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Medicinal herbs have been utilised for centuries to cure a range of diseases including helminth infections, which are still a global health problem. Helminth infections create a big health problem worldwide especially in poorer countries. This review focuses on how natural remedies from plant -based sources can replace standard anti-worm treatments .The study looks at the key ingredients how they work ,and how well many medicinal plants known to fight worms perform against helminths. It also takes depth about the good things about taking herbal medicines, like fewer side effects and better nutrition uptake. By examining the clinical proof and traditions around these treatments in areas where worm infections are common, the review shows how herbal medicine could play a role in today’s healthcare.


Helminth Infection, Medicinal herb, Worm control, Natural Treatment, Herbalism, Anti-worm treatments.


Phytomedicine is as old as human evolution, and it began with our ancestors trial or error. phytomedicine refers to the use of herb as treatment. Herbal medicine also known as phytotherapy, Herbalism or phytomedicine1.The science of plant based medications is known as phytomedicine.[1]The history of phytomedicine stretches back to 60,000years ago, written evidence dating back to around 5000years.Pharmaceuticals from medicinal plants resulted in the discovery of wonder chemicals that directly or indirectly relived mankind’s illness.[2]Due to enhanced efficacy of herbal medicine has been seen as a viable future therapy for health care management. Recently there has been a shift in  the global trend from synthetic to herbal treatment which is marketed as “return to nature .[3]The US Food and Drug Administration does not categorise phytomedicine as pharmaceuticals instead available as over -the- counter nutritional supplements.[4]Taxol one of the finest herbal  drugs ,has been found to treat refractory ovarian, breastcancer . Podopyllotoxin , alteration of this chemical resulted invention of etoposide which is effective against small cell malignancies of the lungs and testes.[5]Plant sulphur compounds hep to protect against cardiovascular disease by activating  nuclear factor- erythroid factor 2 and preventing cholesterol formation but terpenoids diminish atherosclerotic lesions in the aortic valve.The field of phytomedicine has a promising future as it develops along side modern medical disciplines.[6]


Medicinal plants have been utilised to treat diseases and injuries since ancient times. Medicinal herbs have been used to treat parasites and illness in humans and animals. In 2015,  world health organisation reported that roughly 1.5 billion people suffered from soil-transmitted helminthiasis.[7] Plants contain a wide range of medications including antispasmodics, emetics, anticancer, antibacterial, and anthelminthics. Many plants are believed to have antibacterial qualities and are commonly used by tribal communities worldwide. Nature has given the cure for all diseases in some form. Chemical anthelmintics losing popularity due to its disadvantages. WHO has recently estimated that 80% of populations of developing  countries rely on traditional drugs ,for their primary health care needs.[8]  Helminth infections are among most frequent illness in humans, affecting a sizable fraction of the global population.  They constitute a significant public health risk contribute to prevalence of malnutrition, eosinophilia. [9] Anthelmintics are medications that kill  or expel infesting helminths, they cause harm to the host by obstructing lymphatic or intestinal flow and secreting toxins. Helminthiasis  is leading source of morbidity. Anthelminthics also called as endectocides and parasiticides a new class of anthelmintic named aminoacetonitrile developed which is well tolerated and has low toxicity to mammals.[10] The main species that infect people are the roundworms(Ascaris lumbricoides), the whipworm (trichuris trichuria) and hook worms(Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale).[11]To treat helminthiasis, anthelmintic medications such as albendazole ,mebendazole ,ivermectin ,praziquantel used, these medications have side effects as hepatotoxicity.The continuous use of synthetic larvicidal/anthelmintic medications also producing drug resistance problem in various parasite illnesses. Plants are free of side effects with less effectiveness.[12]Helminthic diseases are typically chronic and debilitating ,leading to increased to increased morbidity and social suffering.Parasites are known to infect the livestock and crops ,used to control infection in food producing animals.Some anthelmintic medicines have a quick selective effect on nematode neuromuscular transmission, levamisole are agonist at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in nematode muscle causing spastic paralysis Natural killer cells play a range of roles in parasite infection by secreting cytokines, primarily interferon gamma.[13]Traditional medicinal plants are used in the treatment of anthelmintics are pineapple, citrus indica, Ficus bengalensis.

Types Of Anthelmintic Drugs

Antiparasitic agents that specifically eliminate worms belonging to the genus Ascaris are referred to as ascaricides

  • Benzimidazoles:
  1. Examples:Albendazole,Mebendazole,Febendazole,Flubendazole,Triclabendazole
  2. Mechanism:Inhibits microtubule polymerisation ,affecting cell division and glucose uptake in helminths, effective against threadworms, roundworms, tapeworms.
  • Tetrahydropyrimidine
  1. Examples: Pyrantel, Oxantel
  2. Mechanism: Effective against nematode infections residing within the intestine ,Depolarize and paralyse the helminths by acting as cholinergic agonists.
  • Avermectin
  1. Examples: Abamectin, Ivermectin
  2. Mechanism: Increase the permeability of cell membranes to chloride ions by attaching to glutamate- gated chloride channels, which makes the parasite to die.
  • Salicylanilides
  1. Examples: Niclosamide
  2. Mechanism: Disrupt energy generation in cestodes by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation, these are mitochondrial uncouplers used only for flatworms.
  • Isoquinoline -pyrazines
  1. Examples: Praziquantel

Mechanism: Increase the sensitivity of helminth cell membranes to calcium, resulting in muscular spasm and paralysis, Effective against tapeworms (Schistosoma).

  • Imidazothiazoles
  1. Examples: Levamisole
  2. Mechanism: They act as cholinergic agonists, activating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and producing spastic paralysis in worm.
  • Pro-Biotics and Herbal Anthelmintics
  1. Examples: Herbal extracts from Neem, Garlic, Pumpkin seeds

Mechanism: Disruption of metabolic process, paralysis and immune regulation.


