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Purpose: TDM is measurement of drug concentration in biological fluid to optimize patient’s drug therapy. Therapeutic drug monitoring of antibiotics is very crucial as nowadays development of resistance towards antibiotics due to irrational use is indeed dangerous. Methods: A detailed online search was performed using Google Scholar to access peer reviewed abstracts, full journal articles and books applicable to the subject matter. Online search was done using terms such as TDM, antimicrobials, antibiotics, etc. The bibliographies of these articles were sources of additional articles. Results: To maximize efficacy and to minimize toxicity it requires an understanding of the pharmacokinetics (PK) of the prescribed antimicrobial and the susceptibility of the causative bacterial pathogen. Therapeutic drug monitoring act as an accurate method for dose adjustment for specific antimicrobials in concerned patient populations. What is new and conclusions: Therapeutic drug monitoring act as an accurate method for dose adjustment for specific antimicrobials in concerned patient populations. All hospitals do not have access to such facilities, and indeed suitable population PK models may not be available. Although the decreasing susceptibility of bacteria to available antimicrobials, as well as emerging data on pharmacokinetic variability, suggest that benefits are probable.


Therapeutic drug monitoring; Antibiotic Utilization; Therapeutic Index; Therapeutic Window


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Pratixa Patel
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmacology, Rofel Shri G. M. Bilakhia College of Pharmacy, Vapi, Gujrat - 396191

Dr. Arindam Paul

Department of Pharmacology, Rofel Shri G. M. Bilakhia College of Pharmacy, Vapi, Gujrat - 396191

Dr. Hitesh Dalvadi

Department of Pharmacology, Rofel Shri G. M. Bilakhia College of Pharmacy, Vapi, Gujrat - 396191

Pratixa Patel*, Dr. Arindam Paul, Dr. Hitesh Dalvadi, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antimicrobials: A Key Component of Successful Patient Treatment, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 10, 54-62.

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