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Conventional oral dosage forms have low bioavailability due to their rapid gastric transition from the stomach, especially for drugs that are less soluble at the alkaline pH of the intestine. Similar to this, medications that have a local effect in the stomach are quickly evacuated and do not have enough time to remain there. To avoid this problem, numerous attempts have been made to prolong the retention duration of the drug delivery method. We will talk about the several methods used to create gastro-retention in drug delivery systems with a focus on the floating in-situ gel system for stomach-specific drug administration. Ionic crosslinking, pH changes, temperature modulation, solvent exchange, and other processes are necessary for the creation of in-situ gels, which allow for the regulated and prolonged release of the medication. The in- situ gelling system uses a variety of polymers, including guar gum, xanthan mucilage, gellan epoxy resin, sodium alginate, pectin, chitosan, sodium citrate, sodium benzoate and polyethylene glycol. The present review briefly addresses the necessity of GRDDS, its pharmaceutical significance, GRDDS methods, variables influencing stomach retention, benefits, drawbacks, Procedure for creating in- situ gelling drug delivery system, the use of polymers in gastro-retentive formulations, assessment of gastro-retentive dosage forms, and comparison of gastro-retentive and conventional drug delivery systems.


Gastro-retention, In-situ gel, Floating, Stomach specific drug delivery.


Current technological advancements have made feasible dose alternatives available through a variety of administration methods. Nowadays, there are many other ways that can be employed, such as oral, parentral, topical, nasal, rectal, vaginal, ophthalmic, etc. out of these delivery methods the oral route is said to be the most popular and commonly used approach for the reasons that follow [1,2]

  • Simple to administer
  • Greater adaptability when designing
  • Production simplicity
  • Inexpensive

The term GRDD refers to dosage forms that are capable of being kept in the stomach. These dosage forms allow a medication to be released gradually over a long duration until it reaches its absorption site under controlled circumstances. Several factors, including as the feed's volume and content, temperature and viscidity, stomach pH, posture, emotional state of the individual, illness, and the use of medicines that change gastric motility, can affect how fast a given dosage form passes through the stomach [3,4]

            Gastro-retentive Drug Delivery.png

Figure 1: Gastro-retentive Drug Delivery

Rationale For the Use of GRDDS [49]:

            Rationale for the use of GRDDS.png

Figure 2: Rationale for the use of GRDDS

Criteria For the Selection of Drug Candidates For GRDDS: [ 1,5,6]

In general, appropriated candidate for GRDDS are molecules that have poor colonic absorption but are characterizes by better absorption properties at upper part of GIT:


Table 1: Suitable drug candidates for GRDDS


Sr. No.




Drugs with narrow absorption window in the GIT

Riboflavin, Levodopa


Drugs which are absorbed from stomach and upper part of GIT

Chlordiazepoxide, Cinnarazine


Drugs locally acting in the stomach

Antacids, Misoprostol


Drugs degraded in colon

Ranitidine, Metronidazole


Drugs that disturb normal colonic bacteria

Amoxicilline trihydrate


Table 2: Unsuitable drug candidates for GRDDS

Sr. No.




Gastro irritant drugs

Diclofenac, Ibuprofen


For acid labile drugs

Macrolide antibiotics


Drugs which get absorb throughout GIT equally

Phenytoin, Theophylline

  1. Factors Affecting GRDDS [7,8]:

            Factors affecting GRDDS.png

Figure 3: Factors affecting GRDDS

Advantages and Disadvantages of GRDDS: [9,10]

            Advantaged and Disadvantages of GRDDS.png

Figure 4: Advantaged and Disadvantages of GRDDS

Approaches For Gastro-Retentive Drug Delivery System:

The following are some of the several methods that have been explored for creating dosage forms that results in sufficient gastric retention and release inside the stomach region [1,2,11]:

            Approaches for GRDDS.png

Figure 5: Approaches for GRDDS

High Density Drug Delivery System:

Gastric contents have an analogous viscosity as water (1.004 g/ cm3). Sedimentation has been used as a retention medium. A viscosity lesser than 2.5 g/ cm3 is needed to significantly extend GIT. Excipients that are generally employed include barium sulfate, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, iron, and so on [12,13].

