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  • Formulation And Evaluation of Herbal Mouthwash Wash

  • Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami College of Pharmacy, Kokamthan.


Herbal mouthwash are in excessive demand, because they act on oral pathogens and relieve the pain instantly and are also less side-effective. Chemical mouthwashes have hydrogen peroxide a chlorine dioxide, and cetylpyridinium chloride, as an immediate whitener, sterilizer and pain reliever of teeth, but they tend to produce discoloration of teeth and may produce side effect, meanwhile they are cost effective. Although many popular herbal products have helped to control dental plaque and gingivitis, they have been used for a short time and only as an adjunct to other oral hygiene measures such as brushing and flossing. Various herbal products and their extracts such as Guava, Pomegranate, Neem, Tulsi, Green Tea, Cranberry, Grapefruit etc. have shown significant advantages over the chemical ones.


Formulation And Evaluation, Herbal mouthwash, cetylpyridinium chloride, produce side effect.


Natural mouthwashes may offer significant advantages over the chemical ones. If such mouthwashes can be formulated which can be easily prepared and used safely by people at home using natural products, it may lead to improvement in the general dental health of the population1. In starting days, Dental caries are high in Children and Adolescents, because they do not take proper oral hygiene. Oral infections spread from the root of the contaminate tooth through the jaw bones and into spaces between the fascial planes of surrounding soft tissue. Cloves are the aromatic. it possess antiseptic, analgesic, stimulant, flavoring, local anesthetic agent and anti-inflammatory property. it is used in mouth infections, also known as oral infections, are a group of infections that occur around the oral cavity. They include dental infection, dental abscess Mouth infections spread from the root of the infected tooth through the jaw bones and into potential spaces between the fascial planes of surrounding soft tissue, eventually forming an abscess.

Mouthwash is a liquid solution used to rinse the mouth. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Maintaining oral hygiene: Mouthwash can help remove food particles and plaque from the teeth and gums that brushing and flossing may have missed.
  • Preventing dental plaque: Some mouthwashes contain ingredients that can help kill bacteria that cause plaque buildup, which can lead to cavities and gum disease.
  • Freshening breath: Mouthwash can help mask bad breath and leave the mouth feeling clean and refreshed.
  • Treating oral infections: Some mouthwashes contain ingredients that can help kill bacteria and fungi that cause oral infections, such as gingivitis and thrush.
  • Relieving dry mouth: Some mouthwashes can help increase saliva production, which can be helpful for people who suffer from dry mouth.

1.2 Types of Mouthwash:

1. Cosmetic mouthwash:

  • Purpose: These mouthwashes are primarily used to freshen breath and leave a pleasant taste in the mouth. They may contain flavoring agents and masking agents to temporarily cover up bad breath.
  • Active ingredients: Cosmetic mouthwashes typically do not contain active ingredients that kill bacteria or prevent plaque buildup.

2. Therapeutic mouthwash:

  • Purpose: These mouthwashes are designed to treat specific oral health conditions, such as gingivitis, plaque buildup, and tooth decay.
  • Active ingredients: Therapeutic mouthwashes contain active ingredients that can kill bacteria, reduce plaque, and strengthen tooth enamel. Some common active ingredients include:
  • Fluoride: Helps prevent tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel.
  • Chlorhexidine: Kills bacteria and reduces plaque buildup.

             Cetylpyridinium chloride: Kills bacteria and reduces bad breath.

             Essential oils: Can help reduce plaque and gingivitis.

1.3 Classification of Therapeutic Mouthwash:

  1. Antiseptic Mouthwashes- Chlorhexidine, Listerine Mouthwash.
  2. Analgesic Mouthwash- Benzydamine , Lidocaine Mouthwash.
  3. Anticavity Mouthwashes- Fluoride Rinse.
  4. Antiallergic Mouthwashes- Benadryl Mouthwash.
  5. Antibiotic Mouthwash- Tetracycline Mouthwash.
  6. Haemostatic Mouthwash- Tranexamic Acid Mouthwash.
  7. Steroid Mouthwashes- Triamcinolone Acetonide.
  8. Ayurvedic Mouthwashes- Triphala Mouthwash.
  9. Homemade Mouthwashes- Normal Saline Gargle.