Advantages Of Anthelmintic Medicinal Plants:

  1. Natural remedies : These plants offer a safe alternative to pharmaceutical medications while minimising unwanted effects.
  2. Improved nutritional absorption : These herbs improve gut health by removing parasites, allowing for increased nutritional absorption.
  3. Symptom relief : They can help with symptoms of parasites infections including abdominal pain , diarrhoea, and feeling fatigued.
  4. Soil health : They improve soil quality and can help manage pest populations naturally.
  5. Rich in compounds: They contain bioactive compound that help eliminate parasitic infections effectively.
  6. Health maintenance: Regular use of anthelmintic medicinal plants can play a role in maintaining overall health and preventing future infections.

Herbal Drugs Used To Treat Helminth Infection:

Botanical name

Local name


Parts used

Chemical constituents

Infectious treatment


Carica papaya







Lakshmi kanta kantal etal...[14]

Ociumum tenuiflorum




Ursolic acid


Prakash pandey etal…[15]

Azadirachta indica



Leaves and seed

Nimbin, Nimbidin

Round  Worm

Kusum Lata etal...[16]

Cucurbita Pepo




Fatty acid, Palamitic, palamitoleic ,oleic,linnoleic acid


Maciej Grzybek etal…[17]

Curcuma caesia

Black haldi



Curcuminoids      Volatile oils

Earth worms

Vineela chadalavada etal…[18]

Ananas comosus




Bromelain,phenolic   compounds

Human whip worm

Juliana      Azevedo dapaixao etal…[19]

Butea Monosperma



seeds, barks

Flavonoids, quercetin kaempferol ,tannins

Round worm

Pooja saroj etal…[20]

Modern Drugs Used to Treat Helminths Infection:

Drug name

Mechanism of action


Route of administration

Side effects


The inhibitory action of tubulin polymerisation causes the loss of cytoplasmic microtubules

Roundworms Hook worms Threadworms Whipworm    Pink worm Flukes

Oral route

Diarrhoea, Abdominal pain              Migration


The inhibitory action of tubulin polymerisation causes the loss of cytoplasmic microtubules


Oral route

Loss of appetite ,    Abdominalpain,   Flatulence Diarrhea


Act as GABA agonist causing chloride channel opening neural hyperpolarization and flaccid paralysis of suspectable parasites

Roundworms  (ascariasis) Pinworms

Oral route

Blurring of vision    Clumsiness Crawling    Joint pain   Skin rash of itching


Immobilizes  infected organisms by causing tonic paralysis of parasites muscles through binding to the chloride ion channels of nerve or muscle cells

Threadworms (strongyloidiasis)

Oral parental

Irritation Headache   Cellulitis   Abdominal pain


Nematode  neuromuscular junctions are depolarized,resulting in paralysis

Roundworm                         Hookworm                           Pinworm

Oral route

vomiting  Diarrohea  ,  Loss of appetite ,stomach cramps


Anthelminthic Activity Of Various Medicinal Plants:

Carica papaya

  • Common name: Papita, Pawpaw
  • Active principle: Papain, Chymopapain, Benzyl isothiocynate
  • Plants parts used: leaves, Fruits 

The high concentration of vitamins A ,B ,and C, as well as proteolytic enzymes with antiviral, antifungal qualities like papain and chymopapain responsible for papaya’s health advantages.[21]The leaves are traditionally used as a cardiotonic ,vermifuge and a therapy for dengue fever and breast cancer.[22] Carpaine ,an alkaloid, is present in young leaves. Myrosinase, glycosides are found in seeds.[23]

Antiparasitic activity

Papaya latex was examined next to heligmosomoides polygyrus infection in mice, showed signs of antiparasitic properties.[24]

Allium Sativum

  • Common name: Garlic
  • Active principle:


  • Plants parts used:Leaves,Roots

It contains 17 aminoacids, vitamins, minerals and 33 sulphur compounds. Garlic components have been identified as promising immune boosters, aids to trat neoplastic growth, rheumatism.The primary flavonoid that was separated from garlic quercetin, was found to interact with medications such as vitamin E  and C .The pharmacological activities include anti-atherosclerotic,anti carcinogenic ,and antiviral. [25]

Antiparasitic Activity

Allium sativum oil has been shown to have anthelmintic properties, effectively  eliminating harmful parasites from the intestine. [26] Garlic juices had antiparasitic effect invitro on the crustacean parasite. [27]

Terminal Arjuna

  • Common name: Arjuna tree, Marudhu ,Arjan
  • Active principle: Arjunic acid, luteolin ,Kaempferol
  • Plants parts used: Leaves and  bark

The bark powder helps as a diuretic for liver cirrhosis and relives symptoms of hypertension. It is a very good hypocholsteremic, Phytoconstituents like terpenoids mainly responsible for cardiovascular properties.The herb has shown to aid persiste smokers vasodilate their blood vessels and dissolve plaque in their arteries.[28]

Antiparasitic Activity

The effectiveness of  arjuna bark against Haemonchus contortus eggs  showed motility at various hours because of its efficacy, the lethal median concentration values for egg hatch  was found to be 645.65ml.[29] The ethanol extract outperformed Albendazole in terms of paralytic and helmenthiatic effect  due to increasing quantity of polyphenols in ethanol.[30] Against the common poultry parasite Ascaridia galli, Terminal arjuna, at concentratiomn of 100mg/ml  shows the anthelmintic action.[31]

Datura Stramonium

  1. Common name:

Thorn apple, Jimsonwood, Devil’ strumpet

  1. Active principle

: Hyoscyamie, Scopolamine, Apoatropine

  1. Plants parts used:

Leaves Datura is used to treat Parkinson’s disease and haemorrhoids. Its leaves, when applied after roasting, can provide pain relief. The narcotic herb eases pain and aids healing.[32] Its ingestion produces distinct symptoms. The mouth gets dry, an intense thirst develops, vision blurs due to severe mydriasis and the pulse rate accelerates.This is followed by hallucinations, delirium and a lack of motor coordination, which may progess to command eventually death. Datura causes severe damage to central nervous system leading to un controlled mental state.[33]

