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  • Study of Laccase Producing Microorganisms and Their Applications

  • Bhagwan Mahavir College of Basic and applied Science, Nr. VIP Road, Bharthana-Vesu, Surat


A vast variety of bacteria, fungi, higher plants, and insects have laccases. Vegetables such as cabbage, turnips, potatoes, pears, and apples are examples of plants that contain laccases. It can be found in Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes, and Basidiomycetes, and it is very common in white-rot fungi that degrade lignin. Hair coloring with natural phenols such gallic acid, catechol, syringaldehyde, etc. uses laccase enzyme. The dyes used in laccase-catalyzed dyes well penetrated the hair. The surface morphology of the colored hair was unaffected by the coloring process as well. The colored hair also displayed a variety of colors that met market demands and shown strong resistance to fading after shampooing and pH changes. In the production of lignocellulose-based composite materials, such as fiberboard, laccases can be employed to aid in the enzymatic attachment of fibers. Moreover, make improvements to the fiber products chemical or physical characteristics. Laccases are also used as cleaners in some water purification systems, as catalysts in the creation of anti-cancer drugs, and even as components in cosmetics.


Laccase, Multi-copper oxidases, Industrial Application, Hair dyeing, Food Industry, Textile Industry, Nano-biotechnology


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Ankita Yadav
Corresponding author

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Basic and applied Science, Nr. VIP Road, Bharthana-Vesu, Surat

Dhvani Goti

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Basic and applied Science, Nr. VIP Road, Bharthana-Vesu, Surat

Ankita Yadav*, Dhvani Goti, Study of Laccase Producing Microorganisms and Their Applications, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 5, 236-247.

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