1Bachelor of pharmacy, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Trikaripur,
Kasaragod, India
2Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research,
Trikaripur, Kasaragod, India
Herbal formulation is a consisting of one or more than one fresh herbs or processed herbs in a particular ratio and are used to diagnose, treat diseases. Herbal capsules are dietary supplements that contain powdered or concentrated herbal extract encased in a capsule. The aim of the present work is to reveal the pharmacognostic and phytochemical anti-inflammatory activity for the formulation and standardization of polyherbal capsule. The required materials were collected from Trikaripur, Kasargod and subjected to successive solvent extraction, later pharmacognostic studies like microscopic evaluation, ash value and extractive values were carried out. Then the anti-inflammatory activity of the powder is studied. Anti-inflammatory activity is evaluated by HRBC membrane stabilization method by using diclophenac as reference drug.
Herbal medicines are those contain active ingredients from plant parts, such as leaves, roots, or flowers. Like conventional medicines herbal medicine has effect on body, and can be harmful if not used correctly.1 Inflammation is a normal response of the body to protect the tissues from infection, injury or diseases. The response begins with the production and release of chemical agents from cells in infected, injured or diseased tissues. The inflammatory response can either acute or chronic. Acute inflammation lasts only for few days. If the wound turns red, hot, hurts or swells. Inflammation is a beneficial process serving to immobilize the area of injury as the rest of the immune system mobilizes to heal. Chronic inflammation become problem when the solution to infection, injury or disease. Chronically inflamed tissues continue to generate signals that attract leukocytes from the bloodstream.2 The present work is to develop polyherbal capsule containing phytopharmaceuticals applied in the treatment of inflammation. Polyherbal formulations are effective for anti-inflammatory process. They can stimulate a variety of physiological functions that accelerates the process of inflammatory action. Papaya is an herbaceous perennial plant usually has a single, semi woody, hollow, erect stem, which terminates with a cluster of large, palmately lobed leaves with long petioles and latex vessels in all tissues. A crown shaped leaves are found in spiral manner, palmate lobes, and each lobe again pinnately lobed. Leaves are dark green colored. It also contains active constituents like saponin, flavonoids, flavones, steroids, tannins, glycosides, reducing sugars. It has Anti-inflammatory action, improve blood sugar control, support skin and hair health, prevent cancer.3 The Hill Glory Bower is a flowering, semi-herbaceous, and gregarious shrub, which naturally forms groups around the parent plant. These are erect, quadrangular branches covered with a dense, short layer of yellow hairs. It contains active ingredients such as Clerodolone, Clerodone, Clerodol, and a steroid named Clerosterol, glycosides, alkaloids, terpenoids, tannins. Antimicrobial, anthelmintic, hepatoprotective, anti- inflammatory, antioxidant, anticonvulsant activity.4 Heliotropium indicum is an erect, thick fetid, annual or perennial herb with hirsute ascending branches. The leaves are opposite or sub-opposite, alternate or sub-alternate and straight forward, sheet-shaped from ovate
to elliptical, hairy, and sharp. The margins of the leaves are undulate; the nerves present on both sides are serrulate or cordate and clearly visible under the leaves. It contains active constituents like alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, oils, steroids. It has wound healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-dote, cure eye infection, antiseptic, treat kidney problem.6 Pineapple leaves considered an herbaceous, tropical, and monocot perennial plant. Its leaves are spiral in
arrangement and on the terminal ends have flowers which then produce edible fruit. It contains active
constituents such as alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides. It helps to fight cough and cold, anti- inflammatory, antioxidant activity, monitor nervous system function.5
Collection of plant material
The fresh leaves of Clerodendrom infortunatum, Carica papaya, Heliotropium indicum, Ananas comosus were collected from Kasargod and Kozhikode district, Kerala(India) in the month of April 2024.
Authentication of plant material
The plant material was collected from Kasaragod and Kozhikode district, Kerala(India) in the month of April 2024. The plant material was identified and authenticated by Dr.K.M. Sreekumar, Professor (Entomology) College of Agriculture Kerala, Agricultural University, Padanakkad, Kasargod District, Kerala.
Extraction of plant material
Extraction of leaves of Clerodendruminfortunatum, Caricapapaya, Heliotropium indicum, Ananas comosus was carried out by using maceration method. Heliotropium indicum was washed and shade dried. For maceration the dried plant material was macerated in 95% Ethanol for 3 days, filtered and dried to obtain ethanolic extract. Caricapapaya was washed and dried. For maceration the dried plant material was macerated in methanol for 24 hours and filtered and dried to obtain methanolic extract. Ananas comosus was washed, dried and powdered. The powdered plant material was macerated in methanol for 72 hours, filtered and dried to obtain extract. Clerodendrom infortunatum was washed and dried. The extract sample was soaked in 200ml of methanol for 32 hours and filtered and dried to obtain the extract. Preliminary phytochemical screening The extracts of selected plants were subjected to phytochemical screening to detect the various phytoconstituents present such as alkaloids, carbohydrate, proteins, glycosides, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids, amino acids, phytosterols
Formulation of polyherbal capsule
Powdered mixture along with other excipients were weighed and pass through the sieve no.44. The Pre-formulation studies were carried out. Three trials were conducted and most suitable is selected (trial 3). “0” size capsule shells were de dusted transferred into polybags and filled by using hand operated gelatin capsule filling machine to an average net content of weight.7-8
Physical characteristics
Bulk density, angle of repose, Hausner’sratio, Carr's index, and particle size distributionwas determines for
evaluating the physical characteristics of the powder.9
A. Bulk Density 10g of powder mixture was taken in a graduated measuring cylinder on a wooden surface. Bulk density is calculated using formulated.