Antiparasitic Activity

The methanolic extract of datura stomanium shows strong anthelmentic activity, achieving 100% inhibition of egg hatching and larvicidal activity at 25mg/ml, the effective dose for egg hatching inhibition shows promising results for controlling Haemonchus contortus.[34] Tropane alkaloids of datura stramonium interfere nervous system of Pheretima posthuma leading to paralysis and have saponin properties that can disrupt the cell membrane of parasites.[35]

Artimisia Absinthium

  1. Common name:Worm wood,Tethween
  2. Active principle:Caryophyllene,Artabin
  3. Plants part used:Aerial parts

It is utilised as anthelmintic and infect repellents as an additive source for ruminants, notably in stimulating the rumen fermentation .[36] Immuno-modulatory and wound-healing activities, neuroprotective and antidepressant effects, antioxidant activity, antitumer activity, hepatoprotective effects and antiprotozoal activity.[37]

Antiparasitic Activity

The ovicidal impact of wormwood and mallow aqueous extracts was evaluated using the invitro egg hatch test (EHT), which was then compared to the chemotherapeutic effect of the anthelmentic medication thiabendazole. [38] It effects angiogenesis, changing the host’s immune response, creating mitocondrial malfunction, and interfering with parasite transport proteins. Arthemisinin is effective against a number parasites, including Leishmania, Trypanosoma and Haemonchus. Additionally, extracts from A.annua show test control action via changing the activities of digestive enzymes in pests.[39]


  1. Common name: Gum tree,Blue gum,Candle bark gum
  2. Active principles:Citronellal,limonene
  3. Plants part used:Bark, branchtips, fruits

Ethyl acetate extract from Eucalyptus Camaldulensis leaves has powerful antibacterial and anti-schistosomal properties, making it a potential treatment for human schistosomiasis infections.[40] Eucalyptol possesses antinoceptive characteristics,suggesting a possible calming and depressing effect on the central nervous system. It is used against periodontal disease, mouthwash applications and cough suppresants,Essential oil of eucalyptus having bio-nematicide efficacy , phytopathogen control and  anthelmintic activity.[41]

Antiparasitic Activity

Essential oils at doses of 0.1and 0.2ml shows parasiticidal effects, Eucalyptus globules outperformed both anti-giardiasis and entoamoeba histolytica with mortality rates of 79.75 and 87.6?ter 30 minutes.[42]Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil invitro effects were established using the egg hatching test and suppression of larva development, shows efficacy against goat gastrointestinal nematodes was 76.57% at 15th day after the treatment.[43]

Calendula officinalis

  1. Common name: Marigold,Ruddles
  2. Active principles:Ubiquinone,Cubenol
  3. Plants part used:Flowers,Leaves,seeds

Calendula treats internal organ inflammations, gastric ulcers, menstrual abnormalities and oropharyngeal mucosal inflammations.It has a significant commercial value as a herbal remedy and has been used in cosmetics, fragrances, dyes, pharmaceutical preparations and food goods for ages. The plant has been approved for food usage and appears on the FDA’s list of generally recognised as safe [GRAS] chemicals. Calendula oil is still medicinally used as an anti tumor agent. [44] An infusion of calendula officinalis may also be used to treat bee stings, herbalism, calendula solution or tincture is applied topically to treat acne, reduce inflammation, stop bleeding and soothe inflamed tissue. Calendula protects against the plague. [45]

Antiparasitic Activity

Oleanolic acid glycosides hindered the development of L3 Helignosomoides poly girus larvae, the nematode’s infective stage. Furthermore, both oleanolic acid and its glycosides lowered L3 survival rates after prolonged storage, but only oleanolic acid glucuronides had an effect on nematode infection.[46]The current investigation indicated the efficacy of powdered C.officinalis and S.hortensis aerial parts against intestinal parasites in pigs when supplied at dosage of 140 mg/kg/day and 100 mg/kg/day, respectively, during a 10-day period. The coproparasitological examination showed co-infections with protozoa and nematodes. Six species pf disgestive parasites were diagnosed: Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, Oesophagostomum.[47]

Mentha Spicata

  • Common name: Spearmint,Lambmint
  • Active principle:Menthol,Menthone ,Pulegone
  • Plant parts used:Leaves, Flowers ,Barks,Seeds

Approximately 3000EOs, 300 are utilised for perfusion, sanitory, cosmetic, food, pharmaceutical and agricultural applications.[48] Spearmint is an aromatic plant used as seasoning and flavouring herb. Spearmint and spearmint extracts are frequently employed as preservation agents to postpone the oxidative degradation that happens in food during processing or over time during storage . The menthol extract showed inhibitory activity on exocytosis in antigen-stimulated rat basophils due to sideritifladone showed the strongest activity.[49]

Antiparasitic Activity

Mentha spicata essential oils have also been studied for their antiparasitic properties in treating ectoparasites such as lies and mites are used in topical treatment in reducing infestations without severe  side effects .[50] Mentha spicata extract has anthelmentic action against sheep gastrointestinal helminth eggs.At 80 mg/mL, the extract reduced egg hatching by upto 79%. Phytochemical study showed the presence of phenols . Mentha spicata essential oil has been shown to have high fumigation efficacy against a variety of pests, including mosquitos (Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi) and agricultural pests (Helicoverpa aremigera, Plutella xylostella). [51]

Chicorium Intybus

  • Common name: Chicory, Chikkari
  • Active principles: Sesquiterpene, Lactones ,ferrulic acid
  • Plant parts used: Roots, Buds, Leaves

