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Ulcer is a common disorder which is seen among many people. In most cases, it is an inflammatory skin rupture. There are many types of ulcers such as mouth ulcer, peptic ulcer, oesophagus ulcer, gastric ulcer. Among these mouth ulcers is common type of ulcer. Throughout the ages, treat a variety of illnesses and diseases. Mouth ulcers or aphthous ulcers are common oral lesions characterized by painful, shallow sores on the mucous membranes. This abstract explores the causes, symptoms, and potential treatments for mouth ulcers, emphasizing their impact on oral health and quality of life. Nowadays, herbal medicine is becoming a viable alternative treatment over the commercially available synthetic drugs on mouth ulcer treatment. Additionally, the abstract highlights the need for further research to enhance our understanding of mouth ulcers and improve therapeutic strategies for this prevalent oral condition.


mouth ulcer, herbal plant, canker sores, aphthous stomatitits.


Traditional herbal medicines are naturally occurring plant-derived substances that have been used in local or regional healing therapy procedures with little or no industrial processing to cure illness. In the field of medicine, traditional herbal remedies are gaining popularity. In the treatment of SARS, traditional Chinese herbal therapy played a key role. Traditional herbal medicine is used by 80% of Africans, and the global annual demand in the treatment of SARS, traditional Chinese herbal therapy played a key role. Traditional herbal medicine is for these treatments is estimated to reach $60 billion. Many traditional herbal medicine studies will be evaluated by the global health community. Traditional herbal medicine research has been heavily funded by China, India, Nigeria, the United States of America (USA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) [1] A skin or mucous membrane ulcer is an open sore that is characterized by the sloughing off of [2]. Ulcers are lesions on the surface of the skin or a mucous membrane identified by a superficial loss of tissue. Therefore, oral hygiene is very important for Health. The tongue is the gastrointestinal tract's (GIT) mirror. Mukhapak (Stomatitis), or mucous membrane inflammation, displays in cheek, tongue, and lips. These concerns are global in nature and impact all individuals [3]. Mouthy ulcers are sores on the inside lining of the mouth. Blisters or sores on the lips or around the outside of the mouth are usually cold [4]. Ulcers are lesions on the surface of the skin or a mucous membrane identified by a superficial loss of tissue. Therefore, oral hygiene is very important for Health. The tongue is the gastrointestinal tract's (GIT) mirror. Mukhapak (Stomatitis), or mucous membrane inflammation, displays in cheek, tongue, and lips. These concerns are global in nature and impact all individuals [5].  Furthermore, Indian folk medicine includes a variety of prescriptions for a variety of ailments, including wound healing, inflammation, skin infections, leprosy, diarrhea, scabies, venereal disease, ulcers of any kind, snake bites, and so forth. For various types of skin illness, more than 80% of the world's population still relies on traditional remedies. In order to facilitate the creation of a good environment for natural healing, herbal medicines in wound management include disinfection, debridement, surgical intervention, and maintaining a moist environment. Hence it is evident that herbal medicines are playing a major role in treatment strategies which are adopted global [6].


#Pain is the primary sign of canker sores. The area of your mouth that has the canker sore may

# area of your mouth that has the canker sore may also tingle, burn, or feel rough. Foods like bread crusts, acidic fruits, and spicy foods may harm the already irritated lining of the mouth and exacerbate the pain

#It may also ache more as a result of the movements your mouth makes when you chew or talk. Round, white patches on the lips or within the cheeks are the appearance of canker sores.

#They may less frequently develop on the tongue, gums, or roof of the mouth. Typically, the sores have reddish, slightly raised edges, are somewhat sunken, and are only a few millimeters across.

#, Major This common type is also known as a minor canker sore canker sores occur when the patches are larger, measuring one to three millimeters. Herpetiform canker sores are known to exist in large numbers and are roughly the size of a pinhead [7].

Benefits of herbal medicine:

Herbal drugs operate as a reversible source, which is our only chance for constant supply of inexpensive medications for the world's rising population.

* The growth and processing of medicinal plants and herbal goods are environmentally benign and ecofriendly.

* Herbal medicine has contributed many of the most beneficial, useful, and diverse medications to contemporary medicine all around the world [8].

