide dismutase (Grass) activity of pancreatic islet cells. The outcome recommends that the recently revealed hyperglycemia movement of streptozotocin (STZ) was brought about by a lessening in islet Turf action, which thusly prompted the gathering of hurtful oxidative free revolutionaries in islet beta cells [64]. Oral advancement ministration of a liquid Tinospora cordifolia root eliminate (TCREt) to alloxan started diabetic rodents, cause a basic lessening in blood glucose and frontal cortex lipids. The remove caused an extension in body weight, complete hemoglobin and hepatic hexokinase. The root separate similarly cuts down hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase and serum destructive phosphatase, acid neutralizer phosphatase, besides, lactate dehydrogenase in diabetic rodents. As a result, TCREt has a hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering effect [65]. The rough ethanolic concentrate of T. cordifolia was found to have hypoglycemic movement in the trial model [66] when contrasted with the hypoglycemic action of other Indian restorative plants in diabetic alloxan rodents. The effect of everyday oral dealing with of T. cordifolia isolates for 40 days on blood glucose obsessions and  kidney abilities in streptozotocin (STZ)- diabetic rodents was inspected. Treatment with T. cordifolia prevented polyurea (P0.001) and reduced plasma glucose fixation by 7.45% (P0.05), but it did not alter renal hypertrophy [67]. It has been observed that the fluid concentrate of T. cordifolia had an effect on hares and alloxan-induced hyperglycemic rodents. In rodents and hares exposed to alloxan-prompted hyperglycemia, the fluid concentrate of T. cordifolia diminished glucose at a portion of 400 mg/kg body weight. Histological examinations of pancreas didn't uncover any evidence of recuperation of ?-cells of islets of Langerhance. The possible mode of movement of the medicine has been discussed projecting a hypothesis associated with control of glucose metabolism [68]. The decoction of T. cordifolia showed mitigating action on carra geenin-prompted rear paw oedema in rats [69]. The impact of concentrate of stem of Tinospora cordifolia was concentrated on the contractile reaction because of different agonists, (for example, receptor, 5-HT, bradykinin, aces taglandin E1 and F2?, cholinomimetics furthermore, KCl) on smooth muscles of rodent in the portion of 100 to 600 ?g/mg. The conceivable component of hostile activity of Tinospora cordifolia has been talked about in the light of association of different autocoids in the pathophysiology of clinical joint inflammation. Since MAO inhibition would also result in the potentiation of 5-HT responses, it is possible that COMT's inhibition of metabolism or T. cordifolia's uptake-blocking effect is the cause of the potentiating effects of T. cordifolia on NA- induced responses [70].

  1. Antioxidant activity

Antioxidant activity and amelioration of cyclopjosphamide-induced toxicity has been reported [71]. It has an ameloratic effect in aflotoxicosis of duck [72].

  1. Anti-stress activity

Ethanol extract of Tinospora Cordfolia atbthe dose of 100 mg /kg exhibited significant anti-stress activity in all the parameters studied, compared with diazepam at the dose of 2.5 mg/kg [73].

  1. Anti ulcer Activity

The ethanol extract of the root of the root of Tinospora Cordfolia was observed to induce a markeed protective action aganiust resyrain stress induced ulcerization. The activity was comparable to that of diazepam [74].

  1. Digestive Activity

The antimoebic effect of a crude drug formulation containing Tinospra Corfolia against Entamoeba histolytica was studied. Thre were varying degrees of inhibition of the enzymes, viz. DNase, RNase, aldolase, alkaline phosphate, acid phosphatase, ?-amlyase and protease activities of crude extracts of axenically cultured amoebae [75]

  1. Hypolipidaemic Activity

The hypolipidaemic impact of an aqueous concentrate of roots was assessed. In diabetic alloxan rats, administration of the extract at doses of 2.5 and 5.0 g/kg body weight for six weeks led to significant reductions in serum and tissue cholesterol, phospholipids, and free fatty acids. The root separate at a portion of 5.0 g/kg body weight showed most noteworthy hypolipidaemic impact. Compared to glibenclamide, the effects of the doses of roots at 2.5 and 5.0 g/kg body weight were superior. Insulin reestablished all the boundaries to approach typical values [76]. When administered at doses of 2.5 and 5.0 g/kg body weight for six weeks, aqueous extract of T. cordifolia roots significantly reduced serum and tissue cholesterol, phospholipids, and free fatty acids in diabetic allaxon rats [77].