Beekhe Kasni (Cichorium intybus) is a medicinal and culinary herb  that has been used in traditional medicine for many year. The versatile plant is strong in protein, carbs and minerals.[52] Inulin from chicory roots is considered a functional food elements since it impacts physiology and biochemical processes, resulting in greater health and lowering the risk of numerous diseases. It has been discovered to have enormous pharmacological potential and tremendous possibility for phytochemical research. The chemical elements and their application, inulin, sesquiterpene lactones, phenolics , such as caffeic acid , chichoric acid, and  coumarines as well as esculetin and cichoriin, two novel triterpenoids with good alpha glucosidase inhibitory action. The plant possesses significant hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory potential. [53]    

Antiparasitic Activity

When ruminants are fed diets high in chicory (> 70 of the diet consisting of chicory DM), the bioactive forage chicory has been shown to have antiparasitic effects.[54] Its bioactive components, especially sesquiterene lactones which have been shown to have strong effect against helminths and protozoa in vitro, are probably responsible for this antiparasitic activity.[55] Extracts from chicory root pulp that have low toxicity to mammalian cells and selective anthelmintic activity against C. Elegans and A.suum in vitro. Furthermore, a few of the tested forage chicory extracts demonstrated reduced toxicity in mammalian cellwhile remaining active against A. Suum. When compared to forage chicory extracts, untargeted metabolomics showed that the profile of sesquiterene lactones in chicory root pulp was significantly different. [56]

Black Walnut

  1. Common name: Juglans nigra
  2. Active principles: Ellagic acid , flavonoids , phenolic compounds, tannins
  3. Plant parts used: Wood, nots, bark, flower

Kernel extracts from various black walnut cultivars shown antimicrobial action . Green husk extracts shown considerable antifungal efficacy in female rats. The bark extract demonstrated neuroprotective effects in a rat model of cerebral ischaemia by restoring mitochondrial function.[57] Walnuts oil is considered a prominent ingredient in antiwrinkle, antiaging , and dry skin cream treatments since it has a moisturising ability.[58]

Antiparasitic Activity  

Crude ethanolic extract (CEE) made from juglans regia leaves has anthekmintic properties against Ascaridia galli (A.galli), one of the most harmful nematode parasites that impact poultry. At 24 hours after exposure, CEE caused a 96.5% suppression of worm motility.[59] Juglans regia (English walnut) has proven that methanolic extracts can produce paralysis and death in worms, such as Pheretima posthuma, more quickly thand traditional therapies like piperazine citrate.[60]

Cucurbita Maxima

  1. Common name: Gaint pumpkin
  2. Active principles: Fatty acids, phenolic and flavonoids , vitamins and minerals
  3. Plant parts used: seeds, pulp and fruit stalk

The CNS stimulant activity of crude drug extract was assessed in swiss Albino mice . The results indicated that petroleum ether extract had a good CNS stimulant effect that may be investigated for therapeutic usage.[61] The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of an ethanol extract of cucurbita maxima ( C. maxima) and Cucumis sativus ( C. sativus) seeds. These seeds are edible , have a pleasant taste, and have been utilised for a variety of therapeutic purposes.[62]

Antiparasitic activity

In rats , pumpkin seed extracts in both water and and ethanol shown strong anthelmintic activity ( 81 and  85% respectively) against Aspiculuris tetraptera pumpkin seeds (C. maxima lam) have an anthelmintics action and are used to treat a variety of parasite illnesses, taenia saginata.[63] When compared to the infection control group and the praziquantel group, the aqueous extract of pumpkin seeds significantly decreased the quantity and length of adult hymenolepis nana worms as well as the number and viability of eggs. It has been demonstrated that pumpkin seed aqueous extract works well as a natural anthelmintic against hymenolepis nana.[64]

Herbal Drugs Available in Market:

Herbal medicine

Treatment Condition

Plant source



Valeriana officinalis


Anti-cancer Drug

Yew Tree Taxus


Lowering blood pressure

Cinnamomum verum


Pain relief

Capsicum annum


Type -2 diabetes

Galega officinalis


Recent Advances In Usage Of Herbal Drugs In Anthelmintic Activity:

The increase of resistance to traditional anthelmintic medications has led to the research of alternative treatments such as herbal drugs.[65] Recent investigations have revealed many plant based substance with promising anthelmintic effects.[66]For instance, A study demonstrated clove oil has ability to treatment of parasite diseases in poultry due to the bioactive components present in it.[67]Neem oil extracts have shown promise by effectively lowering parasite infections in both human and animals.[68]Turmeric’s active components ,particularly curcumin , have been examined for their ability to prevent parasite growth.[69]Field trials were also carried out to examine the efficacy of these medications in real-world conditions. Extensive clinical trials are necessary to validate the safety and efficacy of herbal drugs in human and veterinary applications.[70] These developments demonstrate how herbal medications may be used to combat the worldwide helminth infection burden and get overcome the difficulties caused by drug resistance.


Medicinal plants have treated various illnesses for many years, including helminth infections remain a major health issue worldwide. They create a big health problem in developing nations. This review focuses on how natural remedies from plant-based sources can replace standard anti-worm treatments. The study looks at the key ingredients how they work, and how well many medicinal plants known to fight worms perform against helminths. It also talks in depth about the good things about taking herbal medicines, like fewer side effects and better nutrient uptake. By examining the clinical proof and traditions around these treatments in areas where worm infections are common, the review shows how herbal medicine could play a role in today’s healthcare.