Causes of mouth ulcer:

· Other foods high in acidity or spice, citrus fruits.

·  Burns from hot drinks or food

· Irritation from chemicals that are present in toothpaste or oral rinses.

· Chewing the insides of the cheeks or biting the tongue.

· Braces, poor-fitting dentures, and other instruments that may rub against the mouth and gum

· Medications including beta-blockers and pain killers

· Anxiety or stress.

· Some are the genetic factors [24].

            etiology of mouth ulcer.png

Etiology Of Mouth Ulcer:

1. Stress: Physiological instability and stress are linked to ulcers. It has been observed that patients with high levels of stress are more likely to develop ulcers. Antidepressant drugs therefore reduce the risk of ulcers.

2. Hormonal changes: Certain women may have oral alterations, such as bleeding gums and canker sores, as a result of hormonal fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle.

3. Drugs: Diclofenac is one example of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine medication and. goes away when the medication is stopped.

4. Allergies and Sensitivities: Food allergies can result in Aphthous ulcers; they include allergy to chocolate, coffee, tomatoes, almonds, cheese, and peanuts.

5. Genetic: Genetic predisposition is the cause of

 serious ulceration. Family history contributes to ulcers in about 40% of cases.

6. Mechanical injury: Mechanical injury can

occur due to local anesthetic injection, dental procedure, sharp teeth, Brush injuries and these are responsible for aphthous ulcers.

7. Mechanical trauma: Because of insufficient saliva and the development of RAS (recurrent aphthous stomatitis), which results from trauma and a failure to moisten and shield the oral mucosa.

8. Deficiency of vitamin: Low levels of iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 can lead to RAS

(Recurrent aphthous stomatitis). RAS expansion results from hematinic deficiency [9&10].

Types Of Ulcers

            Minor Ulcer.png

1. Minor Ulcer: Small round or oval ulcersknown as mild canker sores.[11]

These are usually ranging from 2 to 8 mm in diameter and may take up to 10 to 14 days to clear up. [12]

            Major Ulcer.png

2. Major Ulcer:

Canker sores that are big in size and depthare larger, deeper and irregular borders, often 1cm

or more. These uneven edges can take up to six weeks to repair. Long-term scarring is a risk

with large mouth ulcers. [10&11]

3.Hertiform: Hertiform canker sores are small,cluster in groups of 10 to 100,and most commnly afflict adults.This type of mouth  ulcer has irregular edges and will often heal without scarring withinone to two weeks.[10&11]

Various Dosage Form used for the Treatment of Mouth Ulcers

· Pastes

· Mouthwashes

· Buccal tablet

· Buccal patch

· Medicated chewing gum

· Pharmaceutical Gel


*Aloe vera gel paste:soothes pain and inflammation.*Neem paste:Antimicrobial properties

*turmeric paste[curcumin]:anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.


Antibacterial and antifungal mouthwashes

*Tea tree oil mouthwash: antimicrobial properties

*cinnamon mouthwash: antimicrobial properties

3]Buccal tablet:

*Ginger buccal tablets: anti-inflammatory properties

4]Buccal patch:

*chamomile patch: reduces inflammation and promotes healing

5]medicated chewing gum:

*Benzocaine: numbs pain

*lidocaine:numbs pain

*tea tree oil: antimicrobial properties

6]pharmaceutical gel:

1.orajel gel:(benzocaine)

2.anbesol gel(lidocaine)

# Anti-inflammatory gels: 1. Hydrocortisone gel, prednisolone gel

#Antimicrobial gels: 1. neomycin gel, metronidazole gel.

3. Herbal Treatment For Mouth Ulcer

Traditional herbalists and native healers have employed phytogenic substances to prevent and

treat ulcers. [13,14]

Flavonoids (such as quercetin, naringin, silymarin, anthocyanosides, and sophoradin derivatives), saponins (from Panax japonicus and Kochia scoparia), tannins (from Linderaeumbellatae), gums, and mucilages are some examples of botanical chemicals with anti-ulcer activity (i.e. gum guar and myrrh). Liquorice, aloe gel, and capsicum (chilli) have all been widely utilized as natural medications. Several plant extracts are used by [15&16]

Advantages of herbal medicines

*Herbal remedies have been used for a long time and are more widely accepted by the general public and patients.