            Mouth Oral Cavity.png

Fig No.1.1 : Mouth oral cavity

2.0 Literature Survey

1. Preeti Chaudhary (2023), have study Preparation and Evaluation of Herbal Mouthwash Containing Hydroalcoholic Extract of Pongamia pinnata. The goal of the present research was to formulate and evaluate an herbal mouthwash. So, in this research article we have focused on Pongamia pinnata (Common name Pongame oil tree) plant that belongs to Fabaceae family.

2. Priyanka Namdeo (2021), have study preparation and evaluation of herbal antibacterial mouthwash against oral pathogens Herbal Mouthwash preparations have potent action and minimal side effects when compared with that of the other marketed mouthwashes, hence there is need for increased usage of herbal preparations to avoid the adverse effects.

3. Odumosu Patricia (2019), have study Quality assessment and antibacterial properties of a commercial clove sample and copper sulphate as ingredients of an herbal mouth wash. The quality assessments of the clove sample present the potential utility of the herbal material as an ingredient of the antibacterial mouthwash and the provision of additional antibacterial properties by copper sulphate. The eugenol content can be used as a marker for quality assurance of the herbal product.

4. Praveenkumar V. Vijapur (2022), have study Formulation & Evaluation Of Herbal Mouthwash Containing Natural Ingredients For Anti-Microbial Activity. The quality assessments of the clove sample present the potential utility of the herbal material as an ingredient of the antibacterial mouthwash and the provision of additional antibacterial properties by copper sulphate. The eugenol content can be used as a marker for quality assurance of the herbal product.

5. Bálint Bencze (2023), have study Development of a novel, entirely herbal-based mouthwash effective against common oral bacteria The developed product might be a useful tool to impede the transmission and spread of SARS-CoV-2 in interpersonal contact and aerosol-generating conditions. Our mouthwash can help reduce the oral bacterial fora and has an antioxidant activity that facilitates wound healing and prevents adverse effects of smoke in the oral cavity.

6. Banani Ray Chowdhury (2013), have study Development of Alcohol-free Herbal Mouthwash Having Anticancer Property. the extracts of peppermint oil, clove oil, betel leaf extract, ajwain, ginger, basil, etc., in sterilized conditions having antibacterial, anti-cancer, anti-fungal activity.

7. M Jesinth Jebacani (2023), have study Assessing the effectiveness of a herbal mouthwash against oral pathogens: In vitro analysis,liquid herbal mouthwash is highly effective in aiding individuals in eliminating bad breath and other oral health concerns

8. Muhammad Abdurrahman (2022), have study The Effectiveness of Ethanol Extract of Neem Leaf (Azadirachta indica) Mouthwash Against the Growth of Streptococcus the ethanolic extract of neem leaf mouthwash was effective against the growth of Streptococcus sp.

9. M. Radhakrishna Pillai (2023), have study Efficacy of a herbal mouthwash for management of periodontitis and radiation-induced mucositis. e herbal mouthwash group noticed a significant reduction in the severity of radiation-induced mucositis and analgesic requirements. The intensity of pain, dryness of mouth, oral hygiene, and need for the use of antibiotic and antifungal during radiotherapy was not significant among the groups.

10. Smriti Ojha (2018), have study Formulation and Evaluation of Antibacterial Herbal Mouthwash Against Oral Disorders. The natural herbs used in present formulation have been medicinally proven to prevent the problem of oral hygiene and bad breath

11. Samiksha Tidke (2022), have study The Effectiveness of Herbal Versus Non-Herbal Mouthwash for Periodontal Health. Herbal and non-herbal mouthwash, implying equal efficacy of both, i.e., Triphala, aloe vera, tea tree, and polyherbal groups like Zingiber officinale, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Calendula officinalis, and chlorhexidine.

3.0 Aim and Objective

3.1 Aim - Formulation And Evaluation Of Herbal Mouthwash

3.2 Objectives -

  • Definition and Scope: Overview of cosmetic science, focusing on beauty and personal care products.
  • Cosmetic Formulation:

Basic Principles: Understanding the key components of cosmetic formulations such as preservatives, and active ingredients.

Formulation Strategies: Techniques for creating stable and effective cosmetic products, including the role of pH, stability and refractive index.