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  29. Inta A, Trisonthi P, Trisonthi C. Analysis of traditional knowledge in medicinal plants used by Yuan in Thailand. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2013 Aug 26;149(1):344-51.
  30. Bachaya HA, Iqbal Z, Khan MN, Jabbar A, Gilani AH, Din IU. In vitro and in vivo anthelmintic activity of Terminalia arjuna bark. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology. 2009;11:273
  31. Amalraj A, Gopi S. Medicinal properties of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.: a review. Journal of traditional and complementary medicine. 2017 Jan 1;7(1):65-78.
  32. Soni P, Siddiqui AA, Dwivedi J, Soni V. Pharmacological properties of Datura stramonium L. as a potential medicinal tree: an overview. Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine. 2012 Dec 1;2(12):1002-8.
  33. Kamaraj C, Rahuman AA, Elango G, Bagavan A, Zahir AA. Anthelmintic activity of botanical extracts against sheep gastrointestinal nematodes, Haemonchus contortus. Parasitology Research. 2011 Jul;109:37-45.
  34. Arage M, Eguale T, Giday M. Evaluation of antibacterial activity and acute toxicity of methanol extracts of Artemisia absinthium, Datura stramonium, and Solanum anguivi. Infection and Drug Resistance. 2022 Jan 1:1267-76.
  35. Panda SK, Luyten W. Antiparasitic activity in Asteraceae with special attention to ethnobotanical use by the tribes of Odisha, India. Parasite. 2018;25.
  36. Batiha GE, Olatunde A, El-Mleeh A, Hetta HF, Al-Rejaie S, Alghamdi S, Zahoor M, Magdy Beshbishy A, Murata T, Zaragoza-Bastida A, Rivero-Perez N. Bioactive compounds, pharmacological actions, and pharmacokinetics of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium). Antibiotics. 2020 Jun 23;9(6):353.
  37. Mrav?áková D, Komáromyová M, Babják M, Urda Dolinská M, Königová A, Petri? D, ?obanová K, ?lusarczyk S, Cieslak A, Várady M, Váradyová Z. Anthelmintic activity of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.) and mallow (Malva sylvestris L.) against Haemonchus contortus in sheep. Animals. 2020 Jan 29;10(2):219.
  38. Kauser S, Mughees M, Swami S, Wajid S. Pre-clinical toxicity assessment of Artemisia absinthium extract-loaded polymeric nanoparticles associated with their oral administration. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2023 Jul 10;14:1196842.
  39. Nurlaelasari A, Caro TM, Nugroho HA, Sukaryo S, Cahyadi M, Kurniawan W, Hamid PH. Artemisia vulgaris anthelmintic activities to ova and adult stages of Fasciola gigantica in vitro. Veterinary World. 2023 May;16(5):1141.
  40. Ghareeb MA, Habib MR, Mossalem HS, Abdel-Aziz MS. Phytochemical analysis of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves extracts and testing its antimicrobial and schistosomicidal activities. Bulletin of the National Research Centre. 2018 Dec;42:1-9.
  41. Dogan G, Kara N, Bagci E, Gur S. Chemical composition and biological activities of leaf and fruit essential oils from Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C. 2017 Nov 1;72(11-12):483-9.
  42. Quintanilla-Licea R, Mata-Cárdenas BD, Vargas-Villarreal J, Bazaldúa-Rodríguez AF, Ángeles-Hernández IK, Garza-González JN, Hernández-García ME. Antiprotozoal activity against Entamoeba histolytica of plants used in northeast Mexican traditional medicine. Bioactive compounds from Lippia graveolens and Ruta chalepensis. Molecules. 2014 Dec 15;19(12):21044-65.
  43. Macedo IT, Bevilaqua CM, de Oliveira LM, Camurça-Vasconcelos AL, Vieira LD, Oliveira FR, Queiroz-Junior EM, Tomé AD, Nascimento NR. Anthelmintic effect of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil against goat gastrointestinal nematodes. Veterinary Parasitology. 2010 Oct 11;173(1-2):93-8.
  44. Dhingra G, Dhakad P, Tanwar S. Review on phytochemical constituents and pharmacological activities of plant Calendula officinalis Linn. Biological Sciences. 2022 Jun 13;2(2):216-28.
  45. Shahane K, Kshirsagar M, Tambe S, Jain D, Rout S, Ferreira MK, Mali S, Amin P, Srivastav PP, Cruz J, Lima RR. An updated review on the multifaceted therapeutic potential of Calendula officinalis L. Pharmaceuticals. 2023 Apr 18;16(4):611.
  46. Szakiel A, Ruszkowski D, Grudniak A, Kurek A, Wolska KI, Doligalska M, Janiszowska W. Antibacterial and antiparasitic activity of oleanolic acid and its glycosides isolated from marigold (Calendula officinalis). Planta medica. 2008 Nov;74(14):1709-15.
  47. Doligalska M, Jó?wicka K, Szewczak L, Nowakowska J, Brodaczewska K, Go?dzik K, P?czkowski C, Szakiel A. Calendula officinalis triterpenoid saponins impact the immune recognition of proteins in parasitic nematodes. Pathogens. 2021 Mar 4;10(3):296.