            High density drug delivery system.png

Figure 6: High density drug delivery system

B. Floating Drug Delivery System:

Low-density devices known as floating drug delivery systems (FDDS) can float above stomach contents and stay in the stomach for extended periods of time without slowing down the rate at which the stomach empties. While the system floats above the gastric contents, the medicine is gently released at the desired rate. This leads to enhanced gastric retention time and greater control of changes in plasma medication concentrations [14,15].

            Floating drug delivery system.png

Figure 7: Floating drug delivery system

Hydro-Dynamically Balanced System:

These systems are often made up of hydrophilic gel-forming polymers such as HPMC, hydroxy ethyl cellulose, hydroxy propyl cellulose and alginic acid, and are intended for single-unit administration. Hygroscopic gelatin rapidly dissolves in stomach juice, exposing the hydrophilic polymer and medication contents to the bodily fluids. The polymer fraction existing on the surface is then hydrated and swollen, resulting in a floating mass [7,16].

            Hydrodynamically balanced system.png

Figure 8: Hydrodynamically balanced system

Gas Generating System:

Carbonate/bicarbonate salts and citric/tartaric acid react effervescently to release CO2 in buoyant delivery methods. The CO2 is then trapped in the jellified hydrocolloid layer, lowering its specific gravity and causing it to float above stomach fluid. The dosage forms are designed to create C02 when in contact with acidic gastric contents, which is then encapsulated in swelling hydrocolloids to offer floating properties [17,18].

  1. Raft Forming System:

Antacids and drugs for gastrointestinal diseases and infections have been administered using raft-forming systems, which have attracted a lot of interest. This type of GRDDS is induced by the production of a viscous gel in contact with gastric fluids, which forms a continuous layer known as RAFT on top of the fluids due to low bulk density brought on by CO2 formation. Alkaline bicarbonates or carbonates that produce CO2 are typically included in this system's composition, along with a gel-forming substance (such as alginic acid) to help the system float on the stomach juices and become less dense [19-21].

            Raft forming system.png

Figure 9: Raft forming system

Low Density System:

The time lag before floating on the stomach contents is a major drawback of the effervescent delivery mechanism. Prior to floating and medication release, it is likely that the delivery system will be purged during this time. Hence, low density systems (less than 1000 mg/cm3) that demonstrate instantaneous drug floating and release on the stomach content surface have been created to get around this restriction. The system is essentially made up of low density materials that trap air or oil [11].

  1. Expandable System:  

These systems can be mechanically expanded in size in relation to their initial dimensions. They are composed of biodegradable polymers. They come in a variety of geometric shapes, such as tetrahedron, ring, or planner membrane made of bio-erodible polymer that is squeezed inside a stomach-extending capsule. If a dosage form in the stomach is larger than the pyloric sphincter, it will not pass through the stomach [22-24].

            Figure 10  a) Expandable system.png

   Figure 10:  a) Expandable system           b) Super porous hydrogel

Super Porous Hydrogel:

Conventional hydrogel absorbs water relatively slowly; it may take several hours   to achieve an equilibrium condition. Super porous hydrogels (SPH) are porous hydrophilic materials that can absorb aqueous fluids up to a hundred times their own weight. They have a three-dimensional cross-linked, network-like structure. Due to rapid water uptake through multiple linked open pores (average pores of 200 µm), maximum swelling is typically obtained in a fraction of a minute [25,26].

  1. Bio-Adhesive System:

By sticking to the gastric mucous membrane of bio-adhesive system, the gastric retention time has increased. The adherence of the delivery system to the stomach wall increases bioavailability by extending residence duration. Nevertheless, the propulsion force of the stomach wall cannot be resisted by the gastric mucoadhesive force alone [25,26].

            Bioadhesive system.png

Figure 11: Bioadhesive system

Magnetic System:

Using this procedure, a tiny magnet is incorporated into the dose form, and a second magnet is positioned on the abdomen above the stomach. Precise setting of the external magnet may result in less patient cooperation [25].