*Medical plants have a reliable supply, allowing us to maintain consistent supply of less expensive medications for the world’s expanding population.[17]

*Access to medicinal plants is not a barrier in developing nations like India because of its great agro-climatic, cultural, and ethnic richness.

* The growing and processing of therapeutic herbs is environmentally favorable.

* Herbal medication use is safe and effective even when used for a long time and seems to go unnoticed.[18].

Table1: list of Herbal Drugs Used in Mouth Ulcer.


Sr. No


Portion And Part of Plant

Medicinal Properties

Chemical Constituent






Turmeric (Curcuma longa) FamilyZingiberaceae

PortionDried rhizome


Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Antiseptic, Anticarcinogenic, Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Immunomodulatory

Diarylheptanoid, curcumin, dimethoxy curcumin, and bisdemethoxycucumin

Mouthwash Powder/oil/ mucoadhesive gel Curenext oral gel (Abbott Pharmaceuticals



Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensismil ler) FamilyLiliaceae

Freshly purified leaf juice extract/


Wound healing, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antioxidant, Antitumor, Immune boosting

Amino acids, anthraquinones, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, lignins, monosaccharide, polysaccharides,




Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) FamilyFabaceae

Root extract



Antithrombotic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidative, Antiallergenic, Antimicrobial, Antidiabetic

Saponin, flavonoid, liquirtin, isoliquertin liquiritigenin and rhamnoliquirili

Bio adhesive discs Patch with extract Root/patche



Myrrh (Commiphora Myrrha) Family- Burseraceae



Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Immune boosting

Terpenoids (monoterpenoid, sequiterpenoids, and volatile/essential oil), diterpenoids, and steroids




Honey (Apis) FamilyApidae

Gel/100% pure natural honey


Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Immune boosting, Antifungal

sugars (40% fructose, 30% glucose, and 10% maltose), oligosaccharides , minerals, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, and phytochemicals such as flavonoids, and ferulic and caffeic acids, and water

Honey and tulsi ice chip



Propolis (bee glue) FamilyRhytismatacea

Beewax/ resin


Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Immunostimulant, Wound healing, Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antifungal, Antitumor

Resin, oil and wax, pollen) and amino acids, minerals, sugars, vitamins B, C and E, flavonoids, phenol, terpenes.

Oromucoadhesive films /Capsule/paste



Lady mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) FamilyRosaceae

Extract +



cis-3-hexenol, linalool, oct-1- en-3-ol and nonanal, followed by myrtenol, hexadecanoic acid, cis-3- hexenyl acetate and alphaterpineol

3% Aphtarine gel



Guava (Psidium guajava) FamilyMyrtaceae



Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Anticancer, Antifungal, Antimicrobial, Antitumor, Antiallergic, Antihyperglycemic, Antimutagenic

isopropyl alcohol, menthol, ?pinene, terphenyl acetate, limonene, ?pinene, caryophyllene, and ?bisabolene. Oleanolic acid

Leaves/powder/ gel/guava leaves mouthwash



Chamomilla (Matricaria Chamomilla) FamilyDaisy

Fluid extract


Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral, Analgesic, Antispasmodic, Smooth musclerelaxing action

Chamazulene,?bisabolol,?bisabolol oxide A,?-bisabolol oxide B,?bisabolone oxide A,?bisabolene,?farnesene,?farnesen

Tincture, mouthwash, Ointment, Strong tea made from chamomile flowers



Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum/ holy basil) FamilyMints



Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Immunomodulatory, Analgesic, Anticancer, Antiasthmatic, Antidiabetic, Hepatoprotective

Methyl eugenol,cyclooc tene,Eugenol,bo rnyl acetate, camphor,Methyl eugenol,beta caryophyllene

Honey and tulsi ice chip



Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Familyzingiberacea

Ginger’s Alcoholic Extract.