  1. Immunological Activities

The water and ethanol concentrates of stem of T. cordifolia repress immunosuppression created by cyclophosphamide. Cyclophosphamide-induced anemia is prevented by the ethanol extract of the plant's stem. It has been determined that the plant's water extract is more potent than the other extract [78]. An arabinogalactan of mean Mr 2.2×106 has been disengaged from the dried stems of T. cordifolia and analyzed by methylation investigation, fractional hydrolysis and vehicle boxyl decrease. Purged polysaccharideshowed polyclonal mitogenic action against B-cells. Their expansion didn't require macrophages [79]. The immunobiological action of ethanolic extricate was examined on postponed type hypersensitivity, humoral reactions to sheep RBCs, skin allograft dismissals and phagocytic action of the reticuloendothelial framework in mice. It give

the idea that T. cordifolia imdemonstrates the phagocytic capability without affecting the humoral or cell interceded safe system [80]. The action of a rough extricate definition containing

T. cordifolia and other plant drugs was assessed in exploratory amoebic liver canker in brilliant hamsters and in immunomodulation studies. The plan had a most extreme fix pace of 73% at a portion of 800 mg/kg/day in hepatic amoebiasis reducing the typical level of contamination (ADI) to 1.3 when contrasted with 4.2 for hoax treated controls. The haemagglutination titre indicates an increase in humoral immunity in immunomodulation studies. The Lymphocyte counts remained unaffected in the creatures treated with the plan yet cell-intervened resistant reaction was animated as seen in the leukocyte movement hindrance (LMI) tests74. It was discovered that T. cordifolia's active principles had immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. The in-vitro immunohaemolysis of antibody-coated sheep erythrocytes by guinea-pig serum is inhibited by Syringin (TC-4) and Cardiol (TC-7). It was discovered that inhibition of the classical complement pathway's C3 canvertase was the cause of the reduced immune hemolysis. Additionally, the compounds result in significant serum IgG antibody increases. Additionally, dose-dependent increases were made in both cell-mediated and moral immunity. With longer incubation times, macrophage activation was more pronounced [81]. T. cordifolia affects intra stomach sepsis to explain have defense component to counter infective stress. According to the findings, T. cordifo- lia possesses immunomodulating properties [82].

  1. Liver Disorder

The medication was additionally contemplated against the hepatic harm initiated by a norm hepatotoxin - carbon tetra chloride (CCl4). However intense harm was aggravated by T. cordifolia, it was ended up being viable in forestalling stringy changes also, advancing recovery by standard anchymal tissue [83]. Albino rats infected with CCl4 were used to investigate the drug's additional antihepatotoxic activity. Liver capability was surveyed in view of morph intelligent (liver load to creature body weight proportion), biochemical (SGPT, SGOT, serum soluble phosphatase, serum bilirubin and utilitarian (Pentobarbitone rest time) tests. A diminishing in liver weight was seen in the gathering treated with alcoholic concentrate of T. cordifolia. Anyway there was no impact on raised serum level of SGPT, SGOT, SALP, serum bilirubin and pentobarbitone rest time. At the tested dose of 200 mg/kg, the chloroform extract of T. cordifolia failed to reduce liver toxicity [84]. An Ayurvedic arrangement HPN-12 containing  T. cordifolia was explored for the hepatoprotective impact on CCl4 instigated hepatic disfunction in male pale skinned person rodents of Sprague Dawley strain. It was discovered that HPN-12 is an efficient treatment for CCl4-induced liver damage.

  1. Mental Disorder

A herbal psychotropic preparation BR-16A containing Tinospora Cordfolia was investigation in short term memory paradigms in mice.[85] The results suggest for possibily ino-tropic action of BR-16A involoing cholinergic abd GABAergic modulation [86].

  1. Uraemia

Pharmacological and clinical study of Tinospora Cordfloia was undertaken and its role in uraemia elicited. The atre extract produced marked but transient fall in B.P. along with bradycardica and increased force of ventricular contraction in dogs and diaries in rats. It significantly decreases blood urea levels in uremic dogs and paitents [87].

