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  • Herbal Cosmetic: An Best Approach For Treating Skin Disorders

  • 1Department of Quality Assurance technique, R. G. Sapkal College of Pharmacy, Kalyani Hills, Anjaneri, Trimbakeshwar Road, Nashik, Maharashtra 422213
    2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry , R. G. Sapkal College of Pharmacy, Kalyani Hills, Anjaneri, Trimbakeshwar Road, Nashik, Maharashtra 422213.
    3Department of Pharmacology , R. G. Sapkal College of Pharmacy, Kalyani Hills, Anjaneri, Trimbakeshwar Road, Nashik, Maharashtra 422213.


India is a focus for development of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homoeopathy, and other natural herbs-based health knowledge (AYUSH). Ayush Pharmaceutical industriousness having great possible and contingency for saundarya prasadka group (herbal costumer) development in future. Saundarya prasadak are the formulations , which represent cosmetic base which related with known Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani (ASU) medicines active component. In traditional period people were used lepa, Alepa, Pralepa, Udavartan, etc. for beauty purpose. A herb is a plant or plant extract which obtained naturally from nature including leaves, bark, seeds, stems and flowers which are full of nourishing, nutritional and healing elements. Cosmetics alone cannot take care of skin and others body parts; it requires association of active constituents. Herbal cosmetics have important fashion ability among the population. Herbal cosmetics products claimed to have efficacy and natural adequacy due to routine use in day-to-day life and avoid the adverse effects which are generally seen in synthetic products. The current article deals with the literature of herbal cosmetic and plants related to present status, treatment of ailments and properties related to herbal cosmetic and plants.


Cosmetic, Herbal cosmetic, Herbal plants


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Dhanashri B. Lakhe
Corresponding author

Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, R. G. Sapkal College of Pharmacy, Kalyani Hills, Anjaneri, Trimbakeshwar Road, Nashik, Maharashtra, 422213

Smita Aher

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry , R. G. Sapkal College of Pharmacy, Kalyani Hills, Anjaneri, Trimbakeshwar Road, Nashik, Maharashtra 422213.

R. S. Bachhav

Department of Pharmacology , R. G. Sapkal College of Pharmacy, Kalyani Hills, Anjaneri, Trimbakeshwar Road, Nashik, Maharashtra 422213.

Dipali V. Mane, Rashmi R. Balkate , Vanita H. Shinde, New Therapeutic approaches for Migraine: A brief overview, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 562-586.

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