  1. Stomach Specific Floating In-Situ Gel:

An applicable system of delivering regulated drug delivery within the stomach has been made possible by gastro-forgetful in- situ gel forming systems, in which an environment-specific gel forming solution floats on the top of the gastric fluids (owing to its lower viscosity than the gastric contents) once it has gelated. This system uses a low density solution, when in contact with the stomach fluids, changes the polymeric conformation to produce a viscid gel with a viscosity that's lower than the gastric fluids. This low density gel conformation produces the continual and phased drug release in addition to the significant desired gastro retention to extend the contact period[6].

  • In-situ gel offers a greater effective surface area than tablets because it creates a low-density viscous layer on the stomach contents. This increases the drug's release and boosts its bioavailability.
  • Compared to floating tablets, floating obtained is faster.
  1. Limitations
  • In-situ gel forming systems are essentially solutions that are more prone to stability issues as a result of microbiological or chemical deterioration (hydrolysis, oxidation, etc.).
  • If such a system is not stored correctly, it may experience instability issues as a result of the system's pH changing over time or when it is kept at an improper temperature. Certain polymers may also develop gel inside the packaging in which they are stored if they are exposed to radiations (such as UV, visible, electromagnetic, etc.).
  1. Approaches To Produce In-Situ Gel:

Various mechanisms have been reported to underlie the formation of in-situ gel:

            Approaches for in-situ gel.png

Figure 13: Approaches for in-situ gel

Physical Changes [27]:

  • Swelling: Swelling occurs when a polymer in the system, such as glycerol mono-oleate, absorbs water from the surroundings and swells to produce a viscous gel.
  • Diffusion: Diffusion occurs when a solvent, such as N-methyl pyrrolidone, dissolves or disperses a drug and polymer into the surrounding tissues, precipitating the polymer to form gel.
  1. Chemical Changes: Gel formation may result from alterations in the systems chemical environment that create polymeric cross linking.
  • Ionic cross-linking: When different ions, such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Fe2+, etc., are present in body fluids, ion-sensitive polysaccharides like carrageenan, gellan gum, pectin, etc., experience phase transitions because the polymer cross-linking develop [28].
  • Enzymatic cross-linking: The most practical method of gel production is thought to be cross-linking, which creates a polymer network through the presence of enzymes in body fluids [27].
  • Photo polymerization: When a gel producing system is injected into tissues, it can generate gels such as ethyl eosin, 2, 2 dimethoxy-2-phenyl acetophenone, and others within the tissues when exposed to microwave, UV, or electromagnetic radiation [27,29].
  1. Physiological Stimuli:

The following physiological triggers can result in the development of gel:

  • Change in temperature: This method shows a temperature-dependent phase transition from a relatively high viscosity gel to a less viscous solution. A sudden change in temperature causes the solubility of the polymer within the system to alter, and this interaction between the polymers results in the formation of a hydrophobic solvated macromolecule [27,29].
  • Change in pH: Polymers with different ionizable groups in their chemical      structure, such as polymethacrylate, polyacrylic acid, and its derivative carbopol, undergo gel formation in response to pH changes. When the pH rises, polymers containing anionic groups cause swelling to increase, whereas polymers containing cationic groups exhibit decreasing swelling [6].
  • Dilution sensitive: In the presence of more water, a polymer found in this kind of hydrogel goes through a phase transition. More polymer can be utilized if the system is going through a phase change as a result of being diluted with water. Example, Lutrol F68 [51].
  • Light sensitive: Light-sensitive hydrogels can be employed as in-situ forming gels for cartilage tissue engineering or in the creation of photo-responsive artificial muscle. In order to create a gel by enzymatic processes, polymerizable functional groups and their initiators, such as ethyl eosin and camphorquinone, can be injected into tissue and electromagnetic radiation applied [51].
  • Glucose sensitive: Insulin-releasing hydrogels have been used is intelligent stimuli-responsive delivery devices. In reaction to blood glucose levels, cationic pH-sensitive polymers that contain glucose oxidase and immobilized insulin can swell, pulsatively release the trapped insulin [51].