  48. Cirlini M, Mena P, Tassotti M, Herrlinger KA, Nieman KM, Dall’Asta C, Del Rio D. Phenolic and volatile composition of a dry spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) extract. Molecules. 2016 Aug 3;21(8):1007.
  49. Snoussi M, Noumi E, Trabelsi N, Flamini G, Papetti A, De Feo V. Mentha spicata essential oil: chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities against planktonic and biofilm cultures of Vibrio spp. strains. Molecules. 2015 Aug 7;20(8):14402-24.
  50. Bhardwaj P, Varshneya C, Singh A, Telang RS. In vitro effects of leaf extract of Mentha spicata on eggs and third-stage larvae of Haemonchus contortus. The Indian Journal of small ruminants. 2004;10(2):163-5.
  51. Sebai E, Serairi R, Saratsi K, Abidi A, Sendi N, Darghouth MA, Wilson MS, Sotiraki S, Akkari H. Hydro-ethanolic extract of Mentha pulegium exhibit anthelmintic and antioxidant proprieties in vitro and in vivo. Acta Parasitologica. 2020 Jun;65:375-87.
  52. Aisa HA, Xin XL, Tang D. Chemical constituents and their pharmacological activities of plants from Cichorium genus. Chinese Herbal Medicines. 2020 Jul 1;12(3):224-36.
  53. Williams AR, Pena-Espinoza MA, Boas U, Simonsen HT, Enemark HL, Thamsborg SM. Anthelmintic activity of chicory (Cichorium intybus): in vitro effects on swine nematodes and relationship to sesquiterpene lactone composition. Parasitology. 2016 May;143(6):770-7.
  54. Peña-Espinoza M, Valente AH, Thamsborg SM, Simonsen HT, Boas U, Enemark HL, López-Muñoz R, Williams AR. Antiparasitic activity of chicory (Cichorium intybus) and its natural bioactive compounds in livestock: a review. Parasites & Vectors. 2018 Dec;11:1-4.
  55. Valente AH, De Roode M, Ernst M, Pena-Espinoza M, Bornancin L, Bonde CS, Martínez-Valladares M, Ramünke S, Krücken J, Simonsen HT, Thamsborg SM. Identification of compounds responsible for the anthelmintic effects of chicory (Cichorium intybus) by molecular networking and bio-guided fractionation. International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance. 2021 Apr 1;15:105-14.
  56. Macedo LO, Silva SS, Alves LC, Carvalho GA, Ramos RA. An overview of anthelmintic resistance in domestic ruminants in Brazil. Ruminants. 2023 Aug 29;3(3):214-32.
  57. Bhat AA, Shakeel A, Rafiq S, Farooq I, Malik AQ, Alghuthami ME, Alharthi S, Qanash H, Alharthy SA. Juglans regia Linn.: A natural repository of vital phytochemical and pharmacological compounds. Life. 2023 Jan 30;13(2):380.
  58. Osztie R, Czeglédi T, Ross S, Stipsicz B, Kalydi E, Béni S, Boldizsár I, Riethmüller E, B?sze SE, Alberti Á. Comprehensive Characterization of Phytochemical Composition, Membrane Permeability, and Antiproliferative Activity of Juglans nigra Polyphenols. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024 Jun 25;25(13):6930.
  59. Mir FH, Tanveer S, Para BA. Evaluation of anthelmintic efficacy of ethanolic leaf extract of Juglans regia L. on Ascaridia galli: a comprehensive in vitro and in vivo study. Veterinary Research Communications. 2024 May 21:1-0.
  60. Sharma M, Sharma M, Sharma M. A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, medicinal and nutritional potential of walnut (Juglans regia L.). Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. 2022 Dec;88(4):601-16.
  61. Grzybek M, Kukula-Koch W, Strachecka A, Jaworska A, Phiri AM, Paleolog J, Tomczuk K. Evaluation of anthelmintic activity and composition of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seed extracts—in vitro and in vivo studies. International journal of molecular sciences. 2016 Sep 1;17(9):1456.
  62. Verma G, Sharma V. A Scientific Update on Juglans Regia Linn. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2020 Jun 15;8(3):166-75.
  63. Obregón DD, Lozano LL, Zúñiga VC. Estudios preclínicos de cucurbita máxima (semilla de zapallo) un antiparasitario intestinal tradicional en zonas urbano rurales. Revista de Gastroenterología del Perú. 2004:323-7.
  64. Chand J, Naaz Y, Nainwal P. In vitro Anthelmintic activity of peel extracts of Cucurbita Maxima. In Vitro. 2019;976:2167.
  65. Sahoo N, Manchikanti P, Dey S. Herbal drugs: standards and regulation. Fitoterapia. 2010 Sep 1;81(6):462-71.
  66. Vaidya AD, Devasagayam TP. Current status of herbal drugs in India: an overview. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition. 2007;41(1):1-1.
  67. Dass S, Mathur M. Herbal drugs: ethnomedicine to modern medicine. Ramawat KG, editor. Berlin, Germany:: Springer; 2009.
  68. Shrikumar S, Ravi TK. Approaches towards development and promotion of herbal drugs. Pharmacog Rev. 2007 Jan 1;1(1):180-4.
  69. Shrikumar S, Ravi TK. Approaches towards development and promotion of herbal drugs. Pharmacog Rev. 2007 Jan 1;1(1):180-4.
  70. Kumar V, Kumar V. An overview of herbal medicine. Int. J. Ph. Sci. 2009 May;1(1):1-20.