  • Ingredients in Cosmetic Products-

Natural vs. Synthetic Ingredients: Comparison of natural and synthetic ingredients, including efficacy and safety considerations.

Cosmetic Safety and Efficacy Consumer Safety: Issues related to allergic reactions, irritation, no effect on digestion.


4.1 Requirements:

  • Active Ingredients – Clove Oil, Peppermint Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil
  • Chemicals – Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Ethanol
  • Apparatus – Beaker, Test Tube, Measuring Cylinder, Pipette, Wire Gauze, Water Bath, Tripod Stand, Stirrer.

4.2 Formulation:

Table No.4.1- Formulation Table of Herbal Mouthwash

Sr. No.





Clove oil

Dental analgesic

0.1 ml


Peppermint oil

Cooling effect,Calming effect

0.1 ml


Tea tree oil

Anti -microbial

0.1 ml


Eucalyptus oil

Anti –bacterial, anti-inflammatory

0.1 ml


Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Surfactant and foaming agent

6 gm




2 ml




q.s to 100 ml

  1. Clove Oil:
  • Synonym: - Eugenol    
  • Biological Source: - Clove oil is obtained from the dried flower buds of Eugenia caryophyllus
  • Family- Myrtaceae   
  • Uses: - Anti – microbial, Clove oil exhibits anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties restricting the growth of bacteria.

            Clove Oil.png

Fig No. 4.1: Clove Oil                                        


 Fig No.4.2: Clove

Peppermint Oil:

  • Synonym: - Mentha piperita
  • Biological Source: - Peppermint oil is the essential oil taken from the flowering parts and leaves of the peppermint plant.
  • Family: - Lamiaceae   
  • Uses: -  Anti-microbial, Cooling effect.

            3Peppermint oil.png

Fig No.4.3Peppermint oil          Fig No.4.4: Peppermint

Antibacterial Properties

1. Reduces plaque and bad breath: Peppermint oil's antibacterial properties help reduce plaque, bad breath, and gum inflammation.

2. Inhibits bacterial growth: Peppermint oil's antibacterial compounds, such as menthol and menthone, inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

1. Soothes mouth sores and gum inflammation: Peppermint oil's anti-inflammatory properties help soothe mouth sores, gum inflammation, and other oral irritations.

2. Reduces swelling and pain: Peppermint oil's anti-inflammatory compounds help reduce swelling and pain in the mouth and gums.

Antioxidant Properties

1. Protects against oxidative stress: Peppermint oil's antioxidant properties help protect the mouth and gums against oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals.

2. Prevents cell damage: Peppermint oil's antioxidant compounds help prevent cell damage and promote healthy cell growth in the mouth and gums.

3) Tea Tree Oil :

  • Synonym: - Melaleuca
  • Biological Source:- Melaleuca alternifolia , also known as the Tea Tree, is a small tree The leaves of this plant are used to produce Tea Tree Oil through steam distillation.
  • Family :- Myrtaceae
  • Uses:- Anti microbial

Chemical Composition

Tea tree oil is composed of various chemical compounds, including:

1. Cineole (5-7%)

2. Terpinen-4-ol (30-40%)

3. Gamma-terpinene (10-20%)

4. Alpha-terpinene (5-10%)

            Tea tree oil.png

Fig No.4.5: Tea tree oil                    Fig No.4.6: Tea tree


Tea tree oil has several properties that make it useful for various applications:

1. Antimicrobial: effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi

2. Anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation and swelling

3. Antioxidant: protects against oxidative stress and cell damage

4. Antiseptic: prevents infection and promotes healing


Tea tree oil is commonly used in:

1. Skincare: acne, wounds, and minor cuts

2. Haircare: dandruff, lice, and itchy scalp

3. Oral care: mouthwash, toothpaste, and gum massage

4. Aromatherapy: stress relief, relaxation, and mood enhancement

  1. Eucalyptus Oil:
  • Synonym: - Blue Gum
  • Biological Source: - Eucalyptus Globulus
  • Family: - Myrtaceae
  • Uses: - Freshens Breath, Prevents tooth decay

Properties and Composition:

Eucalyptus oil is a colorless or pale yellow liquid with a fresh, minty, and camphorous aroma. The main constituents of eucalyptus oil include:

1. Eucalyptol (70-80%)

2. Alpha-pinene (5-10%)

3. Beta-pinene (2-5%)

4. Limonene (1-3%)

5. Aromadendrene (1-2%)


1. Aromatherapy: Relieves stress, anxiety, and promotes relaxation.

2. Medicinal: Treats respiratory issues (coughs, colds, asthma), pain relief, and skin conditions.

3. Oral care: Freshens breath, reduces plaque, and prevents gum disease.

4. Insect repellent: Repels mosquitoes and other insects.

5. Cleaning: Used as a natural disinfectant and deodorizer.

            Eucalyptus oil.png

Fig. No. 4.7: Eucalyptus oil                Fig. No. 4.8: Eucalyptus

Viscosity- viscosity of mouthwash was determined with the help of digital viscometer at 100 rpm with the spindle

Use the viscometer for measure the viscosity of prepared mouthwash

Viscosity of sample was calculated using following formula            

Formula: dy ty

                      ny = nw

                                              dw tw


nw = Viscosity Of Water

ny = Viscosity Of Tested Liquid

dw = Density Of Water

dy = Density of Tested Liquid

ty = Timing Of Runoff Of Tested Liquid


Fig. No. 5.3: Viscometer

Table No. 5.1: - Observation Table of prepared formulation

Sr. No




Physical Appearance





Semitransparent White Liquid

Clove like , Pleasant







0.15 poise


Foaming Index




Non Irritant



Semitransparent white liquid

5.3 Evaluation of Marketed Product

Product Name: - Listerine

            pH of water.png

Fig. No. 5.4: Foam test

            pH of water.png

Fig. No. 5.6: pH of water

            pH of Listerine.png

Fig. No.5.7: pH of Listerine

Observation Table -

Table No 5.2: - Observation Table of Evaluation

Sr. No




Physical Appearance




Semitransparent Yellow Liquid




3.20 - 3.45



0.30 - 0.32 poise


Foaming Index

200 - 220






Semitransparent Yellow liquid















5.4 Comparative Evaluation of Formulation with Marketed Product

Marketed Product: Listerine


  • Brushing only covers 25% of your mouth, germs left behind may cause plaque and gum problems
  • Listerine reaches all parts of your mouth and removes 99.9% germs
  • Unique formula with 4 Essential Oils deeply penetrates to remove the bacteria in the plaque biofilm
  • Listerine helps reduce gum problems in 2 weeks
  • For best results, rinse with undiluted 20ml twice a day for 30 seconds. Don't rinse mouth with water or eat and drink anything for 30 minutes post rinse


Product Benefits

Plaque, Bad Breath

Liquid Volume

500 Millilitres



Age Range (Description)


Item Form


Active Ingredients


Material Type Free


Material Feature



Fig No.5.8. Listerine

Marketed Product: Aloe Vera Mouth Wash

  • All-natural mouthwash with zero chemicals to give you long-lasting fresh breath and complete oral hygiene
  • Made from aloe vera, neem, clove, cinnamon, babool and other ayurvedic ingredients that helps prevent plaque, cavities and bad breath
  • Non-addictive, alcohol-free formula that is also safe for kids
  • Ideal for tobacco users, models, TV anchors, public figures, emcees, travelers, nature lovers and naturalists, medical practitioners and oral hygiene enthusiasts


Product Benefits

Bad Breath, Dry Mouth, Fresh Breath, Gingivitis, Longlisting, Plaque, Tartar


Liquid Volume

150 Millilitres



Age Range (Description)


Item Form


Material Type Free

Alcohol Free, Artificial Colours Free, Paraben Free, Sugar Free, Artificial Flavour Free

Material Feature

Alcohol Free, Natural

            Aloe Vera Mouth Wash.png

Fig No.5.9. Aloe Vera Mouth Wash

Marketed Product : Charcoal Mouth Wash

  • Ultra Freshness: Experience long-lasting freshness and a clean mouth sensation with every use.
  • Activated Charcoal Powder: Harnesses the natural detoxifying properties of charcoal to cleanse and purify your mouth.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antibacterial properties, tea tree oil helps protect against germs and promotes healthy gums and teeth.
  • Daily Oral Hygiene: Use twice daily for 30 seconds each time to maintain good oral hygiene and protection from harmful germs.
  • Sugar-Free & Fluoride-Free: Our mouthwash is sugar-free and fluoride-free, making it suitable for daily use without compromising on effectiveness.


