Department Of Pharmacognosy RJS College Of Pharmacy, Kopargaon, Ahemdnagar, Maharastra, India
India has been blessed with an abundance of medicinal herbs primarily because of the country's climate and seasons, which promote the growth of various plant species. Tridax procumbens is a typical medicinal herb that is generally found in India as a weed and pest plant. It is classified as part of the Asteraceae family and is commonly referred to as Coat Button, Kansari (Hindi), or Ghamara (local language). The most valuable medicament utilized for the manufacturing of compounds described in Ayurvedic literature is Tridax procumbens. It is mostly used as an anticoagulant, an antifungal, and a wound healing agent insect repellent, dysentery and diarrhea in Indian traditional remedies. And their extract has various pharmacological properties (anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, immunomodulating, antimicrobial or antibacterial, antiseptic, anticancer, repellent, hemostatic, ant diabetic, urolithiasis, blood pressure lowering, antioxidant, bradycardia, etc.). The chemical components of the plant showed that its leaves contain various alkaloids, flavonoids, carotenoids, fumaric acid, etc. The synthesis of aromatic substances in the plant results in its primary secondary metabolites, such as the phenol derivative and oxygen oxidation. It is also active against antimicrobial agents such as gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is also used as an adsorbent for chromium. Here we try to focus on the broad phytochemical and pharmacological activities of Tridax Procumbens.
Tridax procumbens could be a species of blossoming plant within the daisy (Asteraceae) family. It is best known as a broad weed and bug plant. The plant is local of tropical America and naturalized in tropical Africa, Asia, and Australia. It could be a wild herb dispersed all through India. It is yearly or biennial to some degree patently hispid herbs. Stem branched, inching at base, sub erect or trailing over.[1] Tridax procumbens is best known as a far reaching weed and bother plant. T. procumbens is additionally known as 'Mexican daisy' (in Mexico), 'Coat button' and 'Tridax daisy' (in English), 'Jayanti Veda' (in Sanskrit), 'Gharma' (in Hindi), 'Dagadipala' (in Marathi), 'Vettukkaaya-thalai' (Tamil/Siddha) and 'Akala kohadi' (in society).[14] It is frequently establishing at hubs with singular, long stalked, yellow composite, heterogamous, promiscuous blooms with white blooming heads and exceptionally shaggy, coarsely toothed, petislate, praise or lanceolate takes off.[13] It is found in street sides, squander ground, railroads, riverbanks, glades. This plants wide spread conveyance and significance as a weed due to the spreading steam and inexhaustible seed generation.[2,3] Tridax procumbens is found to have pharmacological exercises like hepatoprotective impact, immunomodulating property, promising wound recuperating movement, antidiabetic, hypertensive impact, antimicrobial, creepy crawly repellent action, against incendiary and antioxidant, bronchial catarrh, diarrhea, loose bowels moreover anticipate falling of hairs and leads to hair development advancement.[1] Flavonoids, fundamental oils, saponins, tannins, steroids, alkaloids, carbohydrates, carotenoids, terpenoids, and other chemical substances have been separated and recognized from this species.[14]
Scientific classification of Tridax procumbens: [3,16]
Table 1: Classification of Tridax procumbens
The complete plant and seed being utilized to treat an assortment of afflictions the clears out are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. But no Pharmacognostical work has been done so distant. Subsequently, an endeavor has been made to consider the Pharmacognostic parameters on the takes off of Tridax procumbens L.[13]
Table 2 : Plant information of Tridax Procumbens Linn.
Fig 1 A. Whole Plant
Fig 1 B. Tridax Flower
Collection of Medicinal Plant (Tridax Procumbens):
The takes off of Tridax procumbens were collected from Western Ghats, Tamilnadu, India. T.Procumbens was transported to the research facility for distinguishing proof and a example was put away for assist thinks about. It was shade dried for 10 days and powdered employing a blender processor. The leaf powder was utilized for the extraction of phytochemicals. [4]
Soxhlet extractor, forceps clamp stand, heating mantle, three round bottomed jar, reflux condenser, heating mantle and chiller, TLC plate, column for chromatography, refining (Distilled) device iodine chamber and test tubes. Ethanol, Hexane, Ethyl acetic acid derivation (ethyl acetate), Silica gel, Pet ether and distilled water.
Methods for Extractions:
1. By Macerations: [9]
2. By Soxhlet Extractions: [9]
C. Soxhlet gadget and extraction done with 100 ml of particular solvents (moo (low) polar to tall (High) polar) like as hexane, butanol, chloroform, ethanol and water. [7]
Table 3: Qualitative test for T.procumbens Linn.
The distinctive organic dissolvable extracts of Tridax procumbens were utilized to screen the taking after phytochemicals like sugar, alkaloids, phenolic compounds, Flavonoids, tannins, saponins, amino acids and ascorbic acids. Chemical tests were carried out on the watery extricate (Extract) on the powdered examples utilizing standard methods. [7]
Thin Layered Chromatography:
[1] Thin layer chromatography is done as employing a thin, uniform layer of silica gel coated onto a piece of glass. The stationary stage for thin layer chromatography too frequently contains the mobile stage could be a appropriate fluid dissolvable or mixture of solvents. The RF value for each compound is at that point worked out utilizing the equation. (Mobile Phase: 7ml Hexane: 3ml Acetone) [8].
Equation for Thin layer chromatography:
RF Value (Retention Factor): Distance travelled by solute / Distance travelled by solvent.
The chemical constituents of the plant appeared that its leaves contain different alkaloids, flavonoids, carotenoids, fumaric corrosive (acid) etc. Their extricate has different pharmacological properties (anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial or antibacterial, movement sterile, anti-cancerous movement, repellency movement, hemostatic movement, antidiabetic, anti-urolithiatic action, hypotensive, antioxidant effect, bradycardiac effects, Wound Healing etc.) [1]
Tridax procumbens contains a number of valuable constituents such as flavone glycoside, chromone glycoside, bithiophenes, flavonoid (procumbenetin), sterols, terpenoids, lipids and polysaccharides, phenolic content, tannins, catechins, and various secondary metabollites with significant pharmacological activities such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound-healing, and antioxidant activity, anti cancer, antistaphylococcal, apoptotic effect. Apart from this, it also possesses antimicrobial and immunomodulatory action, which provides the basis for further studies.
Aher Akash Bhagwan, Phytochemical And Pharmacological Activity Of Tridax Procumbems Linn, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 5, 1691-1697.