Anti-inflammatory, Antinausea, Digestion aid, Antioxidant, Metabolis

?-zingiberene, ?- bisabolene, gingerols and shogaols

Mucoadhesive Base



13.MINT: Mint, also known as Menth, is a member of the Lamiaceae (Labiatae) family and contains vitamins A, C, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Mint leaves are applied to mouth ulcers to provide a cooling effect, reduce pain from the ulcer, and provide fragrance in the mouth. Mint has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and fresh breath properties, as well as a cooling effect.[19] 


8. Jasmine:

Jasmine Grandiflorum is a type of jasmine found primarily in Asia, Africa, Australia, and India. It belongs to the Oleaceae family. Jasmine Grandiflorum has healing properties in all of its components, and it has been used in traditional medicine for this purpose. This plant promotes the initial inflammation and epithelization phase, which speeds up wound healing due to its antioxidant properties. When the leaves of Jasmine Grandiflorum are extracted with alcohol, they have antioxidant and anti-ulcer properties. The leaves contain ascorbic acid, salicylic acid, and glucoside. [20]



Oral ulceration is a common problem in the oral cavity. Mostly it is benign. Some oral ulcers
may be associated with systemic disorders. Patients with an ulcer that persists for more than
three weeks should be referred; suspected. Chronic ulcer requires urgent referral to a
specialist. The diagnosis of oral ulceration is based on patient history and clinical appearance
of ulcers. The diagnosis of oral ulcerative lesions might be quite challenging. This narrative
review article aims to introduce an updated decision tree of oral ulcerative lesions based on
their diagnostic features and also an overview of oral ulcer. The diverse range of herbs discussed in this article, such as Liquor ice, aloe vera, turmeric, and guava, showcase promising antiulcer properties through their ability to modulate various physiological and biochemical pathways involved in ulcer formation. The evidence presented suggests that these herbs exert their effects by enhancing mucosal defense mechanisms, and mitigating oxidative stress. Additionally, their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties contribute to a multifaceted approach in addressing the complex etiology of ulcers. Herbal remedies, with their potential to complement conventional therapies, offer a promising avenue for the development of alternative and integrative approaches to ulcer management. However, it is crucial for healthcare practitioners to exercise caution and ensure evidence-based practice when incorporating herbal interventions into treatment plans. Overall, the comprehensive exploration of herbs with antiulcer activity in this review highlights their potential as valuable additions to the armamentarium of therapeutic options for individuals suffering from ulcer-related conditions