Product Benefits

Cavity Protection

Liquid Volume

250 Millilitres



Age Range


Item Form


Active Ingredients


Material Type Free

Fluoride Free

Material Feature

Fluoride Free , Natural, Sugar Free

            Charcoal mouth wash.png

Fig.No.5.10. Charcoal mouth wash

5.5 Comparative Evaluation of Formulation with Marketed Product

Table No 5.3: - Comparative Evaluation


Sr. No


Prepared Mouthwash

Marketed Preparation Listerine

Marketed Preparation Aloe Vera

Marketed Preparation Charcoal Mouth Wash


Physical Appearance



Semitransparent White Liquid

Clove like, Pleasant

Semitransparent Yellow liquid


Semitransparent blue liquid


Semitransparent black liquid





3.20- 3.45





0.15 Poise

0.30 - 0.32 Poise

0.8 Poise

0.6-0.9 Poise


Foaming Index


200 - 220





Non Irritant


Non Irritant

Non Irritant



Semitransparent White Liquid

Semitransparent Yellow Liquid


Blue Liquid

Semitransparent Black Liquid


Physical parameters such as Color, Odour, Taste and Consistency were examined by visual examination. The pH of prepared Herbal Mouthwash was measured by using digital pH meter. The pH of formulation was found to be 6.8.  Formulation and Stability study of mouthwash was done

This mouthwash is a purely herbal prepared with addition of alcohol and other additives. When used in Mouthwashes Antimicrobial ingredients like Clove, Peppermint, Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus Oil and other essential plant extracts have been found to reduce plaque and gingivitis when combined with daily brushing and flossing


Herbal mouthwashes offer a natural and often gentler alternative to traditional chemical-based oral care products. They leverage the power of plant-derived compounds to promote oral health by combating bacteria, reducing inflammation, and freshening breath. Key benefits of herbal mouthwashes include: Antimicrobial properties: Many herbs possess antimicrobial properties that help eliminate harmful bacteria in the oral cavity, reducing the risk of infections like gingivitis and periodontitis. Anti-inflammatory effects: Some herbal ingredients can soothe inflamed gums and reduce oral discomfort. Natural breath freshening: Herbal mouthwashes can help mask bad breath by neutralizing odor-causing bacteria. Reduced side effects: Unlike chemical mouthwashes, herbal formulations are generally milder and less likely to cause side effects like staining or oral irritation.

In conclusion, herbal mouthwashes can be a valuable addition to a comprehensive oral hygiene routine. By selecting a high-quality product and using it consistently, individuals can experience improved oral health and a fresher, healthier smile


In Study of market product this physicochemical parameters of marketed mouth wash were study. the active ingredient of market preparation is determined in this their role and their pharmacological activities is studied. Literature review of various documents, reference book, review paper was studied for these more knowledge about the formulation and evaluation of mouth wash. Selection of ingredients various herbal ingredients are selected on the basis of data gain by literature study. the herbal ingredients are selected on the basis of their pharmacological activities, role, category in mouth wash. Formulation of mouth wash the formula is taken from a literature survey, all the standard operating procedures are followed during the formulation. The equipment used during formulation are calibrated. Evaluation all the evaluation parameters required for mouthwash are performed. They are as follows organoleptic property, pH, viscosity, foaming index, appearance and irritatance.