  1. Anti-cancer Activity

Tinospora cordifolia shows against malignant growth action, this movement is for the most part displayed in creature models. The extraction of alkaloid palmatine from Tinospora cordifolia by utilizing Reaction Surface Method (RSM) obviously demonstrate the anticancer potential in 7,12- dimethylbenz(a)anthracene DMBA instigated skin malignant growth model in mice [88]. A solitary utilization of Tinospora cordifolia remove at a portion of 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg dry weight, 24 hrs earlier the i.p. organization of cyclophosphamide (at the 50 mg/kg), essentially forestalled the micronucleus development in bone marrow of mice, in a portion subordinate way. C57 Bl mice when gotten half methanolic concentrate of Tinospora cordifolia at a portion 750 mg/kg body weight for 30 days showed expansion in life length and cancer size was essentially decreased when contrasted with control [89]. Mishra R et al concentrate on explored the counter cerebrum disease capability of half ethanolic concentrate of Tinospora cordifolia (TCE) utilizing C6 glioma cells. In C6 glioma cells, TCE induced differentiation and significantly reduced cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner [90]. Manju Bala et al study assessed eight auxiliary metabolites from Tinospora cordifolia against four unique human disease cell lines, KB (human oral squamous carcinoma), CHOK-1 (hamster ovary), HT-29 (human colon disease) and SiHa  (human cervical disease) and murine essential cells individually. All concentrates and parts were dynamic against KB and CHOK-1 cells while among the unadulterated particles palmatine was viewed as dynamic against KB what's more, HT-29; tinocordiside against KB and CHOK-1; yangambin against KB cells [91]. Two particles from hexane and methanol parts (T1 and T2) from the plant Tinospora cordifolia show that inMCF-7 cells, T1 treatment fundamentally smothered the expansion, relocation and intrusion of MCF-7cells when thought about to that of T2. Epithelial-mesenchymal change related qualities, Contort and Snail, were downregulated by T1 with expanded record of E-cadherin [92].

  1. Anti-oxidant Activity

The Tinospora cordifolia has potential application in food frameworks as a cell reinforcement and presumably in organic frameworks as a nutraceutical. Methanolic, ethanolic and water concentrates of Tinospora cordifolia showed huge cancer prevention agent potential contrasted with different solvents and furthermore have metal chelation and decreasing power action [93]. According to the findings of the study by V Sivakumar and colleagues, orally administered methanol extracts of the stem of Tinospora cordifolia increased the membrane lipid peroxide and catalase activity of erythrocytes. It likewise diminished the exercises of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase in alloxan-instigated diabetic rodents [94]. Tinospora cordifolia is capable of neutralizing free radicals produced by aflatoxicosis. Tinospora cordifolia showed insurance against aflatoxin-initiated nephrotoxicity because of the presence of alkaloids, for example, a choline, tinosporin, isocolumbin, palmatine, tetrahydropalmatine, and magnoflorine [95]. According to the findings of a study conducted by Neha Upadhyay et al., ethanol extracts from the bark of Tinospora cordifolia had the highest phenolic content and the highest free radical scavenging activity when compared to methanol extracts [96]. The organization of ethanolic concentrate of Tinospora cordifolia (EETC) in N-nitrosodiethylamine (Lair) actuated liver disease in male Wister pale skinned person rodents returned the lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels, enzymic and nonenzymic cancer prevention agents to approach typical [97]. Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) leaf-isolated essential oil was areas of strength for shown diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) extremist searching movement (IC50= 25±0.3 µg/mL). It also demonstrated reducing power activity that was dose-dependent [98]. The leaves of Tinospora cordifolia was separated with methanol and apportioned in water with ethyl acetic acid derivation and butanol At 250  mg/ml fixation, the cell reinforcement action of the free extremist searching exercises of the concentrates tested through DPPH, lessening power, phosphomolybdenum furthermore, metal chelating movement were viewed as most elevated

with methanol, trailed by ethyl acetic acid derivation, butanol and water separate. At each concentration point, BHT's antioxidant activity was greater than that of the extracts [99].