  1. Tilburt JC, Kaptchuk TJ. Herbal medicine research and global health: an ethical analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2008;86:594
  2. Chan FKL, Graham DY. Review article: Prevention of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug gastrointestinal complications - Review and recommendations based on risk assessment. Aliment Pharmacol Ther., 2004; 19(10): 1051–61
  3. Ghaywate RB, Ghuge PM, Suryavanshi RS, Lanje S. Ayurveda Management of Pittaj Mukhapak (Aphthous ulcer): A Case Study. J Ayurvedic Herb Med., 2021; 6(4): 210–2
  4. Lanje S, Ghuge PM Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Reviewed November 2009, Published February 2011.©
  5. Ghaywate RB, Ghuge PM, Suryavanshi RS, Lanje S. Ayurveda Management of Pittaj Mukhapak (Aphthous ulcer): A Case Study. J Ayurvedic Herb Med., 2021; 6(4): 210–2
  6. Thube SA, Patil MJ. Evaluation of Wound Healing Potential of Some Indian Herbal Extracts and it's Formulation in Acne Vulgaris. Pharmacognosy Journal. 2014 Sep 1;6(5).
  7. Dr. Meenakshi Canker, Darwhekar GN sores (mouth ulcers): Overview - - NCBI Bookshelf [Internet]. [17 oct.2022.
  8. Rowe RC, Sheskey P, Quinn M. Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients. LibrosDigitalesPharmaceutical Press; 2009
  9. Vitthal UR, Balasaheb Dk. Herbal Remedies Used In The Treatment Of Mouth Ulcer?: A Systematic Review, 2022; 11(11): 753–65.
  10. Jitendra Kumar*1, Lata Gupta1, Dr. Meenakshi Gupta2 SPG 1Research. A REVIEW ON: HERBAL REMEDIES FOR TREATMENT OF MOUTH ULCER. World J Pharm Res., 2022; 11(10): 707–2
  11. Shahare N, CHOUHAN S, Darwhekar GN. Herbs used in treatment of mouth ulcer- a review. Int J Pharmacogn Chem, 2021; 2(3): 68–74.
  12. Agnihotri A, Kaur A, Arora R. Oral Ulceration and Indian Herbs: A Scoping Review. Dent J Adv Stud., 2020; 8(3): 71–9
  13. Sabir Shaikh, Amol Shete. Studies on Inorganic materials based Anticancer Pharmaceutical Gel for Oral Cavity Formulation and Evaluation. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018; 2(7): 38-44.
  14. M Anushri, R Yashoda, Manjunath, P Puranik. Herbs A Good Alternatives to Current Treatments for Oral Health Problems. International Journal of Advanced Health Sciences, 2015; 1(12): 26-32
  15. Yogesh S. Thorat, Asha M. SarvagoShital V. Kulkarni, Avinash H. Hosmani. Treatment of Mouth ulcer by Curcumin loaded Thermoreversible Mucoadhesive gel. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015; 7(10): 399-402.
  16. F. Gricilda Shoba. A Review on Antiulcer Activity of Few Indian Medicinal Plants. International Journal of Microbiology, 2014; 1-14
  17. Sumitra Singh, Bhagwati Devi Rohilla. Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Gel From Different Parts of Cyamposis Tetragonoloba(L.) Taub. For Wound Healing. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015; 5(3): 740-752
  18. Chun-Lei Li, He-Long Huang, Wan-Chun Wang, Hong Hua, Efficacy and safety of topical herbal medicine treatment on recurrent aphthous stomatitis:Drug Design, Developement and Therapy, 2016; 10: 107-115.
  19. Gandhi, S., Deoghare, A., Fating, C., Jha, S., Biranjan, R. and Fuladi, T., ayurvedic preparations for the management of the ras-a review: 2020-09-30
  20. Talreja, S., Kumari, S., Srivastava, P. and Pandey, S., 2019. A complete pharmacognostic review on amla. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 12
  21. Porter SR, Leao JC Doijad R Oral ulcers and its relevance to systemic disorders. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics. 2005 Feb;21(4):295- 3062019 Jan 30;2(1):17-23.
  22. Vimala G, Gricilda Shoba F. A review on antiulcer activity of few Indian medicinal plants. International journal of microbiology. 2014 May 25;2014.
  23. Setayesh y, Shirazi AS, Moeintaghavi A.Natural treatment of oral aphthous ulcer : a systemic ulcer .
  24. Christine Frank, DDS — Written by Jenna Fletcher on November 20, 2018, (Accessed on November 19, 2020) 17984 Medically reviewed by.
  25. Jamadar MJ, Shaikh RH. Preparation and evaluation of herbal gel formulation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Education. 2017;1(2):201-24.
  26. Sharma B, Singh LR. Pharmaceutical gels for topical drug delivery. International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2018 Mar;3(2):19-24
  27. Shaikh S, Shete A, Doijad R. Formulation and evaluation pharmaceutical aqueous gel of powdered guava leaves for mouth ulcer treatment. PharmaTutor. 2018 Apr 1;6(4):32-38
  28. Sing R, Bansal S, Kumar Mishra M. Formulation and evaluation of herbal oral gel containing extracts of powdered Psidium guajava linn leaves with Curcuma longa linn rhizomes to treat mouth ulcer. International Journal of Drug Development and Research 2020;12(2):1- 7
  29. Bandana K, Kumar S, Sagar MK, Tyagi H. Formulation and evaluation, Tyagi H. Formulation and evaluation of herbal gel of guava leaves and liquorice roots extract for using mouth ulcer. Journal of Critical Reviews. 2020;7(18):3097-110.
  30. Thete M, Shimpi P. Review on Role of Herbs in Management of Oral seases. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2020 Dec 1;10(4
  31. Jain NK, Roy R, Pathan HK, Sharma A, Ghosh S, Kumar S. Formulation and evaluation of polyherbal aqueous gel from Psidium guajava, Piper betel and Glycerrhiza glabra extract for mouth ulcer treatment. Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2020 Aug 3;12(3):145-148.
  32. Thombre KP, Sharma D, Lanjewar AM. Formulation and evaluation pharmaceutical aqueous gel of powdered Cordia dichotoma leaves with guava leaves. American Journal of Pharmatech Research. 2018;8(2):268-77
  33. Jain S, Rathod N, Nagi R, Sur J, Laheji A, Gupta N, Agrawal P, Prasad S. Antibacterial effect of Aloe vera gel against oral pathogens: An invitro study. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2016 Nov;10(11):ZC41
  34. Gambhir RS. Herbal formulations: The next level in oral care. International Journal of Green Pharmacy (IJGP). 2016 Sep 27;10(3).
  35. Lakshmi T, Krishnan V, Rajendran R, Madhusudhanan N. Azadirachta indica: A herbal panacea in dentistry–An update. Pharmacognosy reviews. 2015 Jan;9(17):41.