  1. Jha B., Dodwad V,Herbal Mouthwashes – A Gift of Nature. Int. J. Sci, 2012; 3(2): 48-53.
  2. Shubhangi E S, Monali D T,Journal of scientific and innovative research, 2016; 5(4): 149-151.
  3. Sujith S N, Molly M, Sereena K. Int. J.of Pharm. And Clin. Sci, 2012; 1(4): 1362-1368. [71]
  4. D. R. Saumendu, K. Sarkar, S. Dipankar, T. Singh, and B. Prabha, “In vitro antibiotic activity of various extracts of Gymnema sylvestre,” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 2010; 2: 1–3.
  5. S. Yogisha and K. A. Raveesha, “In vitro antibacterial effect of selected medicinal plant extracts,” Journal of Natural Products, 2009; 2: 64–69
  6. C. H. Bhuvaneswari, K. Rao, and A. Giri, Evaluation of Gymnema sylvestre antimicrobial activity in methanol,” Recent Research in Science and Technology, 2011;
  7. J. K. Malik, F. V. Manvi, B. R. Nanjware, D. K. Dwivedi, P. Purohit, and S. Chouhan, Anti-arthritic activity of leaves of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. leaves in rats, Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2010; 2: 336–341.
  8. M. Jung, M. Park, H. C. Lee, Y.-H. Kang, E. S. Kang, and S. K. Kim, Antidiabetic agents from medicinal plants, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2006; 13(10): 1203–1218.
  9. V. Khanna and K. Kannabiran, “Anticancer-cytotoxic activity of saponins isolated from the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre and Eclipta prostrata on HeLa cells, International Journal of Green Pharmacy, 2009; 3(3): 227–229.
  10. J. G. Hardman, L. E. Limbird, L. S. Goodman, and A. G. Gilman, Goodman and Gilman?s the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, McGraw Hill, New York, NY, USA, 10th edition, 2001.
  11. J. K. Malik, F. V. Manvi, B. R. Nanjware et al., Wound healing properties of alcoholic extract of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. leaves in rats, Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2009; 2: 1029–1030.
  12. C. K. Kokate, Pharmacognosy, vol. 12, Nirali Prakashan, 1999.
  13. M. Anis, M. P. Sharma, and M. Iqbal, Herbal ethnomedicine of the Gwalior forest division in Madhya Pradesh, India, Pharmaceutical Biology, 2000; 38(4): 241–253.
  14. Musumeci R, Speciale A, Costanzo R, Annino A, Ragusa S, Rapisarda A, et al. Berberis aetnensis C. Presl. extracts: Antimicrobial properties and interaction with ciprofloxacin. Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2003; 22: 48–53.
  15. Singhal GD, Sharma KR. Ophthalmic and otorhinolaryngological considerations in ancient Indian surgery. Allahabad: Singhal Publications, 1976
  16. Acharya JT. ed. Sushruta samhita. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia, 1980.
  17. Sharma PC, Yelne MB, Dennis TJ. Database on medicinal plants used in Ayurveda. Vol.
  18. New Delhi: Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, 2000; 120-123.
  19. Sabnis Mukund. Chemistry and pharmacology of Ayurvedic medicinal plants. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Surabharati Prakashana, 2006.
  20. Ni Yanxia, et al., Therapeutic effect of berberine on 60 patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and experimental research, Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, 1995; 1(2): 91-95.
  21. ICH Harmonized Tripartite Guidelines, Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products, ICH Committee. Federal register, 2003; 68.
  22. Chi AC, Day TA, Neville BW. Oral Cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomaan update.CA Cancer J Clin, 2015; 65(5): 401-
  23. Weaver A, Fleming SM, Smith DB. Mouthwash and oral cancer; Carcinogen or coincidence? J Oral Surg, 1979; 37(4): 250-3
  24. Blom T, Slot DE, Quiryen M, Van der Weijden GA. The effect of mouthrinses on oral malodour; a systemic review. Int. J Dent Hyg, 2012;10(3): 209-22
  25. Baron, J. E. and $. M. Finegold, Methods for Testing Antimicrobial Effectiveness. In: Barley Scotts: Diagnostic Microbiology Mosby, C.V. (Ed.). Missouri, USA, 1990; 171
  26. World Health Guidelines on good manufacturing practices [GMP] for herbal medicines. (2007). 1-21. https:/
  27. British Pharmacopoeia. (1993). Volume 1. Published by Stationery Office Books. Great Britain.


