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Community engagement and participation have proven to be pivotal factors in the effective management and eradication of various diseases in numerous countries. While infectious diseases have historically been a primary concern, the global incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is on the rise. These diseases contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality rates, particularly in developing nations. In light of this, a comprehensive study was conducted to assess the impact of a public health awareness program on the prevalence of NCDs within a community. The study was designed as a cross-sectional investigation, encompassing both rural and urban areas within the Satara district as the primary focus, while also incorporating another district from Maharashtra. The study's duration spanned one month, during which data collection and analysis occurred. The primary objective was to evaluate whether the implementation of the National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Stroke (NPCDCS) could effectively enhance public health awareness and subsequently contribute to the reduction of NCD prevalence. This study employed a multifaceted approach, integrating various methodologies to gather comprehensive and reliable data. By combining quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, and possibly even focus group discussions, a holistic understanding of the community's awareness levels, knowledge gaps, and perceptions of NCDs and the NPCDCS program was achieved. Such an approach allowed for a well-rounded perspective, capturing both the statistical significance and the underlying narratives within the community. Key findings from the study underscored the potential of the NPCDCS program to positively influence public health awareness


Eradication, Cancer, Diabetes, Public health awareness, quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews


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Nilima N. Khakal
Corresponding author

Late Adv. Dadasaheb Chavan Memorial Institute of Pharmacy, Malwadi, Masur, 415106, Dist. Satara, MS, India.

Udayanraj M. Bhosale

Late Adv. Dadasaheb Chavan Memorial Institute of Pharmacy, Malwadi, Masur, 415106, Dist. Satara, MS, India.

Suraj B. Kumbhar

Late Adv. Dadasaheb Chavan Memorial Institute of Pharmacy, Malwadi, Masur, 415106, Dist. Satara, MS, India.

Vikram R. Shinde

Late Adv. Dadasaheb Chavan Memorial Institute of Pharmacy, Malwadi, Masur, 415106, Dist. Satara, MS, India.

N. H. Aloorkar

Gourishankar Education society's Satara College of Pharmacy, Satara, MS, India.

Dipak D. Kumbhar

KYDSCT’s College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Bhusawal 425201, Dist., Jalgaon, MS, India.

Udayanraj M. Bhosale, Nilima N. Khakal*, N.H. Aloorkar, Suraj B. Kumbhar, Vikram R. Shinde, Dipak D. Kumbhar, Shaping Health Horizons: The Dynamic Impact of Innovative Public Health Awareness Programs on Disease Prevalence Transformation , Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 814-828.

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