Ideal Characteristics of Polymer [50]:

            Characteristics of polymers.png

Figure 14: Characteristics of polymers

Polymers Used [51]:

            Polymers used for in-situ gel.png

Figure 15: Polymers used for in-situ gel

Sodium alginate:  One common natural-origin polymer is sodium alginate. The chemical composition of this salt is alginic acid; 1,4-glycosidic linkages bind the residues of -L-glucuronic acid and -D-mannuronic acid together. Alginates dissolved in water can solidify into gels when they come into contact with di- or trivalent ions, such as calcium and magnesium ions [28,30].

  • Gellan gum: Gellan gum is a chemically anionic deacetylated polysaccharide that is secreted by the pseudomonas elodea (Sphingomonas elodea). A change in temperature or the presence of cations (such as Na+, K+, or Ca2+) causes gellan gum to develop [28,29].
  • Pectin: These are anionic polysaccharides of plant origin. Gel formation occurs in pectin when divalent ions, such as Ca2+, are present. This results in ionic cross linking, which links the galacturonic acid units, and pH dependent gelling, which occurs when H ions are present [27].
  • Xyloglucan: It is a polysaccharide derived from plants that is extracted from tamarind seeds. While xyloglucan itself does not produce gels, diluted solutions that have been partially broken down by galactosidase when heated up to a certain temperature [27].
  • Xanthan Gum: Extracting a high molecular weight extracellular polymer, xanthan gum is generated by the bacterium xanthomonas campestris. A powerful gel can be created by combining positively charged polymers with xanthan gum [31].
  • Chitosan: By alkaline deacetylating chitin, a natural and adaptable polycationic polymer known as chitosan is produced. It is non-toxic, thermosensitive, and biodegradable. Up to a pH of 6.2, chitosan, a biocompatible pH-dependent cationic polymer, stays dissolved in aqueous solutions [32].
  • Carbopol: The pH-dependent polymer carbopol remains in solution at an acidic pH but forms a low viscosity gel at an alkaline pH. When used in conjunction with carbapol, HPMC gives the carbopol solution viscosity while lowering its acidity [33].
  1. Evaluation Of Stomach Specific In -Situ Gel System:
  • Appearance: Particulate matter should not be present, and in-situ solutions should be transparent. The amount of time needed for a solution to become a gel in a buffer with a pH of 1.2 is monitored, and the gel's visual consistency is examined [34].
  • Viscosity: Viscosity of solution is measured with a Brookfield viscometer or a cone and plate viscometer at an appropriate temperature (25±10 C) using 1 or 2 milliliters of sample aliquots before and after gelling [30,34].
  • pH of in-situ gel: A calibrated pH meter is used to measure the pH of the gel-forming solution at 270C [34].
  • In -vitro gelation time: Using a USP (Type II) dissolution device with 500 mL of 0.1N HCl (pH 1.2) at 37±0.5?C, the in-vitro gelation time was ascertained. As the formulation came into contact with 0.1N HCl and the time was recorded, it changed from a sol to a gel. The amount of time needed for an in-situ gelling system to gel initially is known as the gelling time. The gel was found to float on the buffer solution in a matter of seconds [33].
  • Buoyant time: The floating lag time, also known as the buoyant time, is the amount of time it takes the gel to rise to the top from the bottom of the dissolution flask. Visual examination was used to determine the floating lag time of the gel in a USP type II dissolution test device holding 500 ml of 0.1 N HCl (pH 1.2) at 37±0.5?C [33].
  • Strength of gel: The gel is made from the sol form in a beaker. A rheometer probe is little by little pushed through the gel by raising the beaker containing the gel at a specific rate. It can be determined by monitoring variations in the probe's loading as a function of the probe's depth of immersion below the gel surface[33].
  • In-vitro drug release study: Using a USP dissolving equipment (type II) at 50 rpm in 900 ml of 0.1N HCl at pH 1.2 at 37 C, in-vitro drug release is measured. A Petri plate containing 10 milliliters of the formulation is placed in a dissolving vessel. Subsequently, the dissolve medium is silently added to the dissolution vessel. At every predetermined period, an appropriate sample is taken and replaced with new medium. A minimum of eight hours should be spent conducting the dissolution study [30].
  1. Applications [50]:


Recent Research Activities on Stomach Specific In-Situ Gel [51]:

Table 2: Recent research activities on in-situ gel


Sr. No.




Reference No.


Jayswal et al.





Patel et al.