  1. Jha B., Dodwad V,Herbal Mouthwashes – A Gift of Nature. Int. J. Sci, 2012; 3(2): 48-53.
  2. Shubhangi E S, Monali D T,Journal of scientific and innovative research, 2016; 5(4): 149-151.
  3. Sujith S N, Molly M, Sereena K. Int. J.of Pharm. And Clin. Sci, 2012; 1(4): 1362-1368. [71]
  4. D. R. Saumendu, K. Sarkar, S. Dipankar, T. Singh, and B. Prabha, “In vitro antibiotic activity of various extracts of Gymnema sylvestre,” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 2010; 2: 1–3.
  5. S. Yogisha and K. A. Raveesha, “In vitro antibacterial effect of selected medicinal plant extracts,” Journal of Natural Products, 2009; 2: 64–69
  6. C. H. Bhuvaneswari, K. Rao, and A. Giri, Evaluation of Gymnema sylvestre antimicrobial activity in methanol,” Recent Research in Science and Technology, 2011;
  7. J. K. Malik, F. V. Manvi, B. R. Nanjware, D. K. Dwivedi, P. Purohit, and S. Chouhan, Anti-arthritic activity of leaves of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. leaves in rats, Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2010; 2: 336–341.
  8. M. Jung, M. Park, H. C. Lee, Y.-H. Kang, E. S. Kang, and S. K. Kim, Antidiabetic agents from medicinal plants, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2006; 13(10): 1203–1218.
  9. V. Khanna and K. Kannabiran, “Anticancer-cytotoxic activity of saponins isolated from the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre and Eclipta prostrata on HeLa cells, International Journal of Green Pharmacy, 2009; 3(3): 227–229.
  10. J. G. Hardman, L. E. Limbird, L. S. Goodman, and A. G. Gilman, Goodman and Gilman?s the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, McGraw Hill, New York, NY, USA, 10th edition, 2001.
  11. J. K. Malik, F. V. Manvi, B. R. Nanjware et al., Wound healing properties of alcoholic extract of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. leaves in rats, Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2009; 2: 1029–1030.
  12. C. K. Kokate, Pharmacognosy, vol. 12, Nirali Prakashan, 1999.
  13. M. Anis, M. P. Sharma, and M. Iqbal, Herbal ethnomedicine of the Gwalior forest division in Madhya Pradesh, India, Pharmaceutical Biology, 2000; 38(4): 241–253.
  14. Musumeci R, Speciale A, Costanzo R, Annino A, Ragusa S, Rapisarda A, et al. Berberis aetnensis C. Presl. extracts: Antimicrobial properties and interaction with ciprofloxacin. Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2003; 22: 48–53.
  15. Singhal GD, Sharma KR. Ophthalmic and otorhinolaryngological considerations in ancient Indian surgery. Allahabad: Singhal Publications, 1976
  16. Acharya JT. ed. Sushruta samhita. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia, 1980.
  17. Sharma PC, Yelne MB, Dennis TJ. Database on medicinal plants used in Ayurveda. Vol.
  18. New Delhi: Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, 2000; 120-123.
  19. Sabnis Mukund. Chemistry and pharmacology of Ayurvedic medicinal plants. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Surabharati Prakashana, 2006.
  20. Ni Yanxia, et al., Therapeutic effect of berberine on 60 patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and experimental research, Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, 1995; 1(2): 91-95.
  21. ICH Harmonized Tripartite Guidelines, Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products, ICH Committee. Federal register, 2003; 68.
  22. Chi AC, Day TA, Neville BW. Oral Cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomaan update.CA Cancer J Clin, 2015; 65(5): 401-
  23. Weaver A, Fleming SM, Smith DB. Mouthwash and oral cancer; Carcinogen or coincidence? J Oral Surg, 1979; 37(4): 250-3
  24. Blom T, Slot DE, Quiryen M, Van der Weijden GA. The effect of mouthrinses on oral malodour; a systemic review. Int. J Dent Hyg, 2012;10(3): 209-22
  25. Baron, J. E. and $. M. Finegold, Methods for Testing Antimicrobial Effectiveness. In: Barley Scotts: Diagnostic Microbiology Mosby, C.V. (Ed.). Missouri, USA, 1990; 171
  26. World Health Guidelines on good manufacturing practices [GMP] for herbal medicines. (2007). 1-21. https:/
  27. British Pharmacopoeia. (1993). Volume 1. Published by Stationery Office Books. Great Britain.

Pooja Jadhav
Corresponding author

Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami College of Pharmacy, Kokamthan.

Pooja Jadhav*, Formulation And Evaluation of Herbal Mouthwash Wash, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2025, Vol 3, Issue 1, 2234-2245.

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