  1. Tilburt JC, Kaptchuk TJ. Herbal medicine research and global health: an ethical analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2008;86:594
  2. Chan FKL, Graham DY. Review article: Prevention of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug gastrointestinal complications - Review and recommendations based on risk assessment. Aliment Pharmacol Ther., 2004; 19(10): 1051–61
  3. Ghaywate RB, Ghuge PM, Suryavanshi RS, Lanje S. Ayurveda Management of Pittaj Mukhapak (Aphthous ulcer): A Case Study. J Ayurvedic Herb Med., 2021; 6(4): 210–2
  4. Lanje S, Ghuge PM Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Reviewed November 2009, Published February 2011.©
  5. Ghaywate RB, Ghuge PM, Suryavanshi RS, Lanje S. Ayurveda Management of Pittaj Mukhapak (Aphthous ulcer): A Case Study. J Ayurvedic Herb Med., 2021; 6(4): 210–2
  6. Thube SA, Patil MJ. Evaluation of Wound Healing Potential of Some Indian Herbal Extracts and it's Formulation in Acne Vulgaris. Pharmacognosy Journal. 2014 Sep 1;6(5).
  7. Dr. Meenakshi Canker, Darwhekar GN sores (mouth ulcers): Overview - - NCBI Bookshelf [Internet]. [17 oct.2022.
  8. Rowe RC, Sheskey P, Quinn M. Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients. LibrosDigitalesPharmaceutical Press; 2009
  9. Vitthal UR, Balasaheb Dk. Herbal Remedies Used In The Treatment Of Mouth Ulcer?: A Systematic Review, 2022; 11(11): 753–65.
  10. Jitendra Kumar*1, Lata Gupta1, Dr. Meenakshi Gupta2 SPG 1Research. A REVIEW ON: HERBAL REMEDIES FOR TREATMENT OF MOUTH ULCER. World J Pharm Res., 2022; 11(10): 707–2
  11. Shahare N, CHOUHAN S, Darwhekar GN. Herbs used in treatment of mouth ulcer- a review. Int J Pharmacogn Chem, 2021; 2(3): 68–74.
  12. Agnihotri A, Kaur A, Arora R. Oral Ulceration and Indian Herbs: A Scoping Review. Dent J Adv Stud., 2020; 8(3): 71–9
  13. Sabir Shaikh, Amol Shete. Studies on Inorganic materials based Anticancer Pharmaceutical Gel for Oral Cavity Formulation and Evaluation. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018; 2(7): 38-44.
  14. M Anushri, R Yashoda, Manjunath, P Puranik. Herbs A Good Alternatives to Current Treatments for Oral Health Problems. International Journal of Advanced Health Sciences, 2015; 1(12): 26-32
  15. Yogesh S. Thorat, Asha M. SarvagoShital V. Kulkarni, Avinash H. Hosmani. Treatment of Mouth ulcer by Curcumin loaded Thermoreversible Mucoadhesive gel. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015; 7(10): 399-402.
  16. F. Gricilda Shoba. A Review on Antiulcer Activity of Few Indian Medicinal Plants. International Journal of Microbiology, 2014; 1-14
  17. Sumitra Singh, Bhagwati Devi Rohilla. Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Gel From Different Parts of Cyamposis Tetragonoloba(L.) Taub. For Wound Healing. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015; 5(3): 740-752
  18. Chun-Lei Li, He-Long Huang, Wan-Chun Wang, Hong Hua, Efficacy and safety of topical herbal medicine treatment on recurrent aphthous stomatitis:Drug Design, Developement and Therapy, 2016; 10: 107-115.
  19. Gandhi, S., Deoghare, A., Fating, C., Jha, S., Biranjan, R. and Fuladi, T., ayurvedic preparations for the management of the ras-a review: 2020-09-30