B. Angle of repose
It was determined by using funnel method. The powder was allowed to flow through a funnel fixed on a stand to form a heap.
C. Compressibility /Carr's index
This is calculated using the formula:
Carr's index=(Tapped density - Bulk tapped density) Tapped density X 100
D. Hausner’s ratio
The formula used to determine the Hausner's ratio is:
Hausner’s ratio=Tapped density Bulk density
The HRBC membrane stabilization was used as a method to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity. The collected blood was mixed with an equal volume of sterilized Alsever medium (2%w/v dextrose, 0.8% sodium citrate, 0.5% citric acidand0.42% sodium chloride in water). The blood was further centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min and the packed cells were washed with isosaline (0.85%pH 7.2) and finally 10% v/vsuspension was made with isosaline.The assay mixture contained the secondarymetabolite from the plant extract,1 ml phosphate buffer (0.15 M pH 7.4),2 ml hypo saline (0.36%) and 0.5 ml HRBC suspension. Diclophenac was used as a referencedrug.2 ml distilled water was used as the control. The assay mixture was incubated at 37°C for 30 min and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min. The hemoglobin content in the supernatant was estimated using a UV - Visible spectrophotometer at 560 nm,
The percentage of hemolysis = (OD of test solution / OD of control) x 100
OD = Optical density
Anti- inflammatory activity is percent of protection is calculated using the formula,
Percent of protection = 100 - Hemolytic percentage
“OD of test” is optical density or the test sample’s absorbance and “OD of control” isoptical density or absorbance of negative control.10
The variability in the amount of powder contained in each herbal capsule was measured by the weight
variation test. Twenty herbal capsules were randomly selected and weighed. Then the average weight is calculated and compared with the individual herbal capsuleweight.The percentage variation was calculated as per USP (2010) specifications.The herbal capsule shell is not less than 90% and not more than 110% of theoretically calculated weight of each unit.
The disintegration test is themeasure of the time required under a given set of conditions in which the selected capsule was disintegrated into the particlesthat pass through 10 mesh screenswithin a specifiedtime.
The loss on the drying test is important when the herbal substance is known to behygroscopic. An excess of water in medicinal plant material will encourage microbialgrowth, the presence of fungi, and insect Deterioration. In modern pharmaceutical technology, the moisture content provides information concerning
The shelf life and quality of the drug.
Moisture content (%) = (Final weight of sample / initial weight of sample) x 100
1g of capsule powder was taken and dissolved in 100ml demineralized water. The pHvalue of the solution was determined by a digital pH meter. The pH meter was calibrated using a buffer of 4.9 and 7 pH .The electrodes were immersed in the test solution and pH was measured.
Preliminary phytochemical screening
The crude drugs with solvents like water, methanol, ethanol and they were subjected to preliminary
phytochemical screening to detect the phytochemical constituents.
Evaluation of poly herbal capsule
After filling of powder mixture the capsule is evaluated for weight variation among the capsule, moisture content, disintegration testing and pH of 1% aqueous solution is determined.
Invitro anti- inflammatory activity by HRBC Membrane stabilization method
The HRBC membrane stabilization was used to evaluate the anti -inflammatory activity. It is done by using collected goat blood and mixed with Alsever medium prepared. Anti-inflammatory activity is determined by HRBC method to determined the percentage prevention of Hemolysis.
Prevention of lysis (%) v/s concentration graph
The formulated poly herbal capsule contains Clerodendrum infortunatum, Heliotropium indicum, Ananas comosus, Carica papaya .which are collected from Trikaripur, washed and dried under shade and powdered. The capsule consisting of fine powder of herbs in appropriate ratio was subjected to standardization by means of various physical and chemical methods. The pH was determined to avoid gastric irritation and the moisture content was determined to find out any increase in weight caused by moisture absorption. The value obtained was found to be within the standard. The Anti inflammatory activity was conducted by using Human Red Blood Cell(HRBC) membrane stabilization assay and the result shows Anti inflammatory activity.
This thesis has been kept on tract and seen through to completion with the support and encouragement of numerous people. It is delightful moment for us to express our heartfelt gratitude and sincere thanks to our esteemed guide Mrs. Priya Abraham, Professor, Department of pharmacognosy, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmaceutical science and research, for her constant guidance, valuable suggestion and encouragement. We would also like to say thanks to all the non-teaching staff and library staff for their help in the completion of study.
Aparna V., Arya R., Faseeha V. K., Mariya James , Priya Abraham , Formulation And Evaluation Of Polyherbal Capsules For Anti-Inflammatory Herbs, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 10, 1676-1681. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14001776