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  17. Grzybek M, Kukula-Koch W, Strachecka A, Jaworska A, Phiri AM, Paleolog J, Tomczuk K. Evaluation of anthelmintic activity and composition of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seed extracts—in vitro and in vivo studies. International journal of molecular sciences. 2016 Sep 1;17(9):1456.
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  25. El-Saber Batiha G, Magdy Beshbishy A, G. Wasef L, Elewa YH, A. Al-Sagan A, Abd El-Hack ME, Taha AE, M. Abd-Elhakim Y, Prasad Devkota H. Chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of garlic (Allium sativum L.): A review. Nutrients. 2020 Mar 24;12(3):872.
  26. Yavuzcan Yildiz H, Phan Van Q, Parisi G, Dam Sao M. Anti-parasitic activity of garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa) juice against crustacean parasite, Lernantropus kroyeri, found on European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Italian Journal of Animal Science. 2019 Jan 2;18(1):833-7.
  27. Magry? A, Olender A, Tchórzewska D. Antibacterial properties of Allium sativum L. against the most emerging multidrug-resistant bacteria and its synergy with antibiotics. Archives of microbiology. 2021 Jul;203(5):2257-68.
  28. Mandal S, Patra A, Samanta A, Roy S, Mandal A, Mahapatra TD, Pradhan S, Das K, Nandi DK. Analysis of phytochemical profile of Terminalia arjuna bark extract with antioxidative and antimicrobial properties. Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine. 2013 Dec 1;3(12):960-6.
  29. Inta A, Trisonthi P, Trisonthi C. Analysis of traditional knowledge in medicinal plants used by Yuan in Thailand. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2013 Aug 26;149(1):344-51.
  30. Bachaya HA, Iqbal Z, Khan MN, Jabbar A, Gilani AH, Din IU. In vitro and in vivo anthelmintic activity of Terminalia arjuna bark. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology. 2009;11:273
  31. Amalraj A, Gopi S. Medicinal properties of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.: a review. Journal of traditional and complementary medicine. 2017 Jan 1;7(1):65-78.
  32. Soni P, Siddiqui AA, Dwivedi J, Soni V. Pharmacological properties of Datura stramonium L. as a potential medicinal tree: an overview. Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine. 2012 Dec 1;2(12):1002-8.
  33. Kamaraj C, Rahuman AA, Elango G, Bagavan A, Zahir AA. Anthelmintic activity of botanical extracts against sheep gastrointestinal nematodes, Haemonchus contortus. Parasitology Research. 2011 Jul;109:37-45.
  34. Arage M, Eguale T, Giday M. Evaluation of antibacterial activity and acute toxicity of methanol extracts of Artemisia absinthium, Datura stramonium, and Solanum anguivi. Infection and Drug Resistance. 2022 Jan 1:1267-76.
  35. Panda SK, Luyten W. Antiparasitic activity in Asteraceae with special attention to ethnobotanical use by the tribes of Odisha, India. Parasite. 2018;25.
  36. Batiha GE, Olatunde A, El-Mleeh A, Hetta HF, Al-Rejaie S, Alghamdi S, Zahoor M, Magdy Beshbishy A, Murata T, Zaragoza-Bastida A, Rivero-Perez N. Bioactive compounds, pharmacological actions, and pharmacokinetics of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium). Antibiotics. 2020 Jun 23;9(6):353.
  37. Mrav?áková D, Komáromyová M, Babják M, Urda Dolinská M, Königová A, Petri? D, ?obanová K, ?lusarczyk S, Cieslak A, Várady M, Váradyová Z. Anthelmintic activity of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.) and mallow (Malva sylvestris L.) against Haemonchus contortus in sheep. Animals. 2020 Jan 29;10(2):219.
  38. Kauser S, Mughees M, Swami S, Wajid S. Pre-clinical toxicity assessment of Artemisia absinthium extract-loaded polymeric nanoparticles associated with their oral administration. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2023 Jul 10;14:1196842.
  39. Nurlaelasari A, Caro TM, Nugroho HA, Sukaryo S, Cahyadi M, Kurniawan W, Hamid PH. Artemisia vulgaris anthelmintic activities to ova and adult stages of Fasciola gigantica in vitro. Veterinary World. 2023 May;16(5):1141.
  40. Ghareeb MA, Habib MR, Mossalem HS, Abdel-Aziz MS. Phytochemical analysis of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves extracts and testing its antimicrobial and schistosomicidal activities. Bulletin of the National Research Centre. 2018 Dec;42:1-9.
  41. Dogan G, Kara N, Bagci E, Gur S. Chemical composition and biological activities of leaf and fruit essential oils from Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C. 2017 Nov 1;72(11-12):483-9.
  42. Quintanilla-Licea R, Mata-Cárdenas BD, Vargas-Villarreal J, Bazaldúa-Rodríguez AF, Ángeles-Hernández IK, Garza-González JN, Hernández-García ME. Antiprotozoal activity against Entamoeba histolytica of plants used in northeast Mexican traditional medicine. Bioactive compounds from Lippia graveolens and Ruta chalepensis. Molecules. 2014 Dec 15;19(12):21044-65.
  43. Macedo IT, Bevilaqua CM, de Oliveira LM, Camurça-Vasconcelos AL, Vieira LD, Oliveira FR, Queiroz-Junior EM, Tomé AD, Nascimento NR. Anthelmintic effect of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil against goat gastrointestinal nematodes. Veterinary Parasitology. 2010 Oct 11;173(1-2):93-8.
  44. Dhingra G, Dhakad P, Tanwar S. Review on phytochemical constituents and pharmacological activities of plant Calendula officinalis Linn. Biological Sciences. 2022 Jun 13;2(2):216-28.
  45. Shahane K, Kshirsagar M, Tambe S, Jain D, Rout S, Ferreira MK, Mali S, Amin P, Srivastav PP, Cruz J, Lima RR. An updated review on the multifaceted therapeutic potential of Calendula officinalis L. Pharmaceuticals. 2023 Apr 18;16(4):611.
  46. Szakiel A, Ruszkowski D, Grudniak A, Kurek A, Wolska KI, Doligalska M, Janiszowska W. Antibacterial and antiparasitic activity of oleanolic acid and its glycosides isolated from marigold (Calendula officinalis). Planta medica. 2008 Nov;74(14):1709-15.
  47. Doligalska M, Jó?wicka K, Szewczak L, Nowakowska J, Brodaczewska K, Go?dzik K, P?czkowski C, Szakiel A. Calendula officinalis triterpenoid saponins impact the immune recognition of proteins in parasitic nematodes. Pathogens. 2021 Mar 4;10(3):296.