Ranitidine HCl




Jivani et al.


Skeletal muscle relaxant



Itoh et al.





Wamorkar et al.





Bhimani et al.





Patel et al.





Rajinikanth et al.


Anti-H. pylori



Rajlakshmi et al.

Levofloxacin Hemihydrate

Anti-H. pylori



Rathod et al.

Ambroxol hydrochloride

Secretolytic agent



Patel et al.


Antihypertensive/ Diuretic



Patel et al.





Lahoti et al.





Anyanwu et al.





Madan et al.




Marketed Formulations Available as GRDDS [52]:

Table 3: GRDDS available in market


Sr. No.

Dosage form


Brand name



Colloidal gel forming FDDS

Ferrous sulphate Antianemic


Ranbaxy, India


Floating Controlled Release Capsule

Levodopa, Benserazide


Roche Products, USA


Floating Capsule



Hoffmann-LaRoche, USA


Effervescent Floating Liquid alginate Preparation

Aluminium hydroxide, Magnesium carbonate


Glaxo Smith Kline, INDIA


Floating Liquid alginate Preparation

Aluminum - Magnesium antacid


Pierre Fabre Drug, FRANCE


G;2as-generating floating Tablets



Ranbaxy, INDIA


Bilayer floating Capsule



Pharmacia, USA

  1. In-Situ Gelling System Available in Market [31,51]:

Table 4: In-situ formulations in market


Sr. No.

Dosage form

Drug/ Polymer

Brand name

Company country



Timolol maleate

Timoptic- XE

Merk and Co


Regel: depot technology



Macromed’s drug delivery


Injectable depot formulations

Interleukin- 2


Macromed’s drug delivery



Lidocaine HCl




Opthalmic solution



Insite vision


Opthalmic gel


Pilopine HS

Alcon lab Inc.







Contact lenses

Hydrophilic acrylic acid


Hymedix international


Skin adhesive gel





Topical skincare

Interpolymers of PVP and grafted with urethane




Vaginal insert

Polyethylene oxide and urethane


Controlled therapeutics, UK


Opthalmic, buccal, nasal and vaginal administration

Polyacrylic acid and poly glycol

Smart hydrogel

MedLogic Global Polymouth, UK


Oral administrtion

Chitosan and PEG

SQZ Gel oral controlled


  1. Some Us Patents for In-Situ Gel Drug Delivery System [51]:

Table 5: Patentable formulations


Sr. No.

US Patent




In-situ forming hydrogel wound dressing containing antimicrobial agents




Gastric raft composition



Rafting antacid formulations



In- situ gelling system as sustained delivery for eye



In-situ gel formulation of pectin



In-situ gelling drug delivery system



In-situ gel forming compositions

  1. Comparison Between Conventional and Gasro-Retentive Drug Delivery System [49]:


Table 6: Comparison between conventional and GRDDS


Sr. No.


Conventional drug delivery

Gastro retentive drug delivery



High risk of toxicity

Low risk of toxicity


Patient compliance


Improves patient compliance


Drug with narrow absorption window in small intestine

Not suitable



Drug acting locally in stomach

Not much advantageous

Very much advantageous


Drugs having rapid absorption through GIT

Not much advantageous

Very much advantageous


Drugs which degraded into colon

Not much advantageous

Very much advantageous


Drugs which are poorly soluble at an alkaline Ph

Not much advantageous

Very much advantageous


Dose dumping

High risk of dose dumping

No risk of dose dumping


It is quite difficult to develop an effective gastro retentive dosage form for stomach-specific medication delivery. Therefore, a number of strategies have been used to achieve the intended gastro retention, with the floating medication delivery system emerging as the most promising method. One type of floating drug delivery system is the floating in-situ gelling system, which transitions from a sol to gel state in an acidic stomach and releases the drug specifically into the stomach for a longer period of time while remaining buoyant on the surface of the gastric fluid. One benefit of these systems is that medications that are absorbed from the upper portion of the stomach absorb them more effectively. The local exertion of the medicine is boosted as the system is in the stomach longer because the gastric mucosa is in contact with it for a longer period of time. This results in fewer dosage adjustments and increased therapeutic effectiveness. Understanding the behavior of polymers that float and gel will help us to increase the stomach retention and, consequently, the bioavailability of a variety of pharmacologically active substances. Similar to this, such a method is more dependable because it has superior stability and drug release compared to other traditional dose forms.