  1. Anti-Microbial Activity

The counter bacterial action of Tinospora cordifolia removes has been tested against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella typhi, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella paratyphi, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter aerogene, what's more, Serratia marcesenses (Gram-positive microscopic organisms) [100]. Extracts of the stem and leaves of the Tinospora cordifolia Hook plant made with water, ethanol, and acetone. F. Thoms had the greatest inhibitory activity against clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, two urinary pathogens [101]. Silver nanoparticles integrated from stem of Tinospora cordifolia have awesome antibacterial movement against multidrug safe kinds of Pseudomonas aeruginosa separated from consume patients [102]. The ethanol extract of the stem of Tinospora cordifolia yielded the active compound [(5R, 10R)-4R, 8R-Dihydroxy-2S, 3R:15, 16-diepoxycleroda- 13(16), 17, 12S, 18, 1S-dilactone] with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Enterococcus faecalis (125 g/ml) and Bacillus subtilis (200 g/ml) displayed the lowest MIC values. The compound likewise showed movement. against parasites; the most reduced least inhibitory fixation values were seen against Trichophyton simii (31.25 µg/ml), Trichophyton rubrum 57 (62.5 µg/ml), Trichophyton rubrum 296 (62.5 µg/ml) [103]. According to the findings of a study conducted by Francesca Bonvicinia et al., the constituents of Tinospora cordifolia exhibited greater inhibitory activity against clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and carbapenemase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae [104]. Tinospora cordifolia constituents have the potential to be a source of new infectious disease treatments.

  1. Anti-Bacterial Activity

It was demonstrated that Tinospora Cordfolia methalonic extract prevented microbial infection. Utilizing a specific dissolvable concentrate from different pieces of the spice Tinospora Cordfolia’s antibacterical approach to acting was taken note. Guduchi has been displayed to  restrain various microorganisms to changing degrees in the urinary lot, exhibiting its antibacterial action [105]. The attempt was coordinated for the plant-interceded association of sliver nanoparticles using Tinospora Cordifolia dried stem powder. Also, antibacterial development was attempted and examined with hostile to contamination specialists. EDAX examination, XRD, an UV-Noticeable spectrophotometer, FTIR, and TEM were utilized to portray the further blended silver nanoparticles were found to kills the resistant bacteria by exhibiting antibacterial activity [106].

  1. Immunomodulatory Activity

Tinospora Cordfolia is renowned as a Rasayana Plant and has been used for far too many decades in Ayurveda as a revitalizing herb and other medicinal regiments [107]. The various extracts of Tinospora Cordifolia have immunomodulatory properties, and anti-tumor effects. Synergic finding shown been shown in the removal of cyclophosphamide tumors in animals [108,109]. Tinospora Cordifolia is predominately antimicrobial to urinay tract infection bacteria, acting as an immunomodulator, helping to remove pathogenic organisms, and boosting the immune system of the patient mitigate inflammation. Tinospora Cordifolia activates macrophages and other immune cells such as interlekins and TNF promote the immune potentials of the aniamls [110].


Tinospora cordifolia, the flexible restorative plant is the exceptional wellspring of different sorts of compounds having different synthetic construction. Very little work has been finished on the organic movement and conceivable restorative utilizations of these mixtures also, thus broad examination is expected to take advantage of their remedial utility to battle infections. A medication improvement program ought to be embraced to foster current medications with the mixtures secluded from Tinospora cordifolia. Present survey highlight the         traditional antidiabetic, anticancer, immunomodulatory, cancer prevention agent, antimicrobial, antidotal cases of Tinospora cordifolia and their approval by contemporary explores. Throughout the previous few years, there has been a rising pattern and mindfulness in therapeutic plants research. A seriously huge measure of research has previously been completed during the past scarcely any a very long time in investigating the science of various portions of Tinospora cordifolia. While Tinospora cordifolia has been utilized effectively in Ayurvedic medication for a really long time, a broad exploration and improvement work ought to be attempted on Tinospora cordifolia and its items for their better monetary and restorative usage. This survey can be utilized for further exploration as well as clinical reason.