  20. Talreja, S., Kumari, S., Srivastava, P. and Pandey, S., 2019. A complete pharmacognostic review on amla. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 12
  21. Porter SR, Leao JC Doijad R Oral ulcers and its relevance to systemic disorders. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics. 2005 Feb;21(4):295- 3062019 Jan 30;2(1):17-23.
  22. Vimala G, Gricilda Shoba F. A review on antiulcer activity of few Indian medicinal plants. International journal of microbiology. 2014 May 25;2014.
  23. Setayesh y, Shirazi AS, Moeintaghavi A.Natural treatment of oral aphthous ulcer : a systemic ulcer .
  24. Christine Frank, DDS — Written by Jenna Fletcher on November 20, 2018, (Accessed on November 19, 2020) 17984 Medically reviewed by.
  25. Jamadar MJ, Shaikh RH. Preparation and evaluation of herbal gel formulation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Education. 2017;1(2):201-24.
  26. Sharma B, Singh LR. Pharmaceutical gels for topical drug delivery. International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2018 Mar;3(2):19-24
  27. Shaikh S, Shete A, Doijad R. Formulation and evaluation pharmaceutical aqueous gel of powdered guava leaves for mouth ulcer treatment. PharmaTutor. 2018 Apr 1;6(4):32-38
  28. Sing R, Bansal S, Kumar Mishra M. Formulation and evaluation of herbal oral gel containing extracts of powdered Psidium guajava linn leaves with Curcuma longa linn rhizomes to treat mouth ulcer. International Journal of Drug Development and Research 2020;12(2):1- 7
  29. Bandana K, Kumar S, Sagar MK, Tyagi H. Formulation and evaluation, Tyagi H. Formulation and evaluation of herbal gel of guava leaves and liquorice roots extract for using mouth ulcer. Journal of Critical Reviews. 2020;7(18):3097-110.
  30. Thete M, Shimpi P. Review on Role of Herbs in Management of Oral seases. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2020 Dec 1;10(4
  31. Jain NK, Roy R, Pathan HK, Sharma A, Ghosh S, Kumar S. Formulation and evaluation of polyherbal aqueous gel from Psidium guajava, Piper betel and Glycerrhiza glabra extract for mouth ulcer treatment. Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2020 Aug 3;12(3):145-148.
  32. Thombre KP, Sharma D, Lanjewar AM. Formulation and evaluation pharmaceutical aqueous gel of powdered Cordia dichotoma leaves with guava leaves. American Journal of Pharmatech Research. 2018;8(2):268-77
  33. Jain S, Rathod N, Nagi R, Sur J, Laheji A, Gupta N, Agrawal P, Prasad S. Antibacterial effect of Aloe vera gel against oral pathogens: An invitro study. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2016 Nov;10(11):ZC41
  34. Gambhir RS. Herbal formulations: The next level in oral care. International Journal of Green Pharmacy (IJGP). 2016 Sep 27;10(3).
  35. Lakshmi T, Krishnan V, Rajendran R, Madhusudhanan N. Azadirachta indica: A herbal panacea in dentistry–An update. Pharmacognosy reviews. 2015 Jan;9(17):41.

Rutuja Jaiswal
Corresponding author

Late bhagirathi yashwantrao college of D&B pharmacy

Tejaswini Dhawale

Late bhagirathi yashwantrao college of D&B pharmacy

Dr. Gajanan Sanap

Late bhagirathi yashwantrao college of D&B pharmacy

Rutuja Jaiswal*, Tejaswini Dhawale, Dr. Gajanan Sanap, Herbs Therapies for Mouth Ulcer, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 12, 2493-2501.

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