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  42. Rajinikanth PS & Mishra B: Floating in-situ gelling system for stomach site-specific delivery of clarithromycin to eradicate H. pylori, Journal of Controlled Release: (2008), 125(1):33-41.
  43. Rajalakshmi R, Sireesha A, Subhash KV, Venkata PP, Mahesh K & Naidu KL:  Development and Evaluation of a Novel Floating In-situ Gelling System of Levofloxacin Hemihydrate, International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Research: (2011), 2(1):102-108.
  44. Rathod H, Patel V & Modasiya M: Development, evaluation, and optimization of gellan gum Based in-situ gel using 32 factorial designs, International Journal of Biomedical Research (2011), 2(4):235?245.
  45. Patel RR & Patel JK: Development and evaluation of in-situ novel intragastric controlled release formulation of hydrochlorothiazide, Acta Pharmaceutica:(2011), 61: 73-82.
  46. Lahoti SR, Shinde RK, Ali SA & Gulecha B: pH triggered sol-gel transition system of ofloxacin for prolonged gastric retention. Der Pharmacia Sinica, 2011; 2(5): 235-250.
  47. Anyanwu NCJ, Adogo LY, Ajide B. Development and evaluation of in situ gelling gastro retentive formulations of Meloxicam, Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: (2017), 2(3): 10-13.
  48. Madan JR, Adokar BR, Dua K: Development and evaluation of in situ gel of pregabalin, Int J Pharma Investig: (2015), 5:226-33.
  49. Patole R, Chaware B, Mohite V, Redasani VK: A Review for Gastro - Retentive Drug Delivery System, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development: (2023), 11(4):79-94.
  50. Sudhi U S, Savitha S, Mathan S: Floating Oral In-Situ Gelling System: A Review, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research: (2020), 12(10): 1315-1319.
  51. Hemendrasinh JR, Dhruti PM: A Review on Stomach Specific Floating In-Situ Gel, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research:(2014), 6(4): 19-30.
  52. Shivram Shinde, Imran Tadwee, Sadhana Shahi: Gastro retentive Drug Delivery System: A Review, Int. J. of Pharm. Res. & All. Sci.: (2011), 1(1): 01-13.


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  46. Lahoti SR, Shinde RK, Ali SA & Gulecha B: pH triggered sol-gel transition system of ofloxacin for prolonged gastric retention. Der Pharmacia Sinica, 2011; 2(5): 235-250.
  47. Anyanwu NCJ, Adogo LY, Ajide B. Development and evaluation of in situ gelling gastro retentive formulations of Meloxicam, Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: (2017), 2(3): 10-13.
  48. Madan JR, Adokar BR, Dua K: Development and evaluation of in situ gel of pregabalin, Int J Pharma Investig: (2015), 5:226-33.
  49. Patole R, Chaware B, Mohite V, Redasani VK: A Review for Gastro - Retentive Drug Delivery System, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development: (2023), 11(4):79-94.
  50. Sudhi U S, Savitha S, Mathan S: Floating Oral In-Situ Gelling System: A Review, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research: (2020), 12(10): 1315-1319.
  51. Hemendrasinh JR, Dhruti PM: A Review on Stomach Specific Floating In-Situ Gel, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research:(2014), 6(4): 19-30.
  52. Shivram Shinde, Imran Tadwee, Sadhana Shahi: Gastro retentive Drug Delivery System: A Review, Int. J. of Pharm. Res. & All. Sci.: (2011), 1(1): 01-13.

S. G. Patil
Corresponding author

Department of pharmaceutics, Government college of pharmacy, karad

J. J. Dandale

Department of pharmaceutics, Government college of pharmacy, karad

R. M. Savakhande

Department of pharmaceutics, Government college of pharmacy, karad

S. G. Patil*, S. R. Shahi, J. J. Dandale, R. M. Savakhande, In-Situ Gel: A Gastro-retentive Drug Delivery System, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2025, Vol 3, Issue 01, 258-273.

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