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  • Review On Fast Dissolving Tablets A New Era in Novel Drug Delivery System
  • 1Pres’s, College of Pharmacy (For Women), Chincholi, Tal: Sinnar, Dist: Nashik (422103), Maharashtra, India
    2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, R. G. Sapkal Institute of Pharmacy, Anjaneri, Nashik.


Among all dosage forms, fast-Dissolving tablets are one of the most commonly used dosage forms, especially in children, because their nervous system and muscular system are not well developed compared to them. in adults. and in adult patients with Parkinson's disease or hand tremors. Some fixed dosage forms, such as capsules and tablets, now have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), which results in many cases of non-compliance and renders therapy ineffective. The most preferred routes of administration for various drugs are oral dosage forms and the oral route with specific limitations such as first-pass metabolism by the liver, psychiatric patients, at-risk patients, and non-cooperators. FDTs dissolve easily in saliva without the need for water. Fast- Dissolving tablets dissolve in saliva in a minimum of less than 60 seconds., And these are really fast-digesting tablets. FDT formulations contain super disintegrants to increase the rate of tablet degradation in the buccal cavity. FDTs have advantages because they are easy to manufacture, have the right dosage, good chemical and physical strength, and are an ideal alternative for children and adult patients. FDTs have a faster rate of degradation, faster absorption, so that in vitro drug release time increases, and this property of the drug (dosage form) increases bioavailability. FDT formulations have specific advantages in both conventional tablet and liquid dosage forms. There are many technologies for spray drying, cotton candy process, sublimation, melt granulation, direct freeze pressing / lyophilization, phase transition process, mass extrusion, etc. This overview provides brief information on FDT, including the definition, benefits, needs or requirements of FDT, key characteristics FDT, limitations, various challenges in the development of FDT, marketed tablet formulations that cause rapid digestion and so on.


Fast Dissolving tablets, Super disintegrants, Mouth Dissolving tablets


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Yojana Kurhade
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, R. G. Sapkal Institute of Pharmacy, Anjaneri, Nashik

Deepti Phadtare

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, R. G. Sapkal Institute of Pharmacy, Anjaneri, Nashik.

Yojana Kurhade*, Deepti Phadtare, Review On Fast Dissolving Tablets - A New Era in Novel Drug Delivery System, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 6, 106-122.

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