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In this project have given Information and regulatory documentation play inessential part in the decision-making within the company. It is particularly true in these actor of the pharmaceutical industry, in which a good risk management is essential. To find this information,to manage and to analyze, require the installation of an adapted regulatory intelligence, structured,exhaustive and relevant. Therefore, rigorous process (search of sources, data' collection, diffusion and analyze) is the necessary condition for the setting up of are regulatory environmental scanning system, as well astheadhesion of the decision makers, the collaboration of expert sand the implication of all the collaborators. This article proposes an installation diagram of a regulatory intelligence adapted to pharmaceutical industry bydetail in gets various stages until its rationing more global process of economic intelligence.


Pharmacovigilance, Regulatory


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Chaitali Bansod
Corresponding author

Nandkumar Shinde Collage of Pharmacy Vaijapur

A. K. Hatkar

Nandkumar Shinde Collage of Pharmacy, Vaijapur

R. M. Kawade

Nandkumar Shinde Collage of Pharmacy, Vaijapur

C. R. Bansod*, A. K. Hatkar, R. M. Kawade, Role of regulatory intelligence in pharmacovigilence, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 294-306.

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