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  14. Neha Upadhyay, et al, “Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers”. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2014; 3 (2) Page no.63-69.
  15. Jayaprakash R, et al, “Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia on N- nitrosodiethylamine (diethylnitrosamine) induced liver cancer in male Wister albino rats”. J Pharm Bioall Sci, (2015)
  16. Dattatraya Naika, et al, “Determination of Chemical Composition and Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil from Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Leaf”. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2014; 17(2): Page no.228-236.
  17. Praveen N, et al, Antioxidant activity of Tinospora cordifolia leaf extracts through non- enzymatic method. J. Med. Plants Res, 2012; 6(33): Page no.4790-4795.
  18. Narayanan AS, et al, Antibacterial activity of selected medicinal plants against multiple antibiotic resistant uropathogens: a study from Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu, India. Benef Microbes, 2011; 2(3):43-235.
  19. Shanthi V, et al. Anitbacterial activity of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd) Hook.F.Thoms on urinary tract pathogens. Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci, 2013; 2(6):Page no. 190-194.
  20. Singh K, et al, “Antibacterial Activity of Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles from Tinospora cordifolia against Multi Drug Resistant Strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Patients. J Nanomed Nanotechno”l, 2014; 5(2) Page no. 1-6.
  21. Veeramuthu Duraipandiyan, et al, “Antimicrobial activity of Tinospora cordifolia: an ethnomedicinal plant. Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines”, 2012; 7(2): Page no. 59-65.
  22. Francesca Bonvicini, et al, “Ethanolic extracts of Tinospora cordifolia and Alstonia scholaris show antimicrobial activity towards clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant and carbapenemase-producing bacteria. Natural Product Research”. 2014; 28(18): Page no. 1438-1445
  23. Meghna R. et al, “Anti-tumor Activity of four Ayurvedic herbs in Dalton lymphoma Ascites Bearing mice and their short-term in vitro cytotoxicity of DLA- Cell-line,” Afr. J. Trad. CAM, 2008; 5(4):Page no. 409-418
  24. M.I. Khan, et al, “Pigment identification, antioxidant activity, and nutrient composition of Tinospora cordifolia (willd.) Miers ex Hook. & Thoms fruit”, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 62n (2011) Page no. 239-249
  25. A. Gurav, et al, “Evaluation of hepatoprotective and antidiarrhoeal activity of guduchi,Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hook. f. & Thoms. in experimental rats, Annals of Phytomedicine”, 6 (2017) Page no. 156-161.
  26. S. Mathew, et al, “Immunomodulatory and antitumour activities of Tinospora cordifolia, Fitoterapia”, 70 (1999) Page no. 35-43.
  27. P.N. Manjrekar, et al, “Comparative studies of the immunomodulatory activity of Tinospora cordifolia and Tinospora sinensis, Fitoterapia”, 71 (2000) Page no. 254- 257


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  20. Shanthi V, et al. Anitbacterial activity of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd) Hook.F.Thoms on urinary tract pathogens. Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci, 2013; 2(6):Page no. 190-194.
  21. Singh K, et al, “Antibacterial Activity of Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles from Tinospora cordifolia against Multi Drug Resistant Strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Patients. J Nanomed Nanotechno”l, 2014; 5(2) Page no. 1-6.
  22. Veeramuthu Duraipandiyan, et al, “Antimicrobial activity of Tinospora cordifolia: an ethnomedicinal plant. Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines”, 2012; 7(2): Page no. 59-65.
  23. Francesca Bonvicini, et al, “Ethanolic extracts of Tinospora cordifolia and Alstonia scholaris show antimicrobial activity towards clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant and carbapenemase-producing bacteria. Natural Product Research”. 2014; 28(18): Page no. 1438-1445
  24. Meghna R. et al, “Anti-tumor Activity of four Ayurvedic herbs in Dalton lymphoma Ascites Bearing mice and their short-term in vitro cytotoxicity of DLA- Cell-line,” Afr. J. Trad. CAM, 2008; 5(4):Page no. 409-418
  25. M.I. Khan, et al, “Pigment identification, antioxidant activity, and nutrient composition of Tinospora cordifolia (willd.) Miers ex Hook. & Thoms fruit”, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 62n (2011) Page no. 239-249
  26. A. Gurav, et al, “Evaluation of hepatoprotective and antidiarrhoeal activity of guduchi,Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hook. f. & Thoms. in experimental rats, Annals of Phytomedicine”, 6 (2017) Page no. 156-161.
  27. S. Mathew, et al, “Immunomodulatory and antitumour activities of Tinospora cordifolia, Fitoterapia”, 70 (1999) Page no. 35-43.
  28. P.N. Manjrekar, et al, “Comparative studies of the immunomodulatory activity of Tinospora cordifolia and Tinospora sinensis, Fitoterapia”, 71 (2000) Page no. 254- 257

Divya Navnath Arsule
Corresponding author

Pratibhatai Pawar College of Pharmacy, Wadala Mahadev, Shrirampur.

Shinde S. B.

Pratibhatai Pawar College of Pharmacy, Wadala Mahadev, Shrirampur.

Divya Navnath Arsule, Shinde S. B A Review On: Tinospora Cordfolia And Medicinal Uses, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 7, 270-291.

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