  48. Cirlini M, Mena P, Tassotti M, Herrlinger KA, Nieman KM, Dall’Asta C, Del Rio D. Phenolic and volatile composition of a dry spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) extract. Molecules. 2016 Aug 3;21(8):1007.
  49. Snoussi M, Noumi E, Trabelsi N, Flamini G, Papetti A, De Feo V. Mentha spicata essential oil: chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities against planktonic and biofilm cultures of Vibrio spp. strains. Molecules. 2015 Aug 7;20(8):14402-24.
  50. Bhardwaj P, Varshneya C, Singh A, Telang RS. In vitro effects of leaf extract of Mentha spicata on eggs and third-stage larvae of Haemonchus contortus. The Indian Journal of small ruminants. 2004;10(2):163-5.
  51. Sebai E, Serairi R, Saratsi K, Abidi A, Sendi N, Darghouth MA, Wilson MS, Sotiraki S, Akkari H. Hydro-ethanolic extract of Mentha pulegium exhibit anthelmintic and antioxidant proprieties in vitro and in vivo. Acta Parasitologica. 2020 Jun;65:375-87.
  52. Aisa HA, Xin XL, Tang D. Chemical constituents and their pharmacological activities of plants from Cichorium genus. Chinese Herbal Medicines. 2020 Jul 1;12(3):224-36.
  53. Williams AR, Pena-Espinoza MA, Boas U, Simonsen HT, Enemark HL, Thamsborg SM. Anthelmintic activity of chicory (Cichorium intybus): in vitro effects on swine nematodes and relationship to sesquiterpene lactone composition. Parasitology. 2016 May;143(6):770-7.
  54. Peña-Espinoza M, Valente AH, Thamsborg SM, Simonsen HT, Boas U, Enemark HL, López-Muñoz R, Williams AR. Antiparasitic activity of chicory (Cichorium intybus) and its natural bioactive compounds in livestock: a review. Parasites & Vectors. 2018 Dec;11:1-4.
  55. Valente AH, De Roode M, Ernst M, Pena-Espinoza M, Bornancin L, Bonde CS, Martínez-Valladares M, Ramünke S, Krücken J, Simonsen HT, Thamsborg SM. Identification of compounds responsible for the anthelmintic effects of chicory (Cichorium intybus) by molecular networking and bio-guided fractionation. International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance. 2021 Apr 1;15:105-14.
  56. Macedo LO, Silva SS, Alves LC, Carvalho GA, Ramos RA. An overview of anthelmintic resistance in domestic ruminants in Brazil. Ruminants. 2023 Aug 29;3(3):214-32.
  57. Bhat AA, Shakeel A, Rafiq S, Farooq I, Malik AQ, Alghuthami ME, Alharthi S, Qanash H, Alharthy SA. Juglans regia Linn.: A natural repository of vital phytochemical and pharmacological compounds. Life. 2023 Jan 30;13(2):380.
  58. Osztie R, Czeglédi T, Ross S, Stipsicz B, Kalydi E, Béni S, Boldizsár I, Riethmüller E, B?sze SE, Alberti Á. Comprehensive Characterization of Phytochemical Composition, Membrane Permeability, and Antiproliferative Activity of Juglans nigra Polyphenols. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024 Jun 25;25(13):6930.
  59. Mir FH, Tanveer S, Para BA. Evaluation of anthelmintic efficacy of ethanolic leaf extract of Juglans regia L. on Ascaridia galli: a comprehensive in vitro and in vivo study. Veterinary Research Communications. 2024 May 21:1-0.
  60. Sharma M, Sharma M, Sharma M. A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, medicinal and nutritional potential of walnut (Juglans regia L.). Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. 2022 Dec;88(4):601-16.
  61. Grzybek M, Kukula-Koch W, Strachecka A, Jaworska A, Phiri AM, Paleolog J, Tomczuk K. Evaluation of anthelmintic activity and composition of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seed extracts—in vitro and in vivo studies. International journal of molecular sciences. 2016 Sep 1;17(9):1456.
  62. Verma G, Sharma V. A Scientific Update on Juglans Regia Linn. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2020 Jun 15;8(3):166-75.
  63. Obregón DD, Lozano LL, Zúñiga VC. Estudios preclínicos de cucurbita máxima (semilla de zapallo) un antiparasitario intestinal tradicional en zonas urbano rurales. Revista de Gastroenterología del Perú. 2004:323-7.
  64. Chand J, Naaz Y, Nainwal P. In vitro Anthelmintic activity of peel extracts of Cucurbita Maxima. In Vitro. 2019;976:2167.
  65. Sahoo N, Manchikanti P, Dey S. Herbal drugs: standards and regulation. Fitoterapia. 2010 Sep 1;81(6):462-71.
  66. Vaidya AD, Devasagayam TP. Current status of herbal drugs in India: an overview. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition. 2007;41(1):1-1.
  67. Dass S, Mathur M. Herbal drugs: ethnomedicine to modern medicine. Ramawat KG, editor. Berlin, Germany:: Springer; 2009.
  68. Shrikumar S, Ravi TK. Approaches towards development and promotion of herbal drugs. Pharmacog Rev. 2007 Jan 1;1(1):180-4.
  69. Shrikumar S, Ravi TK. Approaches towards development and promotion of herbal drugs. Pharmacog Rev. 2007 Jan 1;1(1):180-4.
  70. Kumar V, Kumar V. An overview of herbal medicine. Int. J. Ph. Sci. 2009 May;1(1):1-20.

Jukanti Narsing Rao Srilatha
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmaceutics, Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Dundigal, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 502313


Department of Pharmaceutics, Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Dundigal, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 502313

Sonalin sahoo

Department of Pharmaceutics, Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Dundigal, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 502313

Ancha Dheeraja

Department of Pharmaceutics, Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Dundigal, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 502313

Kalal Pavan Goud

Department of Pharmaceutics, Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Dundigal, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 502313

Mohammad Faiza Begum

Department of Pharmaceutics, Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Dundigal, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 502313

Jukanti Narsing Rao Srilatha*, S. Pradesha, Ancha Dheeraja, Kalal Pavan Goud, Mohammad Faiza Begum, Sonalin Sahoo, A Comprehensive Study on Natural Remedies Against Helminth Infections, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 12, 